
Behind The Scenes

What happens when one day you wake up and all your wildest dreams come true? Are you really the lucky one? [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT]

harlenalife123 · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs


It is currently October the 12th and I just landed in New York because tomorrow is Karter's birthday. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I would skip out on my boyfriend's birthday?

I got Karter's assistant to give me his address so I didn't have to ruin the surprise for him, I was actually so excited to see him. The last time I saw him was in August and I missed him dearly. Long-distance might suck but the serotonin boast I get every time I'm about to see him makes up for the crappiness of it all really.

I fix my green dress and apply some gloss on my lips as I step into the elevator with my suitcase pressing the button to the 4th floor. I typed in the code that his assistant told me and the door opened right into his penthouse.

However, as soon as I step inside the apartment I'm face to face with a man who looked to be in his late 20's to early '30s, with shaggy blonde hair and green eyes, he tilts his head in shock as he sees me, "Oh I'm sorry am I in the wrong apartment?" I ask awkwardly.

"Shit, you're actually real" The man chuckles lowly.

I raise an eyebrow, "I'm sorry?"

"You're Maria Reed" He bobs his head, "Karter's girlfriend, we just assumed he made up that he was dating you" The man smiles.

I laugh, "Oh so I'm in the right apartment, thank god"

"I'm James" He extends his hand.

"Yes hi, Karter has mentioned you before" I smile shaking his hand.

"Where is he?" I ask as I see people sitting in the living room area, a few other men who were focused on the tv not looking at me.

"He just went into his room to take a call, it's the one down the hall" James points it to me.

"Thanks, let me just go say hi," I say as James smiles. I slide the suitcase down the hall and knock on Karter's door.

I step inside the room, Karter turns around glances at me then raises a finger into the air as he was on the phone. He immediately turns around once again once he realized it was me that was there and his eyes go wide making me giggle, "Listen, I'm going to call you back" He says without waiting for an answer hangs up throwing his phone on the bed and rushing to me.

I smile as Karter grabs my waist and picks me up. I wrap my arms around his neck, Karter sets me down and cups my face in his large hands, "Hi, I can't believe you're here" Karter beams, his blue eyes running up and down my face.

"I wasn't going to miss my boyfriends' birthday" I smile as Karter attaches his lips onto mine, pulling me closer to him, his hands falling to my ass as he grips it picking me up, I jump wrapping my legs around his torso without breaking the kiss as he starts moving us and takes a seat on the couch with me straddling his lap.

Karter moves his hands under the hem of my dress as he pulls away from the kiss, "I missed you so much" Karter moans placing soft kisses on my mouth, his hand touches the garter belt I was wearing, "Fuck what are you wearing?" Karter pulls my dress up and sees the black stockings attached to a garter belt with open crotch black lacy panties.

Karter drops his head back making me bite my lip, "Fuck babe" He groans as he starts pulling up my dress, "how do you get even hotter every time I see you" Karter kisses my neck pulling off my dress but I stop him and he furrows his eyebrows in frustration.

"We can't right now, your friends are outside" I giggle pulling my dress back down.

Karter rolls his eyes, "Shit I forgot about them" his face laced with desperation making me want to laugh, "I'll just tell them to leave"

I slap him on his chest, "No, I want to meet them."

"But I'm so turned on right now" Karter whines as I felt him brush up against my thigh.

I chuckle getting off his lap and he pouts, I lift my dress up giving him a view of my black lingrie, before pulling it down, "All of this is yours just after they leave"

Karter gets up adjusting the hard-on in his pants making me giggle, "Fine, at least now they'll believe me when I tell them my girlfriend is Maria Reed."

I laugh, "Yeah I met James as I walked in and he was so shocked to see me he said he thought you were lying"

"Fucking pricks" Karter shakes his head chuckling. Karter kisses my cheek making me smile as he grabs my hand and we exit the bedroom.

We walk hand in hand to the living room area suddenly all eyes were on us, there were 4 men sitting on the couch including James. There was a brown-haired, brown eyed guy with a beard who looked the oldest, another guy who was smiling with blue eyes and brown hair he had a baby face, and another guy with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Fellas, I'd like you to meet Maria," Karter says gesturing to me.

I smile waving casually, "Hi," I say and they all nod and smile at me.

