

Bobby's pov

She is leaving, how can this happen when I am here?" I sat down on the cold tiled floor, motionless, only staring at the myriad of stars with their dim lights, up in the infinity sky. I feel so weak, I know this is not me. There is no doubt that what I have for her is above a mere obsession, Melanie of course, knew everything now, I don't think there is a need to kept on denying something that is this obvious.

"I will try my best to be good to her, at least for the remaining time of staying in this place" I answered, barely above a whisper, I doubt if Melanie heard me clearly. My eyes still engrossed on the gleaming tile, staring in nothing in particular, blank mind.

" Are you also leaving soon?" She demanded, curiously.

"Yes" I replied almost immediately, for some seconds I didn't realise what I just said, but gasped as the fact hit me. Why did I make such a mistake? Why telling Melanie this" I ogled. She cleared her throat, waking me up from my reverie. I raised my head, and gawked at her face in surprise. Her perfect round shape was shining under the bright lights that were illuminating the car garage. For the first time, I examined her face for a few seconds.

"Are you okay?" She muttered, I quickly look down, before she could even say another thing, stood up  abruptly.

"I'm fi....ne" I stuttered, glancing at the car besides her. I somehow feel embarrassed for having this casual conversation with a maid. It feel so unreal. .. I took a step, now close to her, giving her one of my most tempting smile. The worst thing that could happen to me is get telling Melissa about everything we talked about. But the smile doesn't last long as my mind drifted back to the immobile body of Mr Park that was laying down, helplessly on the hospital bed.

"Are you thinking that I am going to tell her everything?"

"Not really"

"But still, I would like if this remains between us, telling her about what I feel won't be a good decision for the two of us, moreover, she might not feel the same anyway " I concluded.

"I understand, but she really ca......

" I think we need to leave now, Draven would have been tired of waiting in the front of the wheel" I interrupted before she could even complete her statement, I glanced back at my wrist watch. She sighed, without saying anything, she turned and started to walk away, I quickly followed her behind. I can see the yellow Benz parked close to the hospital entryway.

"Did he know?" I asked out of nowhere, we were about to reach the yellow car. She came to a sudden halt, and glanced back at me, it seems she understood what I was getting at with my question, straight away.

"I'm not sure, I doubt if he doesn't know already" she retorted, with this, she walked to the car. I also moved slowly behind her, more like I trudged.  Why am I like this? I don't have to be feeling this way just because I don't like my cousin, but is he really that I dislike him because of Melissa, or I can't just don't know what to call it?

"What took you so long, is that Dick gone already?" I heard Draven voice coming from the car, as the tinted glass wind down. I guess i'm the Dick he was referring to, I smirked. The door opened slowly ,revealing only is leg, then his entire body. He flinched a little as he saw me, stared at me blankly.... Making me to chuckled silently.

" I thought you left dude, so, what are you still doing here?" He muttered, nonchalantly. 

"Melanie, are you going with me or not?" He faced Melanie, completely ignoring me like I never exist. I glanced at Melanie, waiting for her answer. I don't want her to follow me, I only want Melissa by my side, but also want her to say my name. I don't like losing to this bastard.

I'm about to say something, but stopped when the second door of the car slowly opened, revealing no other person than the person who had been dying to see, Melissa. She looked worn out, her eyes landed on me, she looked confused. Melanie quickly ran to her, he wrapped her hand around her waist for support.

"You are up, just stay still, we're leaving" she gave her an assuring smile.


"I'm fine now" her gloomy voice replied, my leg like it was being nailed to the cold tile, I felt the huge to walk to her and console her, but I dare not.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Draven cut my thoughts off, I raised my voice to look at him, now standing beside Melissa.

"Yes" she raised her head to look at me, I was standing opposite to them. 

I cleared my throat, regaining my posture. 

"Are okay now, I heard about what happened, very sorry about that" I said the few words I can think of, I bite my tongue in the process. She blinked, her eyebrows creasing in disbelief, she didn't see it coming.

"I think we should leave now" Draven muttered, gesturing to Melanie to help Melissa back into the car. For some reason, I felt jealous.

"If you don't mind, I can take her back to the mansion" I mumbled before I could even stop myself, Draven shot me an irritating look.

"She doesn't come with you, so she is.....

" It's fine, let me go with him" her tiny voice cut him off

