
State of surprise and shock.

"Why I m feeling so attracted to a figure whom i never wanted to be in my life ",Sikander murmured to himself.He lay down on his bed and tried to sleep but Zara's black dark deep eyes were revolving in his imagination.In this mixed feelings of likes and dislikes ,Sikander slept without realising that Zara is waiting for him to speak with him.Like last night ,she was disappointed ."Why but why he is behaving like stranger when he agreed to tie spiritual bond of marriage".Zara also slept next to him with heavy soul and mind.She turned her face towards him and started admiring his blond body .His cuts were revealing but face was innocent like small cute baby.But whatever happen between them both had experienced a moment even though it was for few seconds.Zara woke up with heavy heart and thought to take long shower to feel bit better.Sikander was still sleeping in his cosy bed.After a long bath Zara was feeling much better and lighter.Sikander was still sleepy but could make out some figure is standing infront of mirror like angel .Her face was hidden with hairs and her long wet hairs were dripping water drops.For a while he thought hes dreaming about mermaid who had come on earth to find her prince.In this confusion ,he wake up from bed and hug Zara from back .She tried to scream but Sikander closed her mouth with his palm and without realising that she is Zara put his blanket on her face.Shhhhhhshh "dont move you beautiful angel or try to utter a word else that witch will come and kill you like my happiness.

Zara was stunned with his words.She gritted her jaws but couldnt speak a word.Sikander was behaving like small kid whose toys were taken away.She manage to release herself from his grip and push him away to take some air .

Splashhhhhh ! She poured jug full of water on him and expression of small innocent crying baby was now transformed into furious youngman.He stood up and hold Zara with red bloody eyes.He shouted "stay away from me and my life and dont ever try to touch me".Zara replied blankly "It is you who is holding me now and behaving like lunatic "He glared at Zara and bang the door of bathroom and locked him inside.He stood in shower to collect himself and lost in his past memory.He was so happy with Saloni but why God has turned his wheel of destiny.He is only with body without soul .He covered his face and started crying like broken soul who is wandering helplessly and eager to find salvation but getting no way out.

Sikander met Saloni when he was in management college in U.S.A. He was tall ,smart and intelligent student.As usual he was sitting in canteen for coffee and waiting for his friend for project work.Suddendly someone picked his file and started running ...." hey girl give my file back ..stop i said u silly".

She stopped and next moment she kissed me infront of whole college.I was shocked,stunned and speechless but she was laughing and asking me boldly "Now what is your views about me handsome".She bang file on my head and disappear from there.I was standing there like dumb senseless crow who even forget to fly .

All are giggling on me and passing funny comments on me but i was still in state of surprise and shock.I just pick up my file and came back home.