

Three hundred years ago multiple meteors broke into earth's atmosphere and landed in various places. The meteors change the world. By releasing strange substances into the earth, air, and water the planet started to change. It was not until ten years later that the first batch of superhumans was born. They had abilities that could not be explained. Superspeed. Superstrength. Magic. The superhumans showed the world that all of it was possible. They called the abilities EXO and the people who wielded such an ability, EXO users. They quickly found out that not every EXO was the same. One EXO user had one EXO ability and what that ability was could be categorized into one of three types. Offensive, Defensive or Support. The government was the first to act after five years. Every EXO user must be subjected to whole new laws and they must get their abilities under control. Specialized schools were built all across the world that were made to train them. Under the pretense of saying it was to develop their abilities, the government was actually building an army. Humans were not the only ones to change… ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 10 chapters a week Bonus: 6 chapters a week for every 150 ps http://xzavon.imgur.com - Character Pictures (Will be updated as time progresses)

FishThatsBlue · แฟนตาซี
126 Chs

BlackCrown: The First Year (I) Pt. 1

In the world, there are two kinds of humans.

One is the kind you see in your everyday life, those who work at the office, in stores, etc.

The other kind is the one you do not see, but you know they are there. They are trained, and they protect the country from all invaders.

Sure, you can call them superheroes if you must, but they are not that. They are like you and me, expect in their world ordinary is anything but.

People call them EXO users.

People think being an EXO user means you would be treated like a king no matter where you go. What they don't know is that even EXO users are classified into ranks. Based on your rank depends on how you are treated in the world.

Sure it may be possible to increase your rank based on achievements, but that can only get you so far. What you were born with you cannot change. Thus no matter how hard you try, you can only go so far with your EXO.

EXO's can be classified into three different types. Offensive. Defensive. Support. Each has their own perks and limitations, but supports have it the hardest as they don't specialize in either offense or defense. Yet they are the most versatile.

What is an EXO? An EXO is a unique trait or ability that a person awakens somewhere between the ages five and thirteen. The earlier you awaken an EXO, the higher the talent you have.

Countless kids want to have one because having one is a symbol of status. Even if it is a weak one, you are still better than ordinary humans.

Today like every other year marks the start of the school year. The beginning of a new story is just about to begin.

EXO users go to a specialized school to hone their abilities, but even their schools have rankings. A person does not pick their school; they are instead chosen to attend one. The only ones who may pick their school are those with S ranked EXO's.

How does one determine an EXO rank? When you reach the age of fourteen, you may take an exam. This exam happens once every year at the end of the year. The testee will stand in front of twelve examiners who will ask them to display their EXO ability.

After showcasing their ability, they are asked to place their hands on the essence reader. The essence reader will decide the growth rate of the essence within their body.

Based on the growth rate given and the ability shown it is then used to decide the starting rank of the EXO and the possible rank.

An invitation is given to the test taker to join one of the schools used to train EXO users.

Hi, i'm the Author BlueFish, but that name was already taken so I used this. You may have seen this story somewhere else, but no worries!

If you are new to the story, hop on the train for a nice ride. Enjoy, or not...

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