
Bibi Dong's Disciple: My Martial Soul Is My Heart!

What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) in Martial Soul City!

That_One_Alive_Ali · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
45 Chs

CH 15: Unexpected gift

"He has started absorbing the soul ring." Qian Renxue hummed before sighing helplessly :"Finally, it will be finished. I honestly feel like a few years of my life have been taken away because of the shocks."

"Hahaha, don't be so dramatic, Xiao Xue." Her mother shook her head in amusement :"Sure, today was really shocking. But all of those surprises were good and welcome ones."

"Sigh, too bad we can't have any of those surprises." Hu Liena pouted adorably, looking at her junior brother who was absorbing his soul ring :"... Wait a sec... Xiao Li said that the age of his soul rings increases with each level, and that the age of all of his soul rings combine... What was the age of each individual soul ring again...?"

"Huh? If I remember right, his three soul rings should be 2,800 ye-..." Bibi Dong started, and her eyes immediately went wide open before she rubbed her temples with a headache :"Sigh... I feel like what Xiao Xue said is true for me too..."

She sighed and everybody else went wide when Omnitrix appeared once again. All of them nervously waited to see if what they all thought would happen or not.

As the green light made its appearance, it once again combined with the soul ring and began to increase its age. With each passing second, the color of the purple soul ring began to get deeper and darker.

When it was at an impossibly dark color, with even some black mixed into it, the titled douluos could all feel that the purple millennium soul ring was only a single step away from becoming a black decade millennium soul ring!

But just as it reached that step, it suddenly stopped advancing all together.

"... Phew! Yeah, I don't think that could happen!" Yue Guan sighed in relief as Qian Renxue nodded in agreement :"Yeah! How can a soul master who hasn't even reached level 20 have decade millennium soul rin-"

But just as she was about to finish her sentence, a wave of soul power suddenly escaped from Ah Li, shaking his body slightly and making him frown a bit before all of his martial souls and soul rings were released!

His three purple soul rings appeared, and they all gently danced around their own martial souls. Around his chest, axe and alien watch. But what was shocking, was that three extra green lights came out of the Omnitrix and combined with the other soul rings!

The eyes of everyone went wide as the soul rings shook violently in place, and all of them suddenly exploded! The tiny purple shards floated in the sky, before every single one of them turned black and started joining one another!

After only a few seconds, all of the tiny pieces of soul rings had come together, and created four decade millennium soul rings! The moment the soul rings returned to their original places and swirled around their own orbits, a terrifying wave of soul power was released that shook the giant tree and caused the soul beasts around to run away as far as they could!

Bibi Dong :"..."

Qian Renxue :"..."

Hu Liena :"..."

Yue Guan :"..."

Gui Mei :"..."


Minutes passed, and so did the hours. The night slowly turned to day, and the chirping of the crickets turned to the chirping of the birds. Once he completely absorbed his soul ring, his eyes fluttered open tiredly.

But the moment he woke up, he tightened his lips as he whipped his head to look to his sides. Once he saw that no one was there to give him a heart attack, he snorted before yawning :"Yaaaaawwnnnn... Mgghh... Sigh, it's finally finished."

<I can't be the only one who yawned as well, right?>

Once he looked down at his black soul ring, he smirked smugly :'Well aren't you pretty?' Turning to look for his master, sisters and the two titled douluos, he saw them sitting some distance away. Bibi Dong just sitting leisurely while Qian Renxue and Hu Liena were sleeping with their heads on her heavenly thighs. The view was simply gorgeous!

Yue Guan and Gui Mei were sitting some distance away from them, playing chess to pass the time. With the femboy glaring at his old friend because he just took out one of his pieces.

Sensing that he had woken up, Bibi Dong turned to look at him with a small smile :"You've woken up. How do you feel?" Rising to his feet, he stretched with a lazy smile :"Tired, but good. Yaaaaawwnnnn... I really need a nap."

"Of course you do. You haven't slept a wink since you woke up." His master nodded calmly as he walked towards her :"You got your martial souls awakened, then we came here to get your soul rings. You haven't slept or rested once till yesterday."

"Mhm, you have a point." He nodded tiredly, slumping down near her as she gently shook the two girls :"Xiao Xue, Nana, wake up. It's time to go back."

"Mgghh..." With a groan, both girls woke up :"Mom...?" Qian Renxue asked sleepily, rubbing her eyes as she looked up. But was unable to see her mother's face because of her... Ahem ahem... Assets.

Assets that Ah Li would kill for.

"Mgghh? Is it morning already?" Hu Liena sighed sleepily, chuckling a bit when her head hit Qian Renxue's :"Hahaha, I had a really weird dream last night. Xiao Li had actually awakened four martial souls! Hahaha, such a weird dream."

"Seriously? I dreamt the same thing, Nana." The older blond chuckled sleepily :"Not just that, but three of his martial souls were equal to my Seraphim. He also had four decade millennium soul rings and had already advanced 8 levels in a single day. Heh, what an interesting and unrealistic dream."

"Hahaha, I know, right?" Hu Liena chuckled, comfortable on her master's thigh :"How can that even be possible? Level 18 at 6 years old with decade millennium soul rings. People would label me crazy if I said that."

"Hahaha, right? That doesn't make any sense..." The busty blond chuckled at the younger girl, before silence kicked in. With a defeated and helpless face, she sighed :"None of that was a dream, was it...?"

"Me being an absolute badass? Nope." The smug filled voice of the young boy came, causing their faces to twitch with annoyance. While still laying down on Bibi Dong's thighs, they both turned and glared at the smug boy :"Screw you."

