
Beauty And The Werewolf

Annabel finds herself in the town of werewolves where humans were used as pets. She finds a sudden connection with Mackie a werewolf. A town where death of the human would be the punishment of their love. Can love really work between these two forbidden creations?.

Miracle_Moses_4003 · วัยรุ่น
161 Chs


Raina tried to separate from him to no avail. She tried to say something so he moved his hand from her mouth, she gasped in some air. Then she glared at him. 

"Jasper Smith! Do you have a death wish? Let go of me right now or I'm going to send you to the world beyond!" She threatened him. 

"On one condition, you're going to let me sleep in my room tonight. I am too tired and can't guard you. You do that or people are going to spread rumors about us. I don't think we have much time, you should make a decision fast." He replied with a smirk. 

"All these because you don't want to guard me? What a useless idiot. Let me go, you can go have your beauty sleep."