

Melissa's pov

Don't you know that Bobby is the only son of Mr. Parker, who is the CEO...

"What? You mean, Bobb.....

I gasped, completely sidetracked by her statement. That's when reality hit me. He is the one that was spotted having a date with someone. I can feel the movement as the frisson of an emotion I can't explain sweep through me, calling the numbness I experienced earlier, out. Why am I being like this all of a sudden? I said I don't want anything to do with him, but I am feeling unhappy and jealousy, no Melissa get yourself together, you are not jealous of anybody.I trudged towards the bed and found a place to sit, completely ignoring Melanie that was studying my every movement. 

Why am I feeling like I have something for him? No, the only thing I have for him is hatred, no strings attached, I whispered, silently. But why am I craving to see him? My heartbeat increased whenever I heard his name. Why am I being like this all of a sudden instead of going to see my father. " Melissa, you need to dislodge this out of your head, you can't have anything for him" the eerie sound called, I guessed my subconscious is taking over my conscious mind. 

" Melissa, ..." Melanie called, I glanced at her without saying a word, her lips were moving, still I found it difficult to get what she was saying, her voice trailed away quickly.Hope am not turning to a Masochistic? Cause that's the word that is fit for what is happening to me right now, someone who never does anything good for me, not even for once, but derives pleasure in abusing me. And as for me, instead of hating him, running away from his grip and promise not to have anything to do with him, I keep hoping something good from him, and because of this, I started developing some kind of stupid feelings I can't explain, but is glaring that i don't hate him, no matter how much I tried, I find it difficult to hate him. The pain, the scar that I have promised not to think about, has started creeping out of me again.

"Melissa, don't tell me you are hearing voices again!" Melanie's voice stopped my little reverie, I abruptly stood up, my eyes moving frantically around as if I just saw some scary things. Eventually, my eyes landed on Melanie, who was looking at me suspiciously. 

" I'm sorry about that, Mela," I pleaded, tonelessly. She glared at me for what seemed like a long time, her eyes scrutinising my face, not even looking at another thing for once. I can feel the numbness melting out of my body, I think the real me is coming back, I can't say I have a clear idea of what is happening to me lately, talking in the first minutes and lost in thought the second minutes, like i was being compelled by some kind of force I have no idea about.

"Melissa, you don't look like you are fine, you can just tell me the truth "

"Trust me, I'm fine now"

"But you were not fine before?" She smirked.

" Let just forget it, everything will heal with time,"

"But you were not like this about five minutes ago, hope is not..." She stopped for a few seconds, " Don't tell this is because Bobby, is it?"  I shrugged,  " What are you talking about, how did Bobby come into the picture now?" I asked, rolling my eyes at her at the same time. I just want her to put a halt to the topic, deep down, I'm sure she knew why I behaved like I did.

"You don't have to pretend, your expression says otherwise" 

"What are you getting at?" I frowned.

" You can't keep denying that you don't have anything for him, the jealousy is clearly shown in your eyes' ' she winked at me, my pale eyebrow pulled together in embarrassment, i can't just accept this, is not possible.

" Let's just stop this, this is not the perfect time to be having this kind of conversation" I managed to say, avoiding her gaze at the same time. She stayed on the spot she was standing on without saying a word, eventually, she picked the Lunch box she dropped earlier and turned to face me.

"Hope we can leave now?" Her voice showed no emotion, I only nodded and she strode to the door, pushing it open and I didn't hesitate before I ran after her.


As we reached the maid's compound, I sighted the head maid, and I ran to meet her immediately. I thanked her about yesterday and asked about my sister, Mary, at the same time. She assured me that she is fine, and told me she personally took her to the bus station where the school bus came to pick her up. After talking for a few minutes,I told her I needed to go to the hospital now, she waved at me and promised to check my dad in the evening.

I walked past the gate, my frantic eyes moving around in search of Melanie, "why can't she wait for me?" I complained, asking no one in particular.

"Melissa, we are here " the familiar voice called. I tried to remember who it was , but it is not easy to think straight in my present situation. I looked up, only to see Draven, standing beside his car. Melanie was resting her back on the car, her phone placed on her ear, I guessed she was on call.


Some of the maids passing by kept on looking at Draven, drooling over him. I lurched towards them. Draven doesn't look away from me, I managed to ignore his intense stare, but I find it hard to do that, he is making me feel uncomfortable. Is he still angry because I left the hospital with Bobby?  I started thinking about how I must have wronged him, to deserve the long stare from him. I reached where they were standing, Melanie was no longer on the phone , she  gambol to where I was standing with my eyes fixed on Draven face.

" Melissa, guessed who just called?" 

