
the wedding+ a backstory 2 years ago

"what will I do with you Sophie "my mother smiled ."he can't be your wedding gift the crown is your wedding gift"my mother said."but mother " I complained "I don't get that until I'm 20 and that's 2 years from now."my mother sighed and nodded her head "well yes but what did father always tell you"mother scolded me."the crown weights more that you do and to bare it on your head or even the queen's Crown you must overcome fears and be fearless while ruling "me and my mother said at the same time

everything from the long white gown to the top of my head was sparking except for my eyes.i felt like I was going into a cage and couldn't get out.there he stood , Frederic the guy I was ganna get married to. Why even after I know that Aaron left... Frederic reminds me of Aaron. even when I first saw him I mistaked him for Aaron.

2 years ago


"did father finish work" I asked sleepy. "not for another hour or so, why don't you go to sleep? " my mother said finishing the letter she was writing. "I'll wait till he wakes up. " I reply. now silent filled the room. then the door opened. I stood up. it was only a messenger, disappointed I sat down. he had came to tell my mother that my father would be later then usual."now go to sleep Sophie, you can write a letter for your father and I'll give it to him"my mother said walking back to her chair after showing the messenger out. "that's a great idea mother" so I took a piece of paper and started writing.