
Bedevilled Mate DELETED

The Moon Goddess' gift of matchmaking becomes a curse when Artemis discovers that her mate is the one who has sentenced her to death! None other than Xavier Vincenzo, ruthless king of vampires who detests werewolves. She wants vengeance, just as he craves more power, But the Moon Goddess has more complicated plans for them.

Drama_Queen01 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Beautiful Demon

They found me.

It was the first thought that crossed my mind amidst the fast increasing headache and body pains as soon as I regained consciousness. Caught in between bodies which radiated chilly coldness and exuded an aura of deathly presence, I struggled to force my eyes open as the van I was being driven in halted in front of a gigantic mansion hidden among hundred acres of lands.

Or perhaps my blurry vision which duplicated everything I could see was making me exaggerate.

While my abductors used the same brutality with which my mother had been flung against the wall and torn apart, theirs was colder... They smelt and looked gravely pale even through my blurry vision.

My heartbeat accelerated again, pounding heavily beneath my chest, my body aching as I relieved memories of being knocked out in the rain. No wonder my teeth was clenched and shaky, since these pale monsters who were currently opening the door to the van and speaking as rapidly as they moved had turned on the air conditioner.

Fuck my unfortunate life.

Questions were brewing and looming in my pounding head, confusion ranging mostly on what had happened to Dr. Cock. Just before being knocked out, I had caught a brief glance of bodies being dragged out of the condo building.

Or had I been hallucinating?

"Hey, get the boy, Laura. The rest of you should take care of getting the others inside. The governors will have a blast today."

The boy? The others?

I didn't have the luxury of pondering over my thoughts, because the girl who was apparently Laura was on me the next second, a chuckle leaving her red lips and glinting dark eyes as my head made contact with the cold floors along with the rest of my body.

For the second time that night.

It hurt like a bitch being tossed around like a piece of meat, and series of grunts slipped from my lips before I realised they were coming from me, a piece of rock digging deep into my palm.

This pain was excruciating, more than I could bear, more than I could wish on anybody. They were chuckling around me, reveling in my discomfort. My eyes burned and my tendons and muscles strained so fucking much I almost lost consciousness again. It was as though I was having a concussion, tears prickling around my eyes as if to taunt my already blurry vision.

"Hey, move it. Don't be such a girl and attempt to die on me before I've had the privilege of showing them the present I have okay?" Laura chuckled and moved towards me with that superhuman speed, her stilettos digging into my butt.

Fuck, I was sweating and shivering of cold and mentally cursing more than I've done all my life.

"Giddy up, boy. Move it."

Albeit the pain tore my flesh apart from the inside, I forced myself upwards, gritting my teeth as my eyes made the mistake of turning towards the van beside ours.

The other creatures of the night were dragging bodies through the cold floors as though they were objects of games and fun, laughing amongst themselves as they dragged them by the arm, effortlessly pushing their injured whimpering bodies into an open door.

"What the fuck you're looking at? Want me to drag you that way? Get your tushy moving or I drain you."

I didn't understand Laura's statement, nor was I stupid enough to stop once I heard that venomous tone in her voice. I heard hisses around me as I staggered into the doors where security conversed briefly with our abductors before letting us in.

A cold eerie omen slammed harshly into my chest as soon as I stepped into those dark gigantic doors which shimmered as much as the unmistakable footprints of blood on the floors.

For the third time that evening, my feet were struck into immobility by a creepy awe and my eyes took in the sight before them.

There was music so loud it was vibrating through my head and increasing my migraine, but that was nothing compared to the image of the most creepy party in every fucking history, even that yet to occur.

The expansive elegant interior design of the mansion was built with floor to ceiling glass windows and curtains which were currently stained with crimson red, thick blood dripping from the ceilings. A good number of expensively but skimpily dressed men and women ground their bodies against one another, casually striking up a conversation now and then which my sharp ears picked up.

