
Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

[Mature Content] Some things are best left undisturbed for a reason. Especially ones that are buried in the ground.  Thirteen years after the incident at Winchester Manor, Mallory Winchester resides with her uncle and his family. She is to wed a baron. However, Mallory faces betrayal. Desperate, she sets out looking for the buried artefact that she once believed was a joke told by her grandmother.  But what do you do if you don't find the object, but a person instead? And not just any person, but an immortal being who was never meant to see daylight ever again.  Mallory is convinced that whoever created Hadeon Van Doren must have mixed in generous doses of evil, sadistic nature, and dangerously handsome looks. Now, besides her initial problem, she must find a manual to tame this person who is looking at her as if she is his next meal, as well as tame her. 

ash_knight17 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

Monkey's fashion

Mallory followed Hadeon, watching him glide through the street like a ghost because of how long his coat was. Her eyes fleeted over the shop signs, wondering if they concealed hidden themed shops. 

"Was that guy we met back there a night creature?" Mallory whispered so that the humans walking past them didn't hear her. 

"Humans sporting red eyes are as rare as a vegetarian werewolf," Hadeon stated with a smirk. There were werewolves?! Mallory turned alarmed. "This place is central to non-human beings. You'll find this place primarily caters to vampires. Which is why half of this place is filled with vampires, while the rest are humans."

Mallory edged closer to Hadeon, hoping to avoid being mistaken for a tasty treat. But instead of maintaining a safe distance, she accidentally bumped into him, earning a disapproving look from the pureblooded vampire.