

Three hundred years ago multiple meteors broke into earth's atmosphere and landed in various places. The meteors change the world. By releasing strange substances into the earth, air, and water the planet started to change. It was not until ten years later that the first batch of superhumans was born. They had abilities that could not be explained. Superspeed. Superstrength. Magic. The superhumans showed the world that all of it was possible. They called the abilities EXO and the people who wielded such an ability, EXO users. They quickly found out that not every EXO was the same. One EXO user had one EXO ability and what that ability was could be categorized into one of three types. Offensive, Defensive or Support. The government was the first to act after five years. Every EXO user must be subjected to whole new laws and they must get their abilities under control. Specialized schools were built all across the world that were made to train them. Under the pretense of saying it was to develop their abilities, the government was actually building an army. Humans were not the only ones to change… ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 10 chapters a week Bonus: 6 chapters a week for every 150 ps http://xzavon.imgur.com - Character Pictures (Will be updated as time progresses)

FishThatsBlue · แฟนตาซี
126 Chs

BlackCrown: The First Year (III) Pt. 15

The incident that happened at the mall never reached Alyson or Rachel's ears. They were in the dark about what happened. When Nick arrived back on the scene they continued shopping as if nothing happened.

After Celia was settled with all the clothing she needed her and Nick went back home. They did not make much contact at home, but Nick did interact with Charles more often.

Charles was a good sparring partner for Nick. Nick could continue to develop his EXO ability with the help of Charles.

The days went by and before Nick knew it was already Friday night. Nick was dressed in a black and blue suit.

"Where are you going?"

Olivia questioned Nick as she never saw him dress up before.

"To a party, someone asked me to go with them."

Nick replied.

"Why don't you take Celia with you?"

"I don't believe the other party would agree to that. Next time."

Nick told his mother as he kissed her on the forehead before walking out of the door.

Throwing on his black helmet he started up his archwing. Before he took off he checked once more what Isabel's address was.

Nick sent her a quick message saying he was on his way over.

Isabel did not stay far from where Nick lived, only forty minutes away using his archwing. Nick slowed down as he pulled into the driveway of a large house. Stopping at the front gate Nick pressed the gate buzzer.

A green light lit up above the buzzer as a face appeared on the monitor below it. Showing a woman with long black hair and glasses.


She said almost timidly.

"Hi, I'm here for Isabel."

Nick replied to the woman.

"Oh ok, one moment."

The gates opened up wide making a way for Nick to go through. He drove his archwing up the overly long driveway until he parked behind a silver car. It was sleek and a four-door, from the shine it was showing it looked brand new.

Nick saw the brand symbol on the bumper of the car and shook his head. This was a really expensive car. People would usually collect these type of cars instead of driving them around.

Especially this type. Only fifty of them were released worldwide.

Nick took his helmet off and set it on his archwings seat. He walked up to the door and as soon as he arrived the door opened.

A man with a thick black beard looked down at Nick. The man was two heads taller than Nick and he had a wide build.

"Come in."

He said calmly.

"The girls are finishing their make-up. Shouldn't be too much longer."

He added as he walked into the living room area of the house.

Nick saw an antique piano in the middle of the room. There was a small wine cabinet filled to the brim as well as a fireplace. The room seemed to be built around the piano.

The bearded man took a seat. He saw Nick continued to stand and gestured with his eyes that Nick should also take a seat.

The man grabbed one of the small glass cups on the small table and poured himself some wine. He swirled the wine in the cup in a slow motion.

"Ah, where are manners. Would you like a cup?"

He asked Nick as he looked him in the eye.

"I'll have to decline."

Nick replied to him.

The bearded man nodded his head in approval. Kids should not drink wine, it was best for them to indulge themselves in apple juice or water. He only wanted to see what kind of reaction Nick would have. Afterall, Nick is attending the gathering with his precious daughter.

"I'm afraid I never got to know your name. I'm Isabel's father, Charles Bloom. You are?"

Although Charles already knew Nick's name it was still best to introduce themselves as if they have never met before. He only knew of Nick from his daughter after he drilled it out of her.

"Nick Wilson."

Taking a small sip from the glass cup, Charles raised one eyebrow.

"Nick, what are your intentions for my daughter?"

Charles questioned Nick with a serious expression on his face.

His daughter never attended these type of events before. Reason being he kept her away from it since she was so young. However, now that she is a bit older he found it was time for her to mingle with other people like her. What he did not expect was for her to bring some male to the gathering, especially not a handsome one.

Isabel was his only daughter. She was too smart to fall for any males with no future prospects. Isabel would also not get caught up in the schemes of young males either.

