
Beyond Death: a love defying fate

In a world where fate intertwines, Hikaru Kojima finds solace as he was suffering from unique phenomena making him fed up from his life. However, his perspective on existence takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Ayumi Kaneko, a girl who was also suffering from a unique but dangerous phenomena, because of that she was trapped in her own house by her own parents As their eyes meet, Ayumi's yearning for adventure and to see outside world a sparks connection that transcends the boundaries of their individual struggles. Together, they embark on an extraordinary journey, facing unforeseen challenges and discovering the resilience that lies within them. In this tale of intertwined destinies, follow Hikaru and Ayumi as they navigate the mysteries of life, each seeking something profound beyond the constraints of their own realities.

MythBeast · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter "Amongst Strangers"

Everyone was checking on a cat covered in blood. Hikaru observed from a distance, then put his foot on the pedal and started riding again.

Later, Hikaru sat at his desk when a hand hit it. It was Yuta, his friend, who said, "Dude, you could've saved that innocent cat." Hikaru didn't respond, continuing to look at his book. Yuta persisted asking, "What is your problem? You have a gift from God – you can reverse time. Use it to save others, use it to help others." Hikaru replied, "A gift, huh? It's a curse!" Yuta glanced at him with disappointment. Hikaru added saying "And yes, I could have saved that cat, but right now, it must be in a better place, living a hard life here. So it's better if he lives up there." Yuta shook his head in disappointment.

A girl came running and stood next to them, saying, "Hey, Hikaru, good morning." Hikaru quickly stood up, picked up his bag, and started walking away, saying, "Yeah." The girl looked at him with confusion. Hikaru exited the class, Yuta explained to the girl saying, "Don't mind, you know him; he kinda likes being alone." The girl nodded, saying, "Yeah, I know. But then how did you become his friend?" Yuta smiled and said, "We are childhood friends. Alright then, I have to go after him." He quickly exited the class, leaving the girl looking disappointed.

Yuta came outside started looking for Hikaru when he saw Hikaru walking alone, yuta sprinted caughting up with Hikaru outside and walked beside him, asking, "Hey, why be so rude?" Hikaru replied, "Rude? I wasn't rude." Yuta said, "You were." Hikaru didn't respond. They both walked, and then three boys crossed paths with them. One excitedly said, "Hey, Yuta, don't forget about tonight." Yuta smiled and replied saying, "Yeah, don't worry, I know." The boys walked away, and Hikaru looked at Yuta, who was smiling. Hikaru asked, "What about tonight?" Yuta looked at him and said, "Oh, nothing. Some of us are going out to have some fun." Hikaru said, "Great, I will join you guys." Yuta's eyes widened, he stopped walking, while Hikaru, still walking, eventually stopped, looked back at Yuta, and asked, "What happened?" Yuta said, "Are you okay? I mean, I said we will have fun, and you want to join us?" Hikaru replied, "Yeah, I want to join." Yuta smiled and said, "Great." He started walking again, saying, "It will be your first time going out with us." Hikaru didn't respond and kept walking.

Hikaru was lying in his bed, reading a book, when his mom entered the room and said, "Hikaru, come downstairs; guests will be here any time." Hikaru closed his book, stood up, and started taking out clothes from his cupboard, saying, "I'm going out with friends." Hikaru's mom's eyes widened, and she said, "Really? This is the first time I've heard this sentence from you." Hikaru didn't respond. His mom continued saying, "Well, I get it now, you decided to go because you want to avoid meeting guests." Hikaru didn't respond and went to change his clothes. His mother nodded in disappointment and closed the door.

Hikaru came downstairs and saw his family ready to greet guests. As he walked towards the door, his sister appeared in front of him, saying, "Well, I heard you are going out with your friends tonight." Hikaru walked past her, saying, "Yeah." He opened the door and exited the house. His sister looked confused, glancing at her family who looks disappointed.

Hikaru walked alone on the road and saw some people standing in the distance. Yuta was with them, and as he spot Hikaru, he shouted, "Hey, here he comes!" Everyone greeted Hikaru, who waved his hand without much interest. Yuta said, "Welcome, dude." Hikaru looked at them; there were a total of eight boys standing. Hikaru said, "Let's go, what are you all waiting for?" Yuta nervously smiled and rubbed the back of his head. and then Eight more girls came walking, greeting the boys. Hikaru stared at Yuta, who quickly said, "Well, you didn't ask about girl's." The same girl from the classroom was also with them. She looked at Hikaru with her red face and said, "Hey, Hikaru, I'm glad you joined us." Hikaru stared at her with anger. Yuta chimed in saying, "Alright, alright, looks like everyone is here, so let's go." Everyone excitedly agreed. Suddenly, one more girl came and grabbed Yuta's arm, saying, "Hey, Yuta." Yuta smiled and said, "Hey, Chiaki." Chiaki then said, "Hey, Hikaru." Hikaru looked at her, then at Yuta, who said, "She is my girlfriend, "Her name is Chiaki." Hikaru nodded. Chiaki said, "Well, everyone here comes with their girlfriends, so when we heard that you are also joining us, we invited Ayame as well to give you company." Hikaru gazed at Ayame, who was looking down with her cheeks red. Hikaru then started walking, saying, "I'm happy alone." Ayame closed her eyes in disappointment, and everyone looked at him as he walked away. Chiaki asked, "What's his deal?" Yuta galnces at Hikaru with a worried face.