
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

Kevin's Thoughts And Wishes 2

She was tearing up once again.

Kevin began to wonder if this female was made out of water, he clearly remembered that he had followed her very carefully and had made sure she didn't hurt herself in any way and even her little organ was fine, so why was she crying again.

Kevin had not thought about this before but after asking himself this question, he realized that this could have been one of her many secrets she kept from him. And thinking why this could be a secret made him feel that he was being a bit insensitive just now.

Kevin remember that when he first saw Hao Shen in the forest, she didn't have any mates with her to protect her and neither did she have the scent of having being mated with, which meant that she most likely had never had a mate.

And maybe this was not because she did not want to have a mate but because the males in her previous tribe didn't want to be mated with her, therefore, isolating her.

Being the only female with a special physique might have made the tribesmen from her previous tribe ostracize her. She must have been criticized by them as well. And this made her feel insecured about her own existence.

And maybe Hao Shen was unable to take it anymore so she had ran away which led to him finding her in the forest, all alone.

Although Kevin didn't know how she had survive on her own till she got here, he was glad that she was able to find her way to him.

Now that she was with him, he would protect her from everything. Kevin didn't bother trying to get Hao Shen to wake up any more, he gently carried Hao Shen in his arms and took her back to the cave.

Kevin let out a sigh after putting her down on the animal skin blanket, she didn't seem to be responding to him at all, he had really frightened her this time.

Kevin looked down thinking of what to do to calm her down, he was scared that Hao Shen would see him as one of those beast men who would push her away the moment they knew of her secret.

He thought about how she had always pushed him away not letting him get too close to her and understood that she was trying not to get hurt, he felt like he understood her better. He just

hoped she would get through her fears and see that he was different from the others.

He was thinking this when his attention was caught by her little organ again, his face flushed in embarrassment as he remembered when he almost touched it.

As Hao Shen was still in a trance, He quickly took off the animal skin around his waist and used it to cover Hao Shen's still exposed organ.

While scratching his head and looking elsewhere, Kevin very awkwardly said, "You should cover up more, or you'll catch a cold". But he only said those words to lessen the awkwardness he felt, but after recalling that Hao Shen was still in a daze and would most likely not hear what he said He felt even more awkward and his face flushed red once again.

Kevin didn't know why but ever since he met this female, all he did was show her his embarrassing side, even when he was trying hard to impress her. 'why can't I act normally like how I am with the others'.

Just as he was thinking this, Hao shen suddenly spoke "What... What did you say?" Kevin was surprised  'when did she wake up? did she notice me looking at That part of her body?.. is she going to get angry at me'.

Kevin anxiously looked at Hao Shen while hoping that things were not as bad as he thought they were, and to his relief, Hao Shen's face was filled with genuine confusion.

Hao Shen was indeed really confused, he was just thinking of the worst possible ways in which he could die before he finally calm himself down, he no longer cared to live all he wanted was a quick death.

Hao Shen was now determined to beg for a quickly and painless death, all he hoped for was that the system would send him to another world to complete another mission which hopefully is a much simpler mission than this one, and if it was possible it would send him back to his old world.

Although Hao Shen couldn't see the blush on Kevin's face due to how dark it was, the cave was still open and using the lights coming from the moon, Hao Shen could clearly see the awkwardness in Kevin's expression and body movement. Hao Shen could not help but think 'what was this guy feeling awkward for!'.

Kevin had still not answered to hao Shen's previous question so hao shen was planning on asking another one, but before he could Kevin interrupted him.

Kevin saw the confusion on Hao Shen's face and decided to use this opportunity to prove to her that he wasn't like the other beast men who abandoned her.

He had wanted to say this to Hao Shen when he realized what she went through but she was still in a daze back then so he could only wait for her patiently until she woke up on her own.

Now that her mind is clear, Kevin wanted to use this opportunity to tell her everything he felt. "I know you must be scared but, don't be scared cause I won't push you away like the others, and I'm still willing to mate with you, that is if you let me be your mate but if you don't, I would still protect you no matter what the other beast men think, or say about you. I would always be with you just as long as you let me be by your side. So please don't think that I'm like the others or that I would chase you away or mock you for being a strange female because I would never do that, I like you that would not ever change".

After Kevin was done, he patted Hao Shen's soft hair before leaving the cave.

Kevin's words were unorganized and rushed, he was in a hurry to leave the cave, if not for how dark it was Hao Shen would have seen his face getting redder the more he spoke, he wasn't putting on anything and this made him fill a little weird.

Kevin was embarrassed by it and even if he knew that Hao Shen would not be able to see him in the dark and that it was normal for unmated males to show off their reproductive organs in front of the females they liked, Kevin just felt embarrassed by it, maybe because he was used to covering himself in front of females.

Infact he would never take off his animal skin skirt in front of the other males either, it was only when he went out hunting or was in his beast form that he removed his animal skin skirt.

Initially Kevin started wearing animal skin to prevent females from thinking he was interested in them and to stop them from approaching him all the time. It had worked although some females still approached him, it was not like before.

And so he kept on wearing it even in front of other males and now it felt strange to be looked at while he wasn't putting it on.

Kevin didn't know that as he left, the light from the moon was able to show his naked back view to Hao Shen, he thought that Hao Shen would not see anything as long as he left the cave.

Watching Kevin's back view made Hao Shen realize something 'this guy confess to me while being butt naked', and thinking of that disorganized confession made him quite confused 'Wasn't he suppose to be angry!, shouldn't he kick me out by now or beat me to death!? What's with this situation? Also I just realized that his confession was way better than mine was back then... was that why Feng Qi rejected me? I should really learn from him... Wait what am I thinking right now, the point is, this guy still believes that I'm a girl... after everything he saw... is he serious', Hao Shen was exasperated.

At first when Kevin started confessing, Hao Shen was really surprised, does the beast world also have the concept of gay relationship's? but after Kevin called him a 'strange' female, Hao Shen's mind exploded 'were there really female's with d*ck's in this world...'