
The Present

Waking up after his conversation with 'god' the first thing Yu took note of was the fact that he was inside of a futuristic looking room. A room which didn't appear anything like what he was expecting to wake up in.

Suddenly as Yu was contemplated what was going on, a robotic voice sounded out.

???: "Please modify your status screen. Remaining time…1 Hour, 29 Minutes, 45 Seconds."

Yu: "I see…so its sort of a 'trial' period so I have a short amount of time to get acquainted with my new powers before being thrown into the world."

Thinking until here, Yu wasted no time before diving into his experimentation.

'Let's see here…'

Yu: "Status…ah there is the button…"



Name: Raidon Arakan

Age: 21

Race: ???

Gender: Male

Guild: None

Home Town: [Akihabara]

Class: Samurai

-Level: 1

Subclass: …

-Level: …

-HP: 300

-MP: 150

[Gold]: 50 Billion

[System Points (SP)]: 7,500,000 *(AN 1)*






Yu: "What, Level 1?? I thought he said my character was based off my own? If so why am Is my level no longer 90?"

As he was asking that, he suddenly heard an alarm go off inside his mind.


«You have received: 1x [Starter Pack]»

«Would you like to open, [Starter Pack]?»

Yu: "Hmm? He didn't say anything about a starter pack…maybe its one of the 'perks' he mentioned…Open!"


«Congratulations! You have received…

-5x [Premium Lottery Tickets] {Epic}

-2x [Weapon Lottery Tickets] {Epic}

-1x [Armor Lottery Ticket] {Epic}

-1x [Mount Lottery Ticket] {Epic}

-1x [Level 90 Boost]»

Yu: "…Hey…isn't that too much?"

Although Yu felt that this [Starter Pack] he had been given was equivalent to a wish on its own, he wasn't one to pass up a free gift.

'Hmm in most cases lottery tickets are completely random, however, there might be a level factor involved making it more likely to get equipment of your level. Seeing as I am currently only level 1 it might be best to use the boost first and foremost.'

Yu: "Use [Level 90 Boost]!"


«You have leveled up!»

«You have leveled up!»

Not only had Yu's main class instantly level up to level 90, he knew that his subclasses were also effected by the boost. Seeing as how the item was a [Level 90 Boost] and not a [Level 90 Boost - Samurai]. The game company had input the latter item so players who weren't able to log into the game every day, would still be able to enjoy the end game aspect. Most people looked down on those who used them, as just becoming Level 90 didn't mean you were 'good' at the game. High level players often felt like they were babysitting the 'Boost Noob's' causing those who used the boosts to be ostracized from guilds and parties.

Yu: "That doesn't pertain to me though."

Yu had once been one of the strongest, if not the strongest, player in Elder Tale. What made him strong was the fact that many considered him to be a 'Jack of All Trades'. In most cases this would be a bad concept, yet Yu had been able to take things to anther level by mastering multiple aspects of the game thanks to his shut in life style which enabling him to play the game 24/7. Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Chef…nearly all of the subclasses and main classes had been mastered by him, turning him into a walking 'library of knowledge'.

Yet not only did he have knowledge on everything, he also had experience and a high degree of skill which allowed him to rank within the Top 10 players for every class. He was even ranked 1st in his favorite class, The Samurai. In many cases, players would normally flock to such experts. Yet Yu had always been a loner due to his past, causing him to isolate himself from others and fly under the radar.

Yu: "Open all lottery tickets!"


«Congratulations! You have obtained…

1x-[Fallen Samurai Nura's Armor] {Epic}

1x-[Twin Divine Dragon Katanas] {Legendary}

1x-[World Emperor's Bow] {Epic}

1x-[Divine Frost-Fire Kirin Mount] {Legendary}

1x-[Red Ribbon] {Common}

1x-[Gourd of Springwater] {Uncommon}

1x-[Love Goddess' Choker] (Female Only)] {Epic}

-Skill: [Space Elemental Control (Rank S)] {Legendary}

-Skill: [Nerve Spark (Rank B)] {Epic}»

Yu: "…I don't know whether I should laugh in joy or cry in disbelief…"

The Legendary weapon had already been enough to excite Yu, yet the rest of the items and skills he obtained are just cheating.

