

Theresa is a teenage girl who has been through a lot but things will change after she meet Katelyn

Oribhabor_Ese · วัยรุ่น
12 Chs

Chapter 1

"Theresa!!" My older sister yells

"I'm coming!" I quickly put on my green plain sweatshirt and head downstairs

Oh wait... I almost forgot. A quick introduction.. Hi guys, my name is Theresa, Theresa Flicker. I'm 16 years old. In school I'm known as the 'rich kid' but I guess the rich kid isn't perfect

"Go and get some ice cream sandwiches for me" my sister commanded.

"Okay sure"

I left the house and walked to the nearest supermarket to get some ice cream sandwiches. I needed a break anyways, a break from my house and everyone in it. I need a break from life.

I got to the supermarket and grabbed the sandwiches. I walked down to the pay point and saw that there's a really long line. I had to wait it line so I just stood there staring

"Hey!" The female cashier calls out to me. She looks around the age of 18, very beautiful. She has a long brunette hair and her eyes are ocean blue.

"Oh shit it's my turn in line already" I thought to myself

"Oh I'm so sorry" I apologize

"It's fine" the cashier says as she scans the sandwiches. "That'd be $18.32 please"

"Okay" I hand the cash over to her

"You seemed a little lost back there, what's up?" The cashier asks like we've known each other for a long time

"I just get to deep in my thoughts lately, I guess" i say

"Well okay that happens sometimes. I'm Katelyn though" The cashier introduced herself

"I'm Theresa, nice to meet you"

"Have a good weekend..and summer" Kate says handing over my bag of ice cream sandwiches to me.

"There'd be no need for that, what's life's worth anyways? It'd be better if I ended it right now because I am tired and I don't know when others will start realizing I'm not perfect and the shit they do to me hurts badly" I just started pouring out my feeling to a total stranger..." I'm sorry I didn't mean to... I should get going" I say as I look around me and see how people are staring at me like a weirdo.

"No. Life's worth everything" Katelyn stops me "Come back here tomorrow please" Katelyn asks

I feel confused like should I try to 'make friends ' with this Katelyn girl? Will she be like the others?

"I'll try" I say and I walk out of the supermarket.





It's a new day and I seem kinda happy, just a little bit happy. I get out of bed and after a little morning stretch, I walk into my bathroom and have a quick bath.

I put on a black sweatshirt and sweatpants and head downstairs.

I grab my phone and walk towards the door

"Where are you off to" Sophia asked. Sophia is my sister.

"I'm going for a walk, need to clear my head"

"Everything okay?" Sophia asks in a caring tone

"Yes, bye"

I walk out of the house, walking to...God-knows-where. I get to the supermarket where I met Katelyn and I just stand outside trying to decide whether to go in it now. After a while, I just turn around and keep walking.

I don't feel in a really good mood today.. just like every other days. I notice a white car following me but I just ignore it. As I walk further, I think deeper about my feelings and my eyes start tearing up when I remember my past that I don't wanna remember.

I take a turn to a cliff and I'm at the edge of the cliff wanting to jump but trying to hold myself back. As I'm about to jump off, I hear a sweet calming voice from behind me, "Theresa!"

I look back and I see that it's her, Katelyn.

"Theresa what the hell are you doing?" Katelyn screams at me.

"How the fuck did you even know I'm here. Are you stalking me? You were the one following me?" I ask in anger

"No..kinda. Look I'm sorry. I saw when you stopped by the supermarket and didn't come in, you looked kinda messy and I was scared you were gonna do something stupid so I followed you. I'm sorry" Katelyn apologized

"It's alright but youre being too much of a stalker for someone I just met yesterday" I say while walking away.

"Look, I know you don't really know me but I've been through all this and I understand how you feel" Katelyn says

"No you don't"

"Okay please just come with me, I want to show you something" Katelyn walks closer to me "please"


I follow her and we walk up to her car where it is parked and she drives off.