
Beauty's Beasts

"Do females fly??" "What?!!! I've never seen one." Parrick said with a frown. "Then why...." he said nonchalantly pointing to the sky where a female was descending at a super sonic speed with a loud scream on the top of her lungs. Parrick gaped at the sky in disbelief. The female clearly had no wings...so how come she was up there! Also...there were no flying beastmen settlements from where the female came from!!! "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" the female screamed falling from such a high altitude and her scream died down the next minute. "My Lord ...we didn't save her!!!!!" Parrick gaped in utter shock and disbelief. "Her scream surely attracted a number of other males. They'll go rescue her...and you too can go if you badly want to." "Huh!!!!!" Parrick was dumbfounded. "Look!" he said and indeed a group of flying beastmen and other land beastmen were sprinting to the direction the female had fall in. Sydney is swept away by a tornado and is thrown into a different space. She's confused as to why she came to this weird world but she accepts her fate. The people here are half human half beasts and despite being an independent woman back on earth, here she needs a male to survive but not just one.... multiple males. -One male is younger than her -The other is literally a walking legend -Another is venomous, even from mere skin contact. -The other is a hard specimen to understand -Her last male is a walking disaster! Cover design doesn't belong to me. Credit to original owners. Hello guys! It's your beloved author. This is a link to those interested in joining the WhatsApp chat group for litto-ways ♥️. I hope to find you there, in my little world. https://chat.whatsapp.com/GhoWIDjjK4E6ezWDwJ870k

Litto_ways · แฟนตาซี
205 Chs

Chapter 16 Her own piece of land.

Sydney decided to dismiss the sexual talk and do something else to pass time. "Ah.. right...were you able to bring the hides over?" Sydney asked.

Seeing that she was diverting the talk, they chose to let the matter go since she seemed not ready yet. They didn't even know if she could go in heat. For the meantime, they were going to observe her.

Shawn went over and brought the hides he had gotten from the eagle Prince's room at the Eagle castle. He spread them for her to pick what she wanted and like that, the two days went by with Sydney making clothes for herself or more with Caden learning how to make clothes for her. The hides were a little tough for her to pierce through and so he took on that duty. She insisted that they make clothes for them too. Shawn also went to his cave and retrieved his animal skins. With the efficiency of two beastmen, a wardrobe of clothes could be seen as Sydney directed on how the clothes were made.

Ken had wanted to join in the process.amd had also brought his animal hides but was harshly declined and all he could do was stand at the entrance and watch.

After the two day quarantine.

Caden walked over to Sydney's room with hurried steps. "Sydney.." .he called and a small red head with a big smile peeked from behind the curtain. "Father is here to see you." he said and Sydney nodded her head. She took her knee length pants made from animal skin and pushed herself in them. Along with a sleeveless shirt, she came out after smoothing out the material...it was extremely comfortable. "Caden...how do I look?" she asked as she organised her mid back length hair into a pony tail.

"Pretty!" he said dotingly and moved his hand to rub her head but she glared at him. "Don't ruffle my hair!" she snapped. She was yet to make a comb to keep her hair tame. Shawn came out with the skin boots of his female and handed them to her. These things were a little weird to them but she told them that she needed them to protect her feet from being pierced or burnt.

Placing her boots on, she held both men's hands and walked over to go meet with the Eagle king.

Standing in the hall with his hands behind his back, Carlos turned upon hearing the approaching footsteps and soon, his daughter made her appearance with her son and Shawn! With how intimately she was holding onto his hand, he knew there was nothing he could say otherwise. She had a big smile on her face and she was wearing a weird style of animal skin.

"Father!!" Sydney beamed and ran over with a smile. It was awkward to call him that but she at least had to try. Carlos was too young to be termed as father but after learning he was the one who hatched Caden, Sydney felt he deserved the title. "Did you come to see me?" she asked with a tilt of her head making her look adorable as her green eyes widened inquisitively.

"Mm. I heard you fell sick..how are you feeling?" he asked with a soft smile. Caden had stopped any one from coming to visit Sydney, their presence was useless.

"Well, I'm fine as you can see! Except for making me eat really funny dishes, I'm doing great! Today I was going out!" she chripped. Carlos noted that she was extremely chatty which was by far different from the first impression he had of her.

"Mm..Caden told me that. I also got what you wanted. Do you want to go see it?" he asked.

Sydney nodded vehemently. She ran back to her males and dragged them over. "We are ready!" she smiled and all the males were pleased seeing how happy she was. Especially Shawn, after being nagged at to let her out, he could finally sigh in relief.

Stepping out of the city hall, Sydney who had made a single appearance then disappeared once again caused a commotion when she was spotted once again. Clad in a tiger animal skin two piece attire, she looked really weird but in a good way as her curvy frame was articulated in the clothes she wore. She looked exceptionally alluring. Her white slender skin was on full display along with a part of her cleveage. She was a person who liked style and it didn't matter if she was in the 1400s she was sure to dress to her best

With three strong males walking behind her, no one dared the stand in their way.

"Caden..." Carlos called his son's attention. "Did you get to ask?" he questioned. Since she had blantly decided to refuse the night wolf tribe's prince, the matter has been discussed and a conclusion had been drawn. All potential males were to pursue her and she would get to choose. Caden warned them about insulting Shawn as that was what angered Sydney and made her shun Ken. Though some males feared that she'd be a picky female, hearing how protective she was of her male even when he was an undersirable one, they now all longed to win her favour.

Unlike most females here, they only got males to strengthen their stand in society but love towards their males, that was rare and if a male angered his female even a little, he'd be ignored and only turn into a man slave trying to appease the female till the remaining days of his life. It was a sad fact but males accepted their pathetic fates. Those that were strong headed would channel their emotions to serving their respective tribes as warriors.

"She didn't give a distinctive answer but I'm sure she's willing to take in a few more mates." he said.

"And you...when do you plan to consolidate your place as her first mate?" Carlos asked.

"Sydney is different father... it's going to take a while to get her to accept." Caden said with a smile. He loved how she wanted to build the emotional connection first and besides, they didn't know if she was even of age! So a little wait didn't bother either of them.

"Hurry up all of you! We will be late!" Sydney called out after realising she was at a distance from her family. Having sturbbonly refused to ride on Shawn's back, she wished to walk around and admire things but that wasn't the case. There was not much to admire as the whole place which was initially beautiful now looked dull. The houses were dull, except for the house inhabitants who had ears and tails, there wasn't much entertaining here. She had to do something about it.

The distance was a little bit further than Sydney had anticipated and she ended up accepting to be carried in Shawn's arms with her hands around his neck. They reached the huge piece of land. "Wow!!!" she gushed jumping out of Shawn's arms. It was wide around an acre of land.

"All of this is mine?!!!" she asked with a high pitched voice as she was in disbelief. Carlos nodded his head with a doting smile.

"You know you didn't have to do this!" Caden said with a small frown a little displeased.

"If you had been a needy boy, then you wouldn't be getting jealous over me giving my daughter a gift." Carlos said nonchalantly and went after Sydney who was running around happily. Thanks to her pants, she was free and comfortable as she ran around with her arms spread.

Hearing his female's happy voice, Shawn shifted into his wolf form and jogged to catch up with her.