8 Chapter 8: The failed attempt(4)

My cheeks were numb by now. The tears pouring nonstop.

A sob escaped my mouth.

Clarence stepped in front of me and without saying anything she dragged me to her car.

The drive was silent.

"You have to understand this is not a game to play around." she calmly said.

I didn't replied.

The car finally came to a halt.

I looked out of window to see its that beautiful gigantic mansion.

I was confused.

"You staying with us until we fix all of this and you won't be able to escape from here." the chauffeur opened her door.

She stepped out waiting for me. I was about to protest, but she held my wrist dragging me with her upstairs.

"This is your room from now on."she left saying that.

I looked dumbfounded at her back.
