6 Monsters

Y/n's POV

Monsters are real, those word echoed in your brain over and over like a song left on replay. Ghosts and werewolves and vampires and boogy man land even f*cking demons they're all real, and these men hunt them, your thoughts continued. How could Bobby keep this from you? Why would he? Does he care about you or your well being at all?

No, you told yourself firmly, I know Bobby loves me he must have a good reason for keeping this from me. You looked away from Bobby and looked back and forth between Sam and Dean. Did they believe this to? Could they just be entertaining Bobby's paranoia?

Sam avoided your gaze guiltily, ashamed he hadn't told you sooner and kept something so big from you. Your eyes met Dean's. You searched those pools of green eyes for the answers you wanted, the answers you needed. His eyes pierced into yours and it seemed like he was doing the exact same thing. His face was neutral, but his eyes told you he wanted to know what you thought just as much as you wanted to know what he did.

"So you're trying to tell me, that monsters, ghosts, demons, everything they're real," you said, well more asked, slowly after pulling you eyes away from Dean's to look back at Bobby's.

"Yes," Bobby said sharing the same guilty look as Sam, but even worse.

"Oh it doesn't just stop there, sweetheart, there's creatures out there we don't even know about," Dean piped up, causing you to give him back your attention. "But Godzilla is just a movie," he added after you looked at him with an amused half smile.

"How do you hunt them then?" You asked the blond man.

"We research-" Dean begins before Sam pitches in.

"I think you mean I research," Sam says with amusement then turns to you, looking at you for the first time since Bobby told you the truth, "if we can't find anything we look for help, mainly Bobby here."

"Yeah good ol' Bobster here's a big help," Dean teases causing a laugh from all of you. All the sudden the awkward tension is gone, like it was never there.

"It's not that bad of a nickname," you defend lightly.

"Whatever you say, Bug," Dean replies with a laugh. You had to admit, there was something about hearing his laugh that made you feel lighter and happier. His laugh was contagious, you noted, as you laughed along with him.

It's been a few hours since that talk and now you were sitting on Bobby's porch, lost in thought. What really killed mom? Was that nightmare real? Was the fire truly an accident? You were so deep in thought you didn't hear the creaky door open and close. You didn't notice when someone sat down next to you and looked at you concerned. It wasn't until they spoke that you were even aware of their presence.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," They said before turning to look into the distance. You turned your head calmly to see a solemn looking Sam sitting beside you.

"For what?" You asked totally confused.

"For lying to you, for hiding all this-" he made a gesture in the air and you knew he meant this as in what you discovered mere hours ago. "-from you. You deserve to know."

"No don't put this on yourself, Sam, I probably would've just thought you were insane if you tried to tell me sooner," You said while shaking your head and turning back to the distance.

"Yeah but I'm used to it by now," Sam jokes halfheartedly. After a few moments of comfortable silence you speak back up.

"So you really hunt these things?" You ask, interested.

"Yeah," he replies.

"Why'd you start?" You wondered out loud.

"It's..kinda the family business," Sam says, knowing you'd ask eventually.

(A/N: too good of a moment to pass up having an amazing gif of an amazing guy so...

...And now back to the story)

Before you could ask Sam anymore questions, you heard the door open once more and Bobby come out. Bobby must've given Sam a look because a second later Sam went back inside and Bobby took his place.

"Alright, what're you thinking?" He said after a few moments.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" You ask the question that's been on your tongue for the past couple of hours. You heard Bobby sigh before responding in a defeated voice.

"I was trying to protect you. I was afraid you would blame your mother's death with some creature and become obsessed with finding it, " at that you looked up at him.

"You think it was a creature?" You asked eagerly, wondering if you could be correct.

"Maybe," Bobby said diplomatically. "But I knew a man who went down that road, and it ain't pretty," he added concerned about your eagerness.

"Ok I won't look too much into it," you assured him. "Why haven't you introduced me to Sam and Dean?" You asked him.

"Because, those idjits would've told ya," Bobby responded and after a few more moments of silence he said, "I'm sorry."

"It's ok, Bobster, just no more secrets, got it?" You requested.

"Got it," he said, agreeing that that is for the best. Before anymore conversation could strike up again, Dean walks out.

"I'm going to go get some food, either of you want anything?" Dean asked thany more of us and for the second time tonight, interrupting your conversation.

"Y/f/f for me," you said after Bobby says what he wants.

"Got it," Dean responds as he heads to a familiar car.

"It was you that had the '67 Impala!" You exclaimed in shock. Dean turned around and looked at you surprised. "I saw it when I was going to the store yesterday, long story short I'm now coming with you," you added while admiring the vehicle and he smiled.

"Well then hop in," he said before he got into the driver's seat. You jumped up, gave Bobby a kiss on the cheek and jumped into the passenger.

"God, she's beautiful," you said running your fingers across the dashboard.

"Oh yes she is," Dean said and you could tell that you were inflating his already too big ego but what the hell? He put in a cassette and you got curious about what would come on. As Dean was pulling out into the road I recognized the song, Traveling Riverside Blues by Led Zeppelin. You might not know the song well enough to know the lyrics very well but you knew the tune. You hummed along while Dean was tapping his fingers to the beat, you laughed when he started to sing along.

"You're a dork," you said smiling in amusement.

"I think I'm adorable," Dean said with a smile and you rolled your eyes.

Next he put on Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi and you couldn't help sing along with Dean. You had to admit the man could ssing.

When the Impala was parked at diner, you couldn't help but be slightly disappointed. The car ride here was a lot more fun than you thought it would be. Even with the disappointment, you couldn't wipe the smile off your face and from the looks of it as you both walked to the diner, neither could he. You both got all the food and drove back to Bobby's, rockin' out as you went. You both had a surprising amount of fun and you started to see each other as more of a friend. You may know there's monsters in the world now but you vowed that no matter what, you'd cherish all the good memories you can get.
