
Behind The Scenes

What happens when one day you wake up and all your wildest dreams come true? Are you really the lucky one? [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT]

harlenalife123 · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs


"The fans are dying to know" The interviewer pauses, a grin appearing on her lips, "you both have been friends forever and the chemistry between you two in the music video was off the charts, so tell us is there hope for the Marl shippers?" The interviewer wiggles her brows at us.

Carl and I chuckle in unison, "Guys we are just friends," Carl says looking directly into the camera.

The interviewer pouts, "Aww bummer"

"You have such amazing chemistry how does that work?" She questions.

"Well as the world knows Maria is a very talented actress" Carl flashes me a toothy grin, "so she's given me a few acting tips which help"

"We actually can't stand each other in real life" I shrug making them both laugh.

"Shh, we're not supposed to say that" Carl humors me.

"Oops no I mean we're best friends" I nudge his shoulder making him laugh again.

"Well, both of you are amazing actors because the music video convinced me as well as millions of people" The interviewer smiles looking my way.

"Well, then I guess mission accomplished," Carl says, "More streams for us if people assume we're actually together" Carl winks making us chuckle.

"Fair enough" The interviewer smiles, "Maria Reed and Carlos Evans ladies and gentlemen, their new song Just Us is now available on all platforms"

We smile into the camera as they cut it.

"I really love the song, It's been on repeat for the past 2 days," The interviewer says as we take off our mics, getting up from our seats.

"Thank you, means a lot" I smile at her and Carl does a little nod smiling.

"Thanks for doing all this promo Maria, means a lot," Carl says pulling me into a hug once we're about to leave the venue.

"Of course buddy anything for you" I smile.

Carlos Evans was one of my first "famous" friends in this industry, he has always been so kind to me and helped me through transition points in my career. He's an exceptional person and an amazing friend.

"I'll catch you later Reed" Carl throws a gun sign at me walking away.

"You too Evans," I say making him smile.


I just arrived back home and immediately changed into my pajamas. I head downstairs when I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. A smile appears on my lips as I see I'm getting an incoming facetime call from Karter.

I press to answer and my smile grows as Karter's handsome face appears on my screen, "Hi there" I smile.

"Hey, I've been trying to get a hold of you since last night," Karter says casually.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that, I slept really early last night and have been out my house since 5 am today doing promo, just got home 15 minutes ago." I say taking a seat on my couch, crossing my legs.

Karter nods, "Yeah I saw the video for the song"

I beam, "And?"

"It was something alright," I could sense the annoyance and bitterness under his voice.

I furrow my eyebrows, a little hurt, "You didn't like it?"

"It's hard for me to enjoy a video where my girlfriend is all over some other guy" Karter snaps, his jaw tightening.

"Karter are you jealous?" I ask amused.

"Seeing you all over the guy who everyone says you should be with yeah sure I'm not the happiest" Karter growls.

I shake my head, feeling absolutely perplexed, "Karter no it's nothing like that"

"Everyone on the internet thinks you guys are in love, myself included" Karter laughs bitterly, "I mean you've known him for years and I feel like you should be with someone like him a guy who's in your field who's close to your age not to mention you guys have such good chemistry" Karter's face sagged his teeth disappearing.

"Karter" I stare at him, "Carl, and I are just friends. People on the internet ship everyone with everything." I say.

"Yeah but the way you guys were all over each other didn't sit right with me" Karter yowls unhappily.

"Karter it was a love song of course we had to make it a little steamy and lovey that's how the industry works. It's literally acting." I let out a hefty sigh running my fingers through my hair.

Karter frowns at me, "You're trying to justify it but it makes no sense Maria"

Now I was starting to get angry, "Karter, this is my job. You know I'm an actress what do you expect from me?"

"I expect my girlfriend to be faithful to me" Karter's eyes full of derision.

"Faithful?" I raise my voice, "Karter this is part of my job, I wasn't cheating on you for God's sake." I scowl at him.

"So if I go make out with another girl right now you wouldn't be upset?" Karter raises an eyebrow.

I huff, "You're acting as if we weren't making out in front of a crew of 20 people for less than 10 minutes for a fucking music video, if you were an actor or singer and would do the same I would understand because it's part of the job"

"So there's no difference between you and a pornstar then?" He asked me through thin lips.

I was taken aback by his comment, white-hot rage running through my veins, "You're literally making out with another guy on camera like a cheap hooker" Karter snaps yet again.

I fight back the tears, "You're unbelievable, instead of being excited for me you're going to really name call me right now?"

"What exactly am I supposed to be excited for Maria?" Karter raises his voice, his tone sharper than before, "Excited to see my girlfriend with another man?" Karter scoffs, "surely it's so exciting for me to see you being with another man"

"I can't believe you're getting so jealous and worked up over my job, it's not a big deal, this is what you signed up for" I shake my head in disbelief.

"I don't remember signing up for my girlfriend to see other men while I'm here in New York faithful to you and only you," Karter says bitterly.

"I can't do this with you right now," I say shaking my head and before he can say anything else I hang up.

This was our first fight, can't believe he thinks of me like that. I just can't believe that is how he's going to act anytime there's any interaction with another male for a role or music video or shoot or whatever. This is my job, why is that so difficult for him to comprehend?


Karter has been calling, texting, leaving voicemails constantly since our fight yesterday but I do not want to talk to him. He really pissed me off and hurt me with the things he said. I do not want to deal with his jealousy and anger right now.

It's 7 pm in the evening, I head to the kitchen to make myself dinner when I hear the doorbell ring. I wonder who that could be. I open the door and there stood a delivery man with a box of red roses.

"Delivery for Maria Reed" The man smiles at me.

"Oh thank you," I say taking the flowers from him.

"Please sign here," He says handing me the pen, and I sign it.

"This is slightly unprofessional but could I get a picture with you?" The man smiles nervously.

I smile, "Of course"

He takes out his phone and we snap a few pictures, "And my little sister is such a huge fan if you could sign this for her" He asks.

"Aww, wait I actually have something better. One second" I walk inside putting the flowers down and grabbing one of my tour gift packages bringing it outside.

"You don't have to do this" The man smiles staring at the package.

"It's no big deal at all. What's her name?" I ask.

"Lily," I sign the box to lily and hand it to the man.

"Thank you so much" He smiles.

"Don't mention it, have a good night" I smile closing the door.

I move to the flowers that have a card with them, it read:

"I'm such a fucking asshole sometimes, I'm sorry babe. Please answer my call?" I smile to myself. At least he's realized it was his fault and he was overreacting. Almost instantly my phone started going off in my back pocket and it was Karter.

I press to answer and put the phone to my ear, "Maria." I hear his voice.

"Karter" I mock him.

"Babe, I'm really sorry. I just get jealous and worked up sometimes. Do you blame me every guy in the world wants to be with you, I don't even know why you choose me" Karter rambles on.

"Karter-" I say but he cuts me off.

"I didn't mean any of those things, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I was acting like a dick. It won't happen again." His tone was laced with sincerity.

"Karter this is part of my job, it means nothing to me. I don't want anyone else. You're the only one for me. Please get that through your thick skull next time you get jealous please" I roll my eyes even though he can't see me.

Karter laughs, "Okay I will. I'm sorry again."

"It's okay, thanks for the roses they are beautiful" I smile.

"Not as beautiful as you" I roll my eyes yet again then smile at his comment.

"How's your day been?" I ask.