Yu: "Why did I get so many legendary grade items from an Epic grade lottery ticket? It just doesn't make sense…"


«Answer: User has passive skill [Luck]: Increases the luck of the user.»

Yu: "I see…so 'god' fulfilled my 'Increase Drop Rate' wish by giving me a passive ability to improve my over all luck. I'm glad he did so because had I known there were lottery tickets I would have made a slightly different wish. Oh well, I'll need to utilize this passive ability as much as possible in the future. For now though, its time to modify my character."

Having sorted out his questions, and planned what he was going to do next, Yu began working on his character which would be his body from now on.

-1 Hour Later-

Yu: "…Done." *(AN-2)*

Having modified his body how he wanted it, Yu confirmed he was finished before a bright light surrounded him, effectively blinding him for a short duration.



Opening his eyes, the first thing that Yu noticed was the glaring sun overhead.

Rising to his feet, he began to take in his surroundings. He noticed he was inside of a run down building that had been overtaken by the world's vegetation.

Yu: "So…this is Elder Tales…? I had seen it in that Shiroe person's memories but still…it's so life like."

Reaching out, Yu ran his hand across the wall as he felt all of the textures and senses which flooded his system.

Having had enough time to get over the emotions he was feeling, Yu turned his attention away from his surroundings and began to inspect his body using a broken piece of reflective metal he found on the ground.

He possessed long black hair that reached his waist. His hair started out as a pitch black color at the roots before gradually turned into a metallic silver color near the tips. His eyes were also of a metallic silver color, that seemed to glow ever so slightly when one focused on his eyes.

He possessed a face which many might call 'perfect'. His face was bare and he possessed a sharp jawline, neatly trimmed eye brows, and rosy lips. Although his face wasn't quite ambiguous enough to be mistaken as a female, it was certainly handsome, or even beautiful by some peoples standards. His physic was lean yet possessed compact muscular that only served to add to his charm.

Noticing he was wearing some type of armor, he threw the piece of metal to the side and opened up his status menu.

After going over his status screen one more time, Yu noticed that his other functions were now unlocked. As well as some other changes which he hadn't expected.


[[Status]] *(AN-3)*

Name: Raidon Arakan

Age: 21

Race: Cosmic Dragon

Gender: Male

Guild: None

Home Town: [Akihabara]

Class: *Void Warlord* {Merged Classes}


-Level: 90 [EXP: 0%]

Subclass: *Undying Dragon Saint* {Merged Subclasses}

(Sword Saint/Berserker/Avenger/Dragon Warrior/Duelist)

-Level: 90 [EXP: 0%]

-HP: 14,055

-MP: 9200

[Gold]: 51.88 Billion

[System Points (SP)]: 7,500,000

[[Skills]] (Not all skills shown to reduce clutter. He possesses hundreds of skills at the moment which will be talked about once he merges skills using his fifth wish. Don't get to drawn into these skills because a lot will change soon. Skill ranks will also disappear due to system being unable to specifically rank them after they merge. For now these are some of the skills he currently possesses.)

Racial Skills:

[Dragon's Glare* (C)], [Dragon's Roar* (C)], [Dragon's Fang* (C)], [Dragon's Claw* (C)], [Dragon's Tail* (C)], [Cosmic Ocean (B)], [Cosmic Blade (B)], [Star Fall (A)], [Celestial Eye's (A)]

-Passive Skills

[Sword Dance (E)], [Dark Vision (E)], [Weapon Mastery (D)]

-Movement Skills-

[Void Dance (C)], [Void Rush (C)], [Void Steps (B)]

-Hate Management Skills-

[Take Over (E)], [Wired Action (E)], [Shake Off (E)], [Discard (E)], [Peek-a-Boo (D)], [Samurai Challenge (D)]

-DPS Class Skills- All Rank D

[Helix Slicer], [X-Cross], [Fatal Ambush], [Extermination], [Piercing Blade], [Instant Draw], [Lightning Thrust], [Rapid Elemental Sniper], [Blade Dance], [Ten Thousand Illusions], [Assassinate], [Stealth Blade], [Whirlwind Slash], [Vacuum Slash], [Whirlwind Vacuum Slash], [Head Splitter], [Izunagiri], [End of Act]

-Created/Purchased Skills-

[Space Elemental Control: S]

Description: Control space to teleport and manipulate the space around the user. (Rank determines distance/cast speed)

[Nerve Spark: B]

Description: Sends electrical sparks through the nervous system, reducing skill cooldown times. (Rank determines cooldown time reduction amount.)