Therefore Charles wondered about Nick.

What made Isabel pick him?

If Charles knew the reason that the two met up while getting something to eat, he wouldn't know whether he should laugh or cry. Isabel did not really mind who she went to the gathering with and since Nick was someone she knew from school, she figured he would be ok.

Nick waved his hand at Charles question. He did not have any intention for his daughter. They were associates, nothing more. He only agreed to come with her because he was curious about this gathering and he had nothing to do tonight.

Although he did not know what kind of status Isabel's family had. Nick could get a small gist of it just from the car they had outside and the house they were living in.

"Sorry Sir, I don't have any intentions for your daughter. I believe someone else has caught her eye."

Nick hinted at something which drew Charles attention. He wanted to ask who, but two lovely figures walked into the room.

Wearing a tight off shoulder purple dress, was a woman with long black hair. Her black eyes that were behind the lens of her glasses had a shine to it. Her skin looked soft and clean. She did not look like a woman who has given birth, but a young lady who was just starting her adult life.

The top part of her skirt clung tightly to her chest, and it showed off her cleavage. With the few accessories she had on her body it gave off an unexplainable charm.

The young woman next to her looked even more beautiful. Her silver hair that was dyed purple at the tips added to her charm appeal. With the tight-fitting black backless dress she was wearing that showed off her figure, Nick had to give her an eight out of ten.

Charles sprung up from his seat and smiled widely.

"That's my two girls! You both are breathtaking, aren't they Nick?"

Charles put Nick into the conversation. If Nick said they did not look stunning then that would be an insult, he would also be lying.

Nick gave a light smile and agreed with Charles.

"Breathtaking indeed."

Charles patted Nick on the shoulder in approval.

Isabel's mother hugged Nick. He felt the softness of her chest and got a whiff of her perfume.

"Hi there Nick, it is so nice to meet you. I'm Amelia, Isabel's mother."

Amelia spoke to Nick in a soft tone.

"Mother? I honestly thought you were her older sister. You don't look like a mother to me."

Nick told her what he felt.

Amelia smiled and kissed Nick on the cheek.

Charles glared at Nick.

"Hey there brat, that's my wife go get your own."

Amelia giggled and hooked her arms around Charles.

"He is only a child dear. Now come, we should hurry before the others get there and I won't have time to show off my brand new heels. Gosh, won't Melania be jealous!"

Charles kissed Amelia and the two of them walked towards the door.

Nick laughed lightly at the scene of those two.

"You have some interesting parents."

Nick commented.

"You really think so?"

Isabel followed behind her parents.

"We should get going before my father comes back. He'll probably think you kidnapped me or something if we don't show up in front of him."

Isabel told Nick.


Inside of the silver car, Nick and Isabel were sitting in the backseat. Nick asked her about the gathering they were going to attend.

"I never got to ask you what kind of gathering this is."

Isabel looked over at Nick and thought it over. He never did ask and she never told him.

"It is just something the upper-class families do to show off their wealth, status and children. Besides the adults arguing over which family is better, nothing really goes on. It does give the children time to mingle and expand their contacts. On the surface, it is a gathering for upper-class families, but it is really a place where people exchange information through their children. It is honestly boring, hopefully, we won't be here for long."

Isabel explained to Nick.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your father's job?"

Nick asked her.

"He is the district director."

Isabel replied as if it was not that big of a position.

She did not pry into Nicks life. Although she was a bit interested, it was not so much that she wanted to ask.

The car started to slow down once it reached the entrance to a wide building. Various plants were placed at the entrance with a long red carpet. Through the windows, you could see people inside the building mingling and drinking.

As much as the adults were talking to everyone, the children inside were not. Nick could easily see they had their own set of factions based on how they were formed.

As Charles gave the keys to the valet, Nick and Isabel both got out of the car.

Amelia pouted her lips, as the people outside were not focused on her.

Every year there would be at least six couples running over to her, today there were none. She wondered what was going on.


The screams of many women were heard as they held their phones up high. Snapping pictures at a sleek black car pulling up.

"Who the hell is that?"

Amelia asked. She now knew where all the attention went and she did not like it.

The back door opened up and a man with black hair got out, wearing a black and red suit.

Charles clicked his tongue at the sight of that man.

"Klyde… why is he here?"

Charles asked under his breath, but Nick heard him.

The women taking pictures of Klyde did not seem like wealthy well-mannered ladies, more like a group of fans seeing their favorite idol.

Klyde grabbed a hand from the backseat of the car and helped a woman get up.

When her face appeared, Nick felt his eye twitch.

Here is chapter 15, although some may have already read this.

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