"So you've met James," Karter says, "That's Rick," He says referring to the guy with a beard, "That's Micheal" He points to the other brown-haired guy "and that is Kevin," He says to the blue-eyed baby face guy.

"It's so nice to meet you all" I smile sitting down next to Kevin and Karter sitting beside me.

"Us? It's an honor meeting you, can't belive the Maria Reed is sitting between us" Micheal says.

I chuckle, "Please, you're so sweet" I smile.

"Honestly, I'm just happy to see Karter isn't a pathological liar constructing up an entire fake relationship with you" Rick says facing me and everyone laughs.

"No very much real," Karter says lifting our joined hands up in the air.

"Blink twice if you need help" Kevin says looking over to me and we all laugh yet again while Karter simply rolls his eyes.

I offered to get the plates for dinner, Rick decided to get up and help me.

"You know when he told us about you" Rick starts off and I turn to look at him, "one of the reasons we didn't believe him because the way he was describing you seemed so off, how can someone as famous and rich as you be so humble and down to earth. Meeting you right now I'm shocked at how nice you are" Rick smiles at me grabbing the glasses from the cabinet.

"You're so kind, I try" I smile at him.

"I haven't seen him this happy in ages, so thank you for whatever it is you're doing" Rick flashes me a warm smile as I grab the plates and we head back into the living room.


It was currently 11:30 and before getting on my flight I had placed an order for this cake service to have a cake delivered to Karter's house by 11:45 pm on the 12th of October. I just got a call from them saying they were downstairs. I didn't want Karter to find out yet so while he was talking to Rick about the game I lean over to Kevin.

"Hey, so I ordered Karter a cake and they are downstairs but I don't know exactly where the second entrance is so do you mind coming with me?" I whisper and Kevin nods eagerly.

I get up casually as if I'm going to the bathroom and Kevin follows behind me. We quietly step into the elevator without averting any attention towards us.

"Karter told me his favorite flavor was birthday cake so they had this vanilla fudge birthday cake option, I hope he likes it" I shrug.

"Sounds deleicous, I already want a piece." Kevin jokes making me smile.

"My wife would actually kill me if I left today without getting an autograph off you," Kevin says rather shyly.

I smile, "Of course, I could facetime her too if you'd like"

Kevin smiles, "Could you actually? She would love that" as we step out of the elevator.

We find the delivery guy waiting for us in the lobby, I grab the rather heavy cake which I was about to drop so Kevin takes it from me which I thank him for and we head on upstairs.

Surprisingly no one noticed our departure so we sneak into the kitchen and Kevin gave his wife Charlotte a ring so I could say hi. She freaked out when she saw me which I thought was so cute. She seemed like such a cool person, unfortunately, I'm only in New York for 3 days but I promised to see her next time I was visiting Karter.

As the clock was about to strike 12, I put some candles on the cake lighting it up, and then carefully held it with Kevin following behind me making sure I don't drop it. The boys turned to look at us and we all started singing in unison as the clock hit 12, "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Karter, Happy Birthday to you"

Karter's eyes locked with mine as the widest grin appeared on his face as I set the cake on the table in front of him taking a seat next to him, Karter kisses my cheek, "thank you" he whispers before blowing the candle, "already got everything I need right here" He smiles at me making me blush and then starts cutting everyone a slice.


Karter's friends just left about 20 minutes ago. I was sitting on his lap, feeding him cake well mostly eating it myself, it was just so damn good I couldn't help myself. I take another spoonful of cake and Karter moves his head forward-thinking I'm going to feed it to him but I just put it in my mouth.

Karter squeezes my hips, "Did you get the cake for yourself or me?" He rolls his eyes.

"Okay here have it" I bunch the entire slice in my hand and shove it in Karter's mouth, rubbing most of it on his face.

I giggle, "You happy?" I ask licking my hand.

Karter rolls his tongue on his lips and removes the cake off his face, "You're such a child"

I get up and switch positions so I was straddling his lap, "If I am a child sir with our age difference that makes you a pedophile" I smile placing a kiss on his nose.

A grin forms on the corner of his mouth as he runs his hands up and down my thighs moving under my dress, "I'm really happy you're here"

"I'm happy I'm here too" I smile.

"Happy birthday boyfriend" I say cupping his cheeks and leaning in to place a kiss on his lips.