(Equipped) 1x-[Fallen Samurai Nura's Armor] {Epic}

(Equipped) 1x-[Twin Divine Dragon Katanas] (Soul bound) {Legendary}

(Equipped) 1x-[World Emperor's Bow] {Epic}

1x-[Divine Frost-Fire Kirin Mount Flute] (Soul bound) {Legendary}

1x-[Red Ribbon] {Common}

1x-[Gourd of Springwater] {Uncommon}

1x-[Love Goddess' Choker] (Female Only)] {Epic}

1x-[Dezanegg's Magic Bag] {Uncommon} *ERROR!*

2x-[Appearance-Changing Potion]

1720x-[EXP Potion]


-(World Quest) [Savior- XXX]: Save the world of Elder Tale.

Task 1: ???

Task 2: ???

Task 3: ???




Yu: "Wait…why do I still have my items from my other character? I remember I didn't use a bunch of my EXP pots due to me thinking they would come in handy down the line. When the developers announced the new expansion would include a level cap raise from 90->100 I had planed to use them at that time. I even purchased a ton from other players in preparation and yet…There is also the [Dezanegg's Magic Bag] which used to be the players inventory, yet mine must be useless now that I have the system…"

Yu figured that all of this was most likely another hidden perk 'god' had left for him. Thinking this far, Yu began to wonder if they placed more importance on this 'saving the world' mission then he previously realized…

Yu: "Anyways no use brooding over something I don't understand…"

He thought as he began searching through his inventory looking for something he remembered having back when things were just a game.

Yu: "Ah there it is."

Pulling out a full-length mirror, Yu began to inspect his newly equipped armor and weapons.

The [Fallen Samurai Nura's Armor] was of a rather unique designed compared to other Samurai armor that one could find in the game. Although Yu had never heard of the armor before, the moment he saw his reflection, he instantly fell head over heels for it.

It was of a eerie black color, yet when the sun hit it directly, one could catch glimpses of a blues and purple coloration. The metal used in its creation seemed as if it had been forged from space itself. There were also intrinsic white designs which ran across the armor giving it more depth. Over all it was sleek and form fitting, yet it also gave one the feeling which you would only feel from the 'Heavy Armor' usually worn by Guardians or other Warrior classes.

Both the helmet and shoulder pieces were shaped similar to the head of a dragon, only serving to add to its unique design.

On the back was a symbol that Yu had been able to create himself when equipping the armor.

The symbol was an Ouroboros dragon biting its own tail, while inside of the circle formed from the dragon's body, there was half of a sun and half of a moon which were connected, yet divided by a line.

Yu had always dreamed of creating his own guild one day and had even created this symbol as their trademark yet being the loner he was, his dreams never came true.

Breaking free from his bitter remembrance of the past, Yu turned his attention to his weapons.

First was his [Twin Divine Dragon Katanas] which were located on his left side waist. True to their name, the Katana's were nearly identical in model and design. The only thing which set them apart was one's base color was white while the other was black. Both, however, possessed golden runic markings along their hilts, sheaths and blades.

Yu had named the one with the white blade, Hizuki. While the one with the black blade was called Hikari.

When both blades were sheathed on his left hip, Hikari would be placed on top while Hizuki would be on the bottom. It wasn't as If he preferred one over the other, it just felt natural for some reason to have things that way.

As for his final piece of equipment, [World Emperor's Bow], it had an appearance similar to his [Twin Divine Dragon Katanas]. Whether it was a coincidence or not, he couldn't say. The bow was of a pitch black color with golden runic markings on it. As for its design, the bow had two blades attached to its limbs that ran along the curvature of the bow. It also had two spike like protrusions near the center of the bow with enough space between them to fit roughly three hands. The bow itself was rather large, being nearly as tall as Yu himself, yet it managed to fit almost perfectly in his hands.

