
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

Finally Got Caught

And what was even worst was that Kevin brought more of this particular fruit back, and in the end, he didn't like it at all. what was he going to do with this much, he felt that if he kept eating it his teeth would fall out.

Hao Shen only ate that single piece and then left the rest, he was a little disappointed that the fruit turned out like this, but at the very least he still had the avocados.

Kevin had only brought back four avocados and now they were only three left after Kevin ate one.

Hao Shen used the kitchen knife that was now stained with the unknown fruit's juice and he used it to cut the avocados because he didn't want to waste water washing it, before he carefully pilled the avocados.

He did this to all three of them so that it would be easy for him to eat. After he was done with that he put down the kitchen knife and then picked up a slice and put it in his mouth.

His eyes went wide in amazement, ordinarily, avocados tasted rather bland but after the juice of that unknown fruit touched it, it's taste changed and miraculously it tasted heavenly.

This is the feeling that chef's have when they made a mistake in the ingredients but the food tastes way better than it was supposed to. He felt that he had  discovered something amazing.

After that discovery, Hao Shen wanted to do more experiments on what he just found out.

He directly mixed the fruits together by adding a bit of the purple fruit to a large piece of avocado.

And when he was done putting them together, he directly put it in his mouth, and boy, it tasted beautiful.

He closed his eyes to savor the taste of his creation. This was the first time he was creating something new and it tasted this good.

Although there was a slight change after mixing the fruits directly, and it wasn't as good as when he mistakingly smeared some of the purple fruit's juice on the avocados, he felt that this was enough for now.

And even if he wanted to do a few more experiments on it, Hao Shen decided to just put that aside and just enjoy the feeling of being a good chef and also enjoy the fruits alongside it.

And not long later, Hao Shen finished the avocados. He felt a little bit regretful that the avocados were only this little, and was not enough to satisfy him.

He wished he could ask Kevin to bring him more avocados, but aside from the fact that he was too much of a wimp to ask for that, he also felt that it was already too late in the evening, he could barely see his own hands.

Plus who knew when Kevin would get back maybe by the time he did, Hao Shen would've already slept off. Thinking like this made Hao Shen feel like a wife waiting for her husband to come home.

Hao Shen only used a small portion of the purple fruit to eat the avocados. Out of 10 that Kevin brought back there were still 7 left and Hao Shen didn't know what to do with that, so he just wrapped it up and put it at the side.

Then carefully he put the kitchen knife back in his backpack after trying to wipe it with some leave, he took the bottled water and also wanted to put it in his backpack, but he was feeling a little bit thirsty so he uncapped it and drank from the bottled water, he then returned the empty plastic bottle back to his backpack while thinking of finding a chance to throw away the trash that's accumulating in his backpack.

Then all of a sudden he felt an incredible urge to pee.

Hao Shen slowly put away his backpack. He knew that in an era where people are living in caves, there was no such things as toilets, so the next best thing was doing his business outside.

He was Glad that he was a man and it was only pee, he didn't want to think about what to do when he wanted to take a number 2. He held back the urge while hoping that Kevin would return soon.

But after waiting for a while he stood up and started pacing around to reduce the urge.

He felt like his bladder was about to explode, and Kevin was still not back, he was feeling restless, he didn't know how he held it in for this long, but he couldn't take it anymore.

He used the little light coming from the gap left by Kevin to walk to the bolder blocking the cave, he reached out his hands and touched the bolder, then took a deep breath trying to summon his strength, and although he knew he wouldn't be able to move that huge boulder, he decided it was worth the try.

After he was done summoning the energy to push the bolder, he used all his strength to push it and surprisingly the minute he started pushing the boulder, he could feel it moving.

Surprised that it actually move, Hao Shen forgot to keep pushing the boulder, but the boulder kept on moving on it's own.

It was then he realized, he wasn't the one moving it, but the pain he was having from his bladder didn't let him think about giving his thanks, or even checking who was moving the boulder.

The boulder was only half moved when Hao Shen slipped out of the cave.

Due to how dark the cave was, the moon light was enough for Hao Shen to see where he was going. the contrast between the inside and the outside of the cave was clear.

Being able to see his surroundings made Hao Shen see the end of the cliff so he didn't make his previous mistake and carefully towards his left and right. To his right was a rough slope leading down the hill, while at his left, he found a small forest area a meter away from where he was standing, and if he walked farther in he was sure no one would be able to see him do his business.

He turned to his left and walked to the forest area, he walked a bit farther inside before unzipping his pants. He didn't bother looking around himself and just started doing his business their.

This was the first time he was peeing out in the open, but he didn't want to think about it too much and just walked towards that area without checking if it was safe or not. His subconsciousness has not fully accepted the fact that he was in a new world and that wild animals or even scarier things could be out their, so he put himself in such a danger.

It was only when he was peeing and was feeling relaxed that he heard a muffled sound coming from behind him. he felt his tense muscles that was previously relaxing getting tense once again, and his mind that was filled with were to do his business started working on full swing.

'how could I have been so relaxed and forget that this isn't my world, and even in my world there would be small snake or some other wild animal that would take such a small forest as it's territory, and I just swaggered my way in like I own the place. Could this be where I die in the end'.

Hao Shen was frozen at the spot unable to move, the sound of foot steps could now clearly be heard and Hao Shen once again let down his guard thinking he was safe as long as someone was there.

But then he tensed up again, he just realized that he didn't know anyone apart from Kevin in this world,and what if the person behind him was that malicious person from earlier that day.

His heart started beating wildly, he also just realized that he didn't see the person who had opened the cave for him just now and that it could have really been that guy and now he followed him into this forest.

Hao Shen saw the shadow of the person behind him coming closer by the second, he held his breath.

He felt scared and didn't know what to do, what if that psycho decided to kidnap him.

He started praying to the stars that Kevin would come back early and notice his situation and come save him.

He slowly turned his head to see who was that. And the minute he saw who it was, He let out a sigh of relief "it's just you".

He could finally breath now that he knew that it was just Kevin, he turned his eyes back to what he was doing and then realized that it was just Kevin which meant Kevin was here.... watching him pee....