

In the aftermath of war, the struggle for survival begins. From the ruins, a warrior will rise.

Jujumaster · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


Milner took a breath with his eyes closed; he was in the process of tapping into the power of Riot Blade. He opened his eyes. His eye balls burned in blue flames. His knightly armor also burned in blue flames. He pointed Riot Blade at the wall with wicked intent. Milner dashed towards the wall with superman speed. Riot Blade's power had heightened his ability.

"Hya!" – yelled Milner as he smashed Riot Blade on the wall. It resulted in a violent blue explosion which took down a huge chunk of the wall.

The part of the wall that was taken down was covered with thick black smoke. Milner walked out of the smoke and came to a stop. He stared at the cities which stood kilometers ahead of him. He pointed Riot Blade at the Capital city.

"Capital city, here I come." – said Milner.

Hon.Swanwick was still spying on Milner with his spy drone and monitor.

"He has learned how to control the sword. That is bad news. I have to get out of here before he comes for me." – said Hon.Swanwick to himself.

Hon.Swanwick dialed a number on his monitor. The receiver picked the call.

"Gen.Swanwick, sir!" – greeted the receiver in military codes.

"Ready my ship. I'm leaving this planet." – said Hon.Swanwick

"As you wish general." – said the receiver.

On a street in the capital city, it was business as usual. Although it was the future, a lot of people still preferred to walk on the street to different places of their choice. Cars in these times still had resemblance to those of the 21st Century but it was of choice if a car should have wheels or if should be a flying car. Flying cars still had a specified track on the air. On that same street, some people noticed that there was something in the sky. This unknown thing was falling towards them. These people scampered away from the supposed landing path of the falling object. The falling object was Milner. He landed on the ground but his impact formed a pot hole on the ground.

The people starred at Milner.

"Where is the supreme government building?" – asked Milner.

The people pointed at the supreme government building. It was in a straight distance from where he stood.

Milner leaped into the air, gliding through the air to the supreme government building.

The Supreme government building compound stretched for acres. The government building stood in the middle of the acres of land. A tarred road led from the gate to the building. On both sides of the road were beds of carpet grass. Milner landed in the supreme government building's compound. Before Milner could move, security officials popped out of nowhere. Milner suspected they hid on the bed of carpet grass with the aid of some kind of camouflage tech. Milner had tucked his sword into a scabbard he carried on his back. Milner drew out Riot Blade. The security officials recognized the sword. The security officials dropped their combat stance.

"Mr.Black_Riot, please forgive us. We didn't know it was you. Your new look confused us." – said one of the security officials.

The build of Milner's was similar to that of Black_Rio76 but it was of a different colour. Milner's was blue while Black_Riot76's was purple. Milner knew they thought he was Black_Riot76. Luckily, he was putting on his armor's helmet so they couldn't see his face. Also, Milner and Black_Riot76 were of the same build, it helped in hiding his identity.

"I came to see the ministers." – said Milner.

"They didn't tell us they had a meeting with you" – replied the security official.

"I came without informing them." – said Milner.

"Ok. You are free to go Mr.Black_Riot" – said the security Official.

Milner waited in the ministers' meeting for eight minutes before the eleven ministers joined him.

"Wow. Black_Riot…76, it's Black_Riot76 right?" – asked Clayton. Clayton was 65 years old. He had a slim build. He was one of the ministers.

"Yeah" – replied Milner.

Milner realized that he didn't ask Black_Riot76 of Black_Riot76's name. Milner hoped that their won't be any further Identity confirmation.

The ministers settled into their seats.

"What brings you here, Black_Riot?" – asked Clayton.

"I know of your evil. You endangered and caused the death of millions of Ohz citizens so as to partake in the autocratic regime of the Unds." – said Milner.

The ministers exchange looks with themselves. Some of the ministers moved nervously on their seats.

"I want you to vacate your seats and confess the evil you committed to the people of our country." – added Milner.

"I will comply. Please don't kill me" – said Evelyn. Evelyn was a short lady. She was one of the eleven ministers. She was fond of wearing big circle shaped glasses.

The other ministers cursed at Evelyn's statement.

"Coward." – said Clayton to Evelyn.

Clayton quickly drew out his plasma hand gun and shot Milner on the abdomen thrice. The bullets passed through Milner's armor like a hot knife through butter. Milner coughed out blood.

"I have been waiting for this day." – said Clayton.

Milner rolled on the floor in pain. He tried to get a hold of Riot Blade but the pain disorganized his coordination.

Clayton and nine ministers with the exception of Evelyn stood over Milner, each of them pointing their Plasma hand guns at Milner.

"I have always wondered what was so special about you, Black_Riot but today, I have seen that there is nothing special about you. The only thing you did special was the change of armor. You killed the people of Ohz but yet, you came here wanting to put the whole blame on us. Yes we know we are also part to blame but you are also to be blamed." – said Clayton.

"My hands are clean." – said Milner.

Clayton laughed while repeatedly saying I know.

"I promised myself that if I was to kill you, I was going to put a bullet through your head." – said Clayton.

Clayton pulled off Milner's helmet. Clayton and the other supreme government ministers knew Black_Riot76 by face. Now, they knew that Milner wasn't Black_Riot76.

"Mmmn! A knew warrior with the blade, aye?" – said Clayton.

"Nevertheless, I will still put a bullet through your head." – added Clayton.

Clayton attempted to shoot but a burning blue flame emanated from Milner which made Clayton get some distance from Milner to avoid getting burnt. The other ministers with Clayton were blinded by the flames' lights. Clayton and his ally ministers instinctively shot at Milner. Milner used Riot Blade to block the shots. Milner had summoned the power of Riot Blade and it healed him.

Milner moved so fast and incapacitated the ministers fighting him by slicing off their fingers.

In Milner's mind, he had given Evelyn a second chance because she asked for it but the other ministers he hadn't given them that favor.

"I will give you all a second chance only if you agree to repent and do as I want" – said Milner to the unrepentant Ministers.

Clayton and the other unrepentant ministers vowed that they would never repent.

"The Unds forces may have been eradicated but the Unds founders are still out there. They will not rest until they have achieved their wants." – revealed Clayton.

"Everything we have done in this room, I recorded with a spy video camera. The truth will be revealed to the public, nevertheless." – said Milner.

Milner slew the unrepentant Ministers with Riot Blade.

"Mission accomplished." – said Milner.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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