
Human crush


"This… this is a two-way thing… we need to come up with a plan"

"I'm not sure… sounds like trouble"

"Elina, we are trying to solve this… I mean.. w-what if the rascal hurts you"Hazel whispered while glancing around the cafeteria. There were a lot of people eating. Hazel was a pain in the neck

I thought we could come here and have a decent meal after sickening class unfortunately, she didn't stop nagging me about different plans to escape my betrothal

"And I say cut it out… I told you about my secret…but that doesn't mean you should lecture me"I whispered back not wanting anyone to hear our discussion. Hazel was my human friend. A jovial friend I met the first time I came to the human world

We attended the same school and did most mischievous things together. She was like my right hand. I couldn't do without her. However, she was full of crazy plans, the thing was. I was already knowledgeable about everything. In our world we learned different things at a young age. hence learning human things was easy for me

"Last summer… you said the same and look at us… you are going to leave me…it's not fair" she whined while stuffing her face with fries. It was funny how cute she looked whenever she pouted.

"I can't go against traditions okay… it's inevitable… everyone does it… so why can't I" I was done looking for ways to get out of the situation. Violet was somehow right. I needed to embrace this

"Plus I'll be a queen or princess… I mean whatever title I'll hold"I said nonchalantly and took a sip of my smoothie. It was about time

"But there has to be love… or feelings… I mean…"Hazel said waving her hands in the air dramatically when she was cut short

"Hey, ladies" came a male voice that always had me blushing. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was

"Hey, Andrew… what gives"it was hazel who said. The heavy male cologne hit my nose. So masculine and beautiful. He pulled out a chair and sat down

"Hey Lina…" he said and like a fool, I looked up at him and nearly melted. His lips curled upwards into a cute smile. Such beautiful blue eyes he had. Andrew was my human crush. He was 20 years old. His friends called him Andy hence I did the same

"Hey Andy.. late for lunch again" I teased and he chuckled. His voice was deep and fruity

"Well I had football practice.. the coach didn't leave us alone," he said and Hazel and I nodded. He was the star player. Handsome and liked by all girls

He was my first crush forever. If not for the fact that I was already taken. I would have loved to be with him

"I'm sure your coach is an asshole…why would he jeopardize your lunch…how crazy, "Hazel remarked, she had a loose mouth. Despite the many gestures, I was giving her to shut the heck up. She didn't do so

"Okay.. so now gotta run…bye Andy, "Hazel said as if realizing we wanted to be alone. I didn't want to be alone with Andy. My brain didn't function well whenever he was around. "Bye Elina. I'll text you at night" she said her goodbyes and left the cafeteria. By now some students were leaving. Our classes were done for the day. Hence I just had to have lunch and then return home.

"So… how about a walk?"Andy said, turning back to me. It was awkward between us. I didn't know what to say when he was smiling cutely at me

"Okay… I mean if you don't want to have lunch.. what am I saying of course you need to eat something… should I call the waiter and…"

"Lina" Andy cut me off and like a fool I buried my face in my palms. Exhaling heavily I didn't know how I got like that whenever he was around.

"It's okay… I'll order something to go… come," he said in between chuckles and reached for my hand. I didn't know what to do. But seeing his smooth hand with clean long fingers, I couldn't resist but took it and he pulled me off the chair

Soon we left the cafeteria and we started heading toward the football field. By now it was empty. There was a secret garden there. It was beautiful and quiet. Andy normally studied there

"You are never around. I mean, it's been years and you still haven't invited over for lunch to meet your family" Andy said as we walked, I had my smoothie cup in my hand. While he had a bottle of lime soda. Andy was on the gangster side. Wearing dark clothes with a leather jacket and boots. His brown hair fell over his face.

"Well… my dad is kinda strict… he won't let me," I said, making up an excuse. I didn't know what to tell him when I didn't belong here.

"Oh…then I'm sure he has to meet me and decide… tell you what…how about I come over," he said and like a fool, I froze in place. Andy stopped in his tracks, glanced back and

"What?" he asked narrowing his eyes a little

"Well… I mean, dad"

"Hehe chill sweetheart… I won't force you… it's just that" he said with a chuckle and unexpectedly grabbed my hand. The electric current which flowed through me was something I couldn't understand. At the same time. I couldn't bare it

"No!" the word left my mouth and stepped backward.

"What is it… I didn't do anything wrong right" he muttered and walked closer to me. By now we had both stopped at a hidden place.

"Umm well… I have to go… actually mom"

"Elina" he called out my name softly, this was my problem. I turned into a fool whenever he was around

"I'm having a birthday party tomorrow. you didn't forget did you" he asked and attempted to hold my hand. I withdrew before he could do so. He didn't know how the flower on my back hurt whenever I was touched by any man

"O-of course.. how can I forget"damn it, I completely forgot about this. He already handed over birthday invitations. Andrew was a star of the school. Every girl wanted to have peace with him and I had a feeling he has a tiny thing for me

"Please come…for the first time I want you for my birthday" he murmured, the urge to look up at him was imperative unfortunately I kept my head lowered

"I… I have to go"I said in a rush and stormed away from there. I didn't know if I would attend his birthday. However, immediately I was out of sight. I activated the portal back to my world

The ride wasn't a good one, but very bumpy. By now I was used to it. And when I arrived, I found trouble