
I will be updating once a month or week or more depending on the influx of ideas normal writers have it hard and with me having epilepsy it'll be harder cause I'll have to write it out no matter how disorganized or I'll forget it i have already corrected some mistakes and will be going back to fix more please leave some criticisms i need to know where i went wrong I don't have a discord or editor yet and for those who have my story i thank you for reading and hope you stick til the end. I'm thinking for each volume to do 10,20,or 30 chapters i only thought about the start part of the middle and the ending. I already know that the extended will come i just need to create the opportunity do you think the extended family should come at the end of volume 1 or the start of volume 2.

What would you like to see in here so i can blend it into the story there will be occasional fight scenes i still need to name Eric's baby I'm thinking a little boy if you have any names you'd like to see in here please feel free to put them in the comments it can even be a name of someone you dislike in the next chapter I'm thinking about doing a kiddie tournament what it'll be i have no idea yet any suggestions I'm open to anything.

When this is over I'm thinking about doing another fan fic. However before that I'll publish a original which I'm in progress of writing unlike this I'm actually making sure little mistakes are in it before i consider posting i guess you could call this a test story so i know what to do next time

will be going back to rewrite and improve on some ideas when I have a notebook or computer