"Heh, yeah, yeah. Aww, what? Jealous much?" He cooed in fake pity as he pursed his lips, before smirking and folding his arms :"Well, guess what? You can be even more jealous because I've already become a level 20 soul grandmaster!"

"Fuck..." Both of them cursed, but suddenly hissed in pain when Bibi Dong grabbed and twisted their ears with an angry tone :"Don't curse in front of Xiao Li. He's just a kid."

"Fuck? Master, what's that?" The red eyed boy "innocently" asked, tilting his head in confusion and blinking his big, watery eyes :"Is it tasty?" Causing Bibi Dong's face to twitch before she smiled lightly at Ah Li, trying to change the subject :"You'll know when you grow up, Xiao Li. Just forget it for now. *Whispering through gritted teeth* See what you did?"

"Ow ow ow! Okay, sorry!" Qian Renxue hissed through her teeth, getting up and getting away from her mother's fingers. As she rubbed her stinging ear, Hu Liena got away too before looking at her master :"Sigh, so what now? Are we going to hunt for the second soul rings of Xiao Li's martial souls?"

"Of course! What else are we supposed to d-" Ah Li spoke excitedly, immediately rising to his feet before a sharp feeling of dizziness hit him, causing him to stagger and fall on his ass :"Hiss... Damn... What the hell???"

"No, we're not going to, and that's the exact reason." Bibi Dong started, getting up and walking towards her before gently stroking his throbbing head <ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ> :"Because of absorbing too many soul rings in so little time, you soul itself has gotten tired.

You have grown too strong in too little time. Your body and soul need time to get used to this massive boost in strength. It's already too much. If you absorb even one more soul ring, the damage that you'll get might become permanent. And I will not allow that. So we'll go back now, and will hunt your 2nd soul rings on another date when you've completely absorbed and gotten used to your current strength."

"But-" He said, but she interrupted him with a serious face and a small glare :"No buts. We'll rest a bit for now till you get better, then we'll go back. No questions asked. Understood?"

"Sigh, fiiine. Understood." He groaned out with a sigh, deciding to just agree and enjoy the headpats instead of getting his ass whooped. But just as he was enjoying her hand, a sudden feeling of pain radiated from his lower back, enveloping his entire body!

"Ugh?!?" He gritted his teeth in pain, his hand going behind him and grabbing his waist, digging his nails into his skin from the excruciating pain he suddenly started feeling :"Ugh!!"

"Xiao Li?! What's wrong?!" Bibi Dong asked, quickly putting her hand on his shoulder to feel his body with her soul power. But the moment she did, her eyes went wide open in shock.

"Mom/Master, what's wrong?!" The girls came over, the sleepiness yeeted away by the shock. "Get back!" However, just when they came over, Bibi Dong grabbed them, disappeared and reappeared a few meters away while holding the girls.

They were all confused by her reaction, but they were startled beyond comprehension when Ah Li got on all four, letting out a pained scream as soul power radiated from his lower back before something appeared!

To be specific, three things!

Looking at the blood red scorpion tails with black lines, both girls were startled as hell! Ah Li on the other hand, was biting his bottom lip so hard at the agonizing feeling that he easily broke skin.

"Huff... Huff..." He panted once the painful feeling was gone, but the stinging sensation and the tiredness still left him weak and panting desperately.

"M-master...?! W-what the h-heck happened to Xiao Li?!" Hu Liena asked while panicking, looking at her junior who literally just grew three enormous scorpion tails :"W-why did he suddenly grow tails?! I-is it because of t-that Illusionary Three Tailed Scorpion?! He i-isn't going to turn into a monster, r-right?!"

"Soul bone..." Gui Mei whispered out with wide eyes and a wider mouth, his best friend not having much of a different reaction :"I-it's actually an e-external soul bone..."

"It's a what?!" Hu Liena's mouth went wide open, her head whipping to look at her kneeling and panting junior brother :"A-an external soul bone?!" Ignoring her, Bibi Dong let go of her daughter and older disciple before quickly walking to her younger disciple's side :"Xiao Li, how are you feeling? Are you alright?"

<Ah yes, the oldest child who is only recognized when there is something to do but will still get shat on, the middle child who'll just be ignored, and the youngest disciple who's the treasure and gem of the family>

When he felt the tails unconsciously attack Bibi Dong without his control, his eyes immediately went wide as he turned to warn his beloved teacher! But she just lightly waved her hand before her soul power imprisoned the tails and kept them in place :"Xiao Li, answer me. Are you alright?" Guess he had forgotten she was a super douluo.

"Y-yeah... Huff... Aside from being... Huff... In pain, I... Huff... Don't think I received any damage..." He answered between pants, nodding his head before hissing at the aching sensation :"It seriously freaking hurts though..."

"Believe me, Xiao Li, it's worth it." She nodded with a smirk as she looked at the twitching and shaking tails :"Congratulations, you <played yourself> got your first soul bone. And luckily for you, it's actually the rarest soul bone, an external soul bone!"


(1st: Trinity Scorpion Tails)


1) Amplification: 100% increase in all attributes.


2) Poison: carries the Devil Poison Scorpion's venom. Can also shoot acid or the poison itself from the tails.


3) The Queen: scorpions smaller than ants live inside of the Trinity Scorpion Tails with numbers according to the age of the soul bone, with each having the age of the soul bone which is the same as Ah Li's soul rings. They see him as their mother and completely obey them. They can also control their sizes to grow bigger or shrink. Number of scorpions:

- (Years = x5ⁿ)

100 years) x5¹: x5

1,000 years) x5²: x25

10,000 years) x5³: x125
