
Beyond Responsibility

A twist of fate leaves quirkless wallflower Peter Parker with great power, but also responsible for his uncle's death. When a letter comes approving him for the foreign exchange program of U.A.'s support course, Peter decides the best thing he can do to protect his aunt, secret "quirk," and identity as the vigilante Spider-Man, is to move to Japan. (Spider-Man/My Hero Academia Crossover, also available on fan fiction dot net, Wattpad, and AO3)

Knutcase · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Q&A Forum

Hello Everyone. It's been some months, I'm in college now, so there's that. Anyhoo, seeing as we're going into the next/first major arc (and will probably waiting on the next chapter for awhile, I'm pretty busy nowadays) I thought this would be a good time to set up a Q&A / Ask Me Anything Forum. So from now on, the last chapter of the fic will be dedicated to news on story updates and review responses.

If you have a question or something you want me to respond to, just leave a review starting or ending with the spider-sense sign: " ≈*≈ "

As questions come in, I'll update this chapter to include my responses. Miscellaneous and Commonly Asked questions will be kept on this page. Meanwhile, Dated Comments (the ones concerning the most recent chapter or in the context thereof) will be migrated to the end of the Author's Note of that chapter once a new chapter is uploaded and this Forum chapter is therefore refreshed. For example, last chapter's queries will appear here until next chapter is posted, at which time that chapter's Q&A will appear here instead.

Feel free to ask me anything. Seriously, I really won't mind an off topic question. I'm even open to theories/speculations, story suggestions, and especially criticisms, it's how I grow as a writer. (and of course, your kind words never fail to make me smile as well) I'll carefully consider and respond to just about anything marked with the spider-sense sign ( " ≈*≈ " ) that I find worthwhile to expound upon.


1. When is the next chapter?: TBD, no promises.

2. Open request for original cover art ongoing: The current cover is just a placeholder, and I don't like using generic art from the internet, if anyone's willing to make a quality cover, I would be most grateful. Either PM me about it or leave a review, or both. Things are liable to get lost in the system. I will respond to every PM I receive on the matter, so if I haven't responded to you, it means I didn't receive the message, and you should try again and/or leave a review.

3. Where else can I read Beyond Responsibility?: This story is cross-posted on fanfiction dot net, AO3, Webnovel, and WattPad. Go check it out on those platforms, helps more people find the story. Re-reading the story you might be pleasantly surprised to find some foreshadowing you missed the first time, as well as slight edits from me going back and proof-reading/ the story myself.

Commonly Asked Questions:

best way to contact me/Discord?

A: The best way to contact me is through PM's. I'm not going to make a discord, I ran one back when I did YouTube, and it wasn't worth it. Though I may make a more proper forum if the story gets big enough.

Other stories?

A: I do have other stories in the works. If you click on my name that will take you to my author page where you can see them.


Questions and their associated answers will appear as they are asked.

Till next time: Excelsior!

-Knutty Entertainment