
Billionaires Breakable Bond

Hayes Tates; a fashionista who was extremely wealthy yet rude and arrogant finds his life becoming a total chaos after he signed some legal marriage paper unknowingly and he was tied to Carmel Anderson; an artist with a generous heart yet she couldn't find a place in her heart to like Hayes one bit. What happens when trouble comes knocking on their door and one person's life is at risk?

Qamardeen_Aweda · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


Mia wiped the sweat off her forehead as she moped the last part of the office when out of the blue the door flew open and Hayes walked in with his shoes dirty as hell but he didn't care like always he just walked upstairs and Mia just cursed under her breath.

Mia was determined to make his life miserable but what on earth could she do to get out of his hold. The original copies of the paper she had signed her with him so she couldn't really see a way out of the mess she had put herself in.

Her mother had warned her about Hayes' cruelty but she refused to listen. All she wanted was a steady job and now she was a cleaner and he was not in any way going easy on her.

Hayes picked a sample of the fabric he was sewing and walked back outside and then he heard Mia hiss which made him stop dead in his tracks to look at her and he could clearly see the fear in her eyes the moment he turned.

"What did you do?" His deep muscular voice said which made her shiver in fear.

"Nothing sir, I'm sorry."

"Then why are you sorry?"

"I..." She trailed off not knowing what to say anymore.

"You know what? This job doesn't really suit you well, how about you do this? Amaze me tomorrow."

"I don't understand."

"You are my model not just an assistant Mia, so make me look at you twice I'm not a fan of much make-up so just a little will suit your face and pick anything to wear from the company if I'm amazed you'll get to be my assistant again if not then you belong as the janitor for three years."

"I don't have the keys to the company's closet." he threw the keys towards her and he left.

Mia didn't know if she was excited to leave the job of a janitor or shocked by the fact that he actually gave her a second chance after the bunch of mistakes she had made in the past years of working with him.

She quickly cleaned the surroundings and ran towards the company's closet. She really didn't know why he had a closet for everything a girl would ever want but he doesn't sell them and neither does he have a female in his household except the maids which he will definitely not give a makeover.

Mia was a fan of dressing herself up before she started working at the company but after she worked.at the company Hayes had forced her to dress a certain way for he hates it when women don't dress like they are meant to.

Hayes walked into the club with loud music booming from here to there and he sat down by the bar and ordered a glass of vodka which he knew he will definitely not get drunk on and began to inspect the area for a girl that will suit his standards.

He had a taste in women and he doesn't matter how hungry he was for sex at anytime.if.the day he wouldn't just sleep with any girl unless he was sure that she had what he really wanted.

"Why hell..."

"Not interested!" He said in a cold voice while taking his shot and the lady frowned immediately but she left.

He caught someone walking down the stairs.

Her hip swung from side to side as she walked down slowly, her hands were in the stair holder and to say she was beautiful was quite an understatement. She had not a single make up on her yet looked so glorious wearing a mini skirt and a crop top, she was a stripper without a doubt but something about her fascinates him and her body was something that his company needed and what could satisfy his hunger right now.

He had his eyes fixed on her just like she had hers fixed on him. He knew something was definitely gonna be up after he finishes what he wanted to do tonight and he had to warn her about his rules before everything began.

"Why aren't you a handsome young man?" She grabbed his tie and he was totally intrigued by what she was slowly doing to him but he wasn't willing to fall under the spell of a woman at any cost.

"You are a bit tempting but how about I show you how it's really done here"

"I like you." she giggled as they walked towards the VIP room.

"Just one rule, don't get your heart into this or it will be crushed in pieces that you can't repair even if you try."

"Then be my guest." he shut the door to the room.


Carmel walked out of the bathroom feeling a lot better than two days ago and her head turned out to be the only thing that was harmed and Connor was being extra careful about anything he did around her and which made her see him quite differently.

Though their parents came every evening and left early in the morning, she totally understood why it was like that and she was glad Connor wasn't leaving her side and even if he did it was just to get some food.

"Hey! I got great news!" Connor cheered and she looked at him weirdly.

"What's making you all jolly?" She laughed a little as he took her hand and twirled her twice.

"Well I got your discharge papers signed and you are free to go home now."

"Well that is amazing at least I get to get rid of you once and for all, your presence disturbs me." Connor gasped dramatically

"I stayed here for three good days and this is how you repay me?"

"You are so dramatic."

"And you love me."

"I'm beginning to doubt that."

"Yeah right, come on let's go." They both walked out of the hospital room holding each other's hands while Connor held her stuff in his other hand.

Carmel had no idea what had suddenly changed the heart of her family members but she sort of glad that she got into this accident. If not, none of this would have ever really happened but a question was stuck in her mind.

Who exactly was the head of 'HT FASHIONISTA' even if she worked for him she never really knew who he was. His assistant was always the one to pick up art pieces from the company and even the one she was meant to deliver she didn't know if she was meeting him or not.

Carmel loved 'HT FASHIONISTA' so much that she purchased almost every piece of clothes she had from them. She always saw something unique about it but never did she decide to actually find who the owner really was and she still didn't care but the gift basket that was sent made her want to thank him in person.

When they got home their mother was surprisedly at home but she was there to pick somethings up but Carmel didn't mind for Connor already agreed to stay with her till she fully recovers but what if everything turns out to be boring, I mean no one but herself and Connor will be at home doing nothing and Connor will eventually get tired of working while she just wasn't in a situation to work for now.

"Connor what will we do at home?" She asked as they walked into the car.

"Trust me I have no freaking idea what is gonna happen but it's not gonna be bored, you can even paint something if you want"

"You'll let me do that?"

"Carmel I'm not gonna restrict you from doing everything in your life because you got into an accident."

"I thought brothers are meant to be protective."

"Who taught you all these things you are saying? I'm gonna be there but I won't restrict you from doing everything.

"So what will you restrict me from?"

"Working, helping the maid, going to your company and writing because you'll just stress yourself out and that is something you definitely don't need right now."

"Thank you but I have one request."

"I'm all ears."

"Can you suggest something for me to paint?"

"Ok I think I'm gonna stop you from doing that too because you won't let me live in peace now. how about we just do photography?"

"Who am I making my model? Because I know you will definitely not do that."

"Yes I wouldn't and you really don't need a model just to capture anything you see."

"I see?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna take you around and you can just get engaged in some street photography and the moment I sense.ahy tiredness from you then I'm taking you back home."

"Can we have ice cream?"

"No, Ice cream is way too cold for you but you can have any smoothie you want"

"But we have a problem."

"What is it?"

"My camera is in my office."

"We will get it."


"I'm sorry for not spending enough time with you like I'm meant to."

"Don't be, you made me happy the past few days and I think I saw how caring my brother really is." she teased.

"Don't tease me." he warned but she kept laughing.