But nothing was fucking casual or normal about the way they held and sipped at glasses of fresh blood or how some of them were divided into groups, their clothes discarded as they engaged in orgies.

Except that as they fucked those sweaty bodies and swung them around like a pair of ragdoll, their teeth were buried on different parts of their bodies, latching on them as one would a straw used to drain juices.

Juices of blood...

Straws of long fangs and razor-sharp finger nails used in tearing bodies apart.

The smell of death and fresh body and expensive perfumes mingled with semen and vagina juices to push a gust of revolt into my throat.

I was disgusted and repulsed as I realised so late, what exactly was going on here and who these people were...

Fucking bloody vampires.

I couldn't move, which had nothing to do with the approving hisses and snarls around me, those moans of guttural pleasure as they released their fangs and sank deep into the neck of a warm human.

Hell, they were drinking from those who had been taken like me, and repulsion drove hard into my chest, spreading bouts of fury through my body although I was powerless against these monsters.

"The King does know how to throw a party doesn't he? Now keep going unless you want to begin your own orgy, right now." The chilling cold from Laura's words made me shiver as a lump of fear and revulsion attacked my lungs and head.

I was mad, repulsed by the closeness of her body against mine, especially when she hissed directly into my ears, and fucking hummed.

"Fuck, if you weren't a special treat for the king, I would have taken you now. Your pure virgin blood fucking turns me on." A trail of wetness accompanied her words as she swiped her tongue against my neck.

My fists clenched of their volition; everything in me hated her and something beastly which I hadn't felt since the time I watched my mother die, wanted to rip her apart.

"Give the human a break, Laura. Bet he hasn't ever fucked a girl before." One of the vampires who acted like the leader made a jest of me and walked ahead dragging a whimpering body.

"Yeah, and his blood is special. Let's get him to the king before I eat up his prize."

I wanted to snap, something was building inside me and threatening to break free.

With each contact Laura's cold revolting hands made on my back to push me through icy bodies, the fury I felt burned hotter along with the migraine I was feeling. My vision became blurry again by the time we got to the middle of the floor crowded with vampires who were almost completely nude.

The potent smell of so much blood and cold breaths sniffing me and licking their lips as if I were cheap meat angered me more than I was sad.

"Can't I have him, Laura? I'll reward you beautifully, you know..." A female vampire with generous bosom stuffed suffocatingly into a tight corset top stopped in front of us, her sharp fangs baring as she stared at my neck longingly. Drooling.

I lowered my head to the floors, unwilling to meet her crimson eyes filled with voracious need.

"Sorry Governor Brenda, you know how we always reserve special treats for the king. I'll get you one that smells just as good, promise." For the firsy time, I was relieved by Laura's presence behind me, albeit I knew it wouldn't last for what it was worth and being 'reserved' to be drained by whoever was behind this diabolic act wasn't a compliment.

The female governor whose bold red lipstick had blurred into the line between make-up and the blood on her cheeks swiped her tongue against her teeth and moved away, snarling disappointedly.

A few steps later filled with the disturbing sounds of moans and grunts and tearing of flesh brought me away from the middle of bloodthirsty vampires, but my horror hadn't begun yet.

I knew this barely a minute later when Laura led us through a silent hallway, my wet sneakers leaving prints of sand mixed with the blood I had stepped on at the party hall.

Security officers with pale skin and similar hunky features stood on each end of the hall, hissing hungrily as I walked slowly past them. Somehow I understood petrification more and made a pact with shivering with each step I took towards the deathly silent hall.




For all which represented one thing wasn't enough to describe how I felt as that chilling aura enveloped my entire being and sucked me into its cage.

It was more, stronger than all the feelings I had whenever I thought of my mother's death.

Greater than what I had just felt at the 'party' where I had just witnessed people get killed and the kind of sexual act a minor wasn't supposed to look upon.

By the time we were two steps away from the expansive doors washed in regal black and red, my feet had of their volition chosen to stop moving.

