
Frightening aura


“So, he hired you to watch me?” I asked, scanning the two people standing before me. They were trembling for some reason. I woke up, after a good night with the king. Found him gone without a trace, and only to find two people claiming to be my new bodyguards.

“Yes, my lady, whatever you need, we are here to serve you,” the girl from earlier who introduced her as Glenda said with a bow. She was avoiding my gaze. I didn't understand why, and I chose to ignore her.

“You, what's your purpose?” I shifted my gaze to the man. Tall, muscular, bulged and looked as if he spent his time chopping wood under the sun. Tanned and not so bad looking. A pure good physique for a werewolf.

“I'm Theo, from the werewolf hunter's camp, I'm your bodyguard here to protect you,” he said as if he was made to practice the limes like some movie scene. I scanned them carefully. The girl was petite, with long dark hair and porcelain white skin. A small face and a timid demeanor.