Deciding he had spend enough time admiring himself. Yu figured it was about time to head off as he could check out any other changes later. So he unequipped his weapons and armor, and donned an all black kimono together with a white and gold haori, which also had his symbol on the back.

Once he was changed he decided to start thinking of his next move.


Author's Notes: Info dump chapter to get his current status and perks out of the way before we jump into the story. Next couple chapters will be a mix between information and story. This is so I don't have to do these later on in the story and you guys aren't to confused about why he is suddenly using this or that ability.

(AN-1): Know his character would be his old lvl 90 Samurai were it not for his 4th wish.


Name: Raidon Arakan

Age: 21

Race: ??? (His race has not been selected)


[Gold]: 50 Billion

[System Points (SP)]: 7,500,000 (The gold and SP came from his third wish.)

//[Skills]\\ (These options are currently locked)





(AN-2): If any of you have played an MMO with nearly unlimited customization options, the fact that the MC could create his character in only an hour is the real cheat.


(AN-3): Know that the entire 'Status' screen will not be in every part just these early chapters that experience a lot of changes. His skills will be condensed down as he becomes stronger and I will only post what is necessary during the chapters while keeping the entire 'Status' screen updated on an Aux chapter so you can look at it whenever you desire. To avoid as many spoilers as possible I will keep old Status screens and add a new one during important moments while marking which chapter they are featured in. If you want to avoid spoilers, only look at the character sheet for your specific chapter and if you forget something about the MC you can always view past character sheets.


Name: Raidon Arakan

Age: 21

Race: Cosmic Dragon - Dragon's are a species of high-level monsters which are primarily featured as 'Raid Bosses'. Dragon's underwent a unique change after the Apocalypse, some can be contracted and others may even be capable of taking on a humanoid form. Raidon's wish was to be able to customize his character freely, and only during his first time would he have had the option to become a dragon. If he had selected 'Human' as his first race, the more powerful options would have been lost to him. At this point if he changes his race to 'Human' he will be able to swap between the 8 Playable races, as well as his current 'Cosmic Dragon' race. The first time powerful bloodlines (aside from Cosmic Dragon) are now lost to him.


Class: *Void Warlord* {Merged Classes}


Subclass: *Undying Dragon Saint* {Merged Subclasses}

(Sword Saint/Berserker/Avenger/Dragon Warrior/Duelist) - As a result of his wish, Raidon was able to combine 3 main and 5 subclasses. After their combination he was able to name the newly formed class. All of the perks to this wish have yet to be known.


[Gold]: 51.88 Billion - He had 1.88 Billion gold saved on his previous character which was transferred over.


[[Skills]]: Some skills have been combined together to reduce clutter. More will be combined as time goes on.

-Racial Skills: Skills obtained from a person's race.

-Passive Skills: Class based skills which are always active. (Due to his class merger, not all skills are shown.)

-Movement Skills: Skills which enhance a player's movement in some way shape or form.

-Hate Management Skills: Hate is the Elder Tales version of, Aggro: (Aggravation). It is a Tank's job to hold Hate in order to prevent the enemy from attacking your allies, while almost every other role, its your job to prevent your Hate from surpassing the Tank's in order to stay alive. Thanks to the MC combining a Tank class with two DPS classes, he has both types of skills at his disposal.

-DPS Class Skills: Damage dealing skills. (Not all skills are shown due to his class merger.)

-Created/Purchased Skills: Skills obtained through the Shop, or self created skills. (Does not include combined skills.)


(AN-4): [Twin Divine Dragon Katanas]

White bladed one= Hizuki: Moon

Black bladed one= Hikari: Light

(I know the names can mean other things, Ex. Hizuki: Moonlight or Hikari: To shine, but I'm going to keep it as 'Moon' & 'Light' because I think it sounds better context wise.


As I said this chapter was an info dumb but it was a needed one. The beginning of the story will have a few of these so I do apologize. Later on if I need to explain something it will either be told in context to the story or in the Author's Notes. I know this AN was long but just know you can always skip them.

Thanks again!

SnowRosecreators' thoughts