
Becoming Normal Part 4; The Shadow Queen

This story is quite the must read in the series, I hope you enjoy it.

ChuckBoy39 · วัยรุ่น
25 Chs

A Change Of Heart

"FINE, Live with those pigs you call humans and the Anderson's. Adam was right all along", Nick said. Nick then walked away as Penny and her hoverboard flew away in the distance. Nick walked into the forest nearby and headed to another beach close to where he and Penny were talking. There was a boat waiting next to the dock with two other people in it. "Hey guys", said Nick. "From what i heard, She isn't coming back", said the kid in the driver's seat. "I don't want to talk about it Toby", Nick said. Toby stayed silent as he started up the boat. "If you ever want to talk about it, My door is open", said the other person there. "Thanks Emma", said Nick. "Don't mention it", said Emma. Toby then got the boat started and sped off. They then arrived at a big island with big hills and trees. "It feels good to be back here", said Nick. "That's the magic of the isle of the bots. You never want to leave", Toby said. "One of us did", said Emma. Nick looked at the ground in embarrassment. "I don't think you want to bring that up", said Toby. "Sorry sorry", said Emma. "No no. I have to talk about it eventually", Nick said. "Do you want to head to the campfire area? I restocked the marshmallows", Toby said. "That would be nice", said Nick as the three headed into the island. They walked for a bit until they got to a campfire area and sat down on some logs. "Thanks for doing this for me", said Nick. "Of course. We bots stick together", Emma said. "Yeah, yeah. Look Nick, I can't imagine this is easy for you", Toby said. "It's not. I just lost the love of my life to humans who don't even know that she's a robot", Nick said. "It does sound rough", said Emma. "It does.. Adam would think i should hate humans again", Nick said. "Speaking of, Where is Adam? He ran off to find Penny to convince her to hate humans and to join us again", said Toby. "If i couldn't convince her, Adam has no chance", said Nick. "It's a good thing to cause Penny does look like she's living a good life back there", Emma said. "OK I'm gonna head out for the night. I want to get some rest", Nick said. "But were robots We don't get rest, we get six minutes to process the day we experience", Toby said. "Well i want to have some rest anyway", said Nick as he went to his own shack. "Killjoy", said Toby as he left the campfire with Emma following soon after. 

Nick then closed the door to his shack and fell on his bed with sadness inside him. "It's just not fair. Why can't the past Penny come back to me? Why did Penny have to change? Why can't i have my one true love again", Nick said. "Don't cry on love", said an anonymous voice. "Who was that", said Nick as he turned around to see a ghostly figure. "Don't be afraid, Nick", The ghost said. "Who are you", said Nick. "I am Tony's ghost", said Tony. "I don't know a Tony", said Nick. "I was a friend of Bailey", said Tony. "Still not ringing any bells", said Nick. "Forget it. That's not why I'm here", Tony said. "Then why are you here", said Nick. "Your sadness called out to me for advice", said Tony. "Well i am a bit sad", said Nick. "Then tell me why", Tony said. "It's a long story", said Nick. Don't worry. You won't have to repeat the last few chapters", Tony said. "If you stop breaking the fourth wall, i will tell you", said Nick. "Sounds good to me", said Tony. 

A few minutes later . . . 

"So that's what happened", said Nick. "Does sound hard to deal with", said Tony. "Oh it is", said Nick. "Well i have a bit of advice for you", said Tony. "What kind of advice", said Nick. "A long time ago, My friends and i fought battle after battle just like you and the five. One of these battles, The enemy had my girlfriend whose name was also Penny. He pushed her down a clock tower at fast speeds. I was able to save her by the very end but i couldn't save us both", Tony said. "I'm assuming that's how you died", said Nick. Indeed. I was able to save Penny and she started to mope about me at the bottom of that tower. Moments before i died, i told her that there was a book under my bed that she never saw", Tony said. "What was under that book", said Nick. "When i was dealing with someone close to me dying, I made a book with advice for me to keep on going said Tony. I wanted her to look at it but it was painful to her and i don't think she ever opened the book", Tony said. "That must have been hard for you", said Nick. "What I'm trying to say is that, She may not be the Penny that fell in love with you but she is still Penny. After all, you would remove your motherboard for her", said Tony. "I guess. But why should i risk my life for some humans", Nick said. "You may not know this but you will never know how special the Anderson's are, until you lose them", said Tony. "I see what you're trying to do but I'm not doing it", said Nick. "You don't have to do it for anything if you want to. But you can do it for Penny's sake. These are people she cares about. I have to go now but think about what i said Nick", said Tony as he vanished into thin air. Nick sat there thinking about it. "I may not want to but she needs me", said Nick. Nick then went near the door and took his hoverboard and went outside. "I know what i have to do", said Nick as the hoverboard turned on and Nick got on it. "And I'm ready to do it. Come on Ned, We got a family to save", Ned then beeped in joy as he and Nick flew off.