I was shivering beyond control and my heartbeat was so high even Laura gasped beside me.

Surely the prospect of my fear would get the ice bitch off, but she had enough control not to let it get in her way.

Without attempting to say a word to me, the bitch extraordinary swiped her card against the security system and as soon as the doors slid open, I was picked up like an inconsequential object and flung against the wall of the dark expansive room.



I wanted to die.

The pain I experienced wasn't bearable, especially as my head went flying first, the sound of my bone kissing the wall so violently obvious to my own ears.

"You do know how to make an entrance in a way that pleases me, Laura."

Venomous hiss and effortless brutality and authority dripped from words spoken without any attempt at intimidation.

There wasn't use for it anyway, since that raspy quality of wicked allure had me crumbling into a ball, my limbs excruciatingly painful and lungs destroyed by the impact of that hit.

Laura stepped in with those high stilettos she had dug into my ass, her leather pants hugging slender thighs and expansive hips. "I only aim to please, your highness."

The dimness of the light and blurriness of my vision afforded my sight mere silhouettes of fast moving people. There had been other people in the room apart from the king before we came in, females who smelt of warm muskiness and were very much alive.

It didn't take time to realise that they were humans, unabashed by their completely nude state. They hadn't also expressed any surprise when I was thrown against the wall, but had in fact chuckled.

How fucked up could this night get exactly.

Apparently that question was answered in the next few minutes, killing everything I had lived for and believed in.

It started with Laura running her fingers through the King's, and the slight parting of her lips. "We brought you a little surprise. The doctor was gone by the time we got there so we took all the neighbours, but guess what we didn't expect to see? A piece of meat he had been conversing with over the years. Seems they were planning to run away tonight or something; the boy had his bag packed and all. The doctor must have been keeping a son secret from the rest of his little family."

Oh fuck. I...I wasn't his son but a whimper could only leave my lips when I wanted to speak. I was grateful that he had managed to run but now I was caught in the middle of this and...

"Interesting. Get out, all of us. Go service my governors at the party and get good information for me. Lights!"

It was a question of minutes before the lights came on fully and the girls gathered torn garter belts and pantyhose, their small tits swaying as their hurriedly wore heels and bowed to the man who stood at that moment, the doors shutting as they left us alone.

Thick wetness rolled down my face, covering a part of my eye, and I realised when my palm touched it, that it was my own blood trickling from my open head or something.

And hell, the two vampires smelt it immediately, their burning stares making me turn away from them as I struggled to keep something from breaking free inside of me.

Snarls, hisses, the swish of lightening moving towards me as I found myself against the wall again in the space of a few minutes, callused capable fingers wrapping around my throat.

I was going to die, drained of all blood and discarded somewhere and no one was going to look for me.

Yet my olfactory and auditory senses could only take in the aroma of carnality and masculinity, and my delicate throat groped with such strength could only attest to his dominance and wish for his touch.

It was the first physical contact that hadn't repulsed me in years and my eyes opened, struck by the gripping attractive pull I was having towards him.

I saw him in the light for the first time; cruel beauty and sculpted bronze features highlighted by chiselled jaw and silver eyes.

His beauty was evil and the coldness of his heart so chilling it washed my skin in the rays of goosebumps.

Then he parted his arresting sensual lips and bared his fangs in fury...

For the first time in my life, I experienced sexual attraction and it was so potent I shivered for another reason in his arms.

I couldn't understand what was happening to me; the need to bury my face in his cold chest and seek warmth in a heart dead as a grave. Nor did I comprehend the words he spoke next through gritted teeth that reeked of fury.

"This is no boy, nor a fucking ward of the doctor."

"Wha... Your highness?"

My lips parted as my eyes widened immediately, my body rendered numb the moment he let go of me and in the next second, yanked the top of my hoodie and pulled it apart.

Resentment burned along with boiling fury when he muttered the next words, chilling me to death.

"You fucking brought me a werewolf! A damn she-wolf!"