
Chapter 1: Transmigrated

Ater City

A young man was lying on a bed, His body is so think and his face is pale. Anyone could tell that this boy have not eating regularly. The boy slowly opened his Aqua Color Eyes.

-Where am i?

The boy tried to lift his body but he didn't have strength to do it.

-My body feel so weak, What happened?

The boy showed a panic expression

A sudden flow of new memories entered his minds

"Ahhh!" The boy screamed in pain.

After 30 seconds the Pain slowly faded. The boy who had Panic expression slowly became calmed.

-So i transmigated into this body. His soul and mine combined. Now he and i are one. His feelings and thoughts became mine. The Previous Owner of this body called Chen Feng same as mine. This planet called Thart. This planet is 20x bigger than Earth! Composed of 150 plus continents! 10 Years Ago when i was 9 Years old Many portals suddenly appeared around the world Many Beasts came out from the Portal! The Guns,Missiles,Etc... barely killed the Beasts! But after 2 Years of fighting the government found a way to fight back. They found a way to tame a beast! The one who tame the Beasts called Beast Masters! The Beasts Masters fought for 5 Years and they successfully killed most of the Beasts that invaded the Thart!-

-This Body died because of Over Working... ~Sigh~ He worked 5 Jobs everyday for his Little Sister. His Little Sister is attending one of the Best Beast Academy. Of course the Previous Body can't provide the tuition fees by just working 5 jobs a day. She got Scholar Ship because of her talent. He only provides her Allowances but 3 Part Time jobs wasn't enough so he took 5 Part time Jobs! Fuck, This Chen Feng really loves his Little Sister He only sleeps for 2 hours a day and the rest is work He didn't even complained! So he died because of Over Working!-

Chen Feng suddenly felt his strength came back, He can now moved easily. He slowly sat down in bed. He is feeling familiarity on his new body. Suddenly a screen same in the games appeared in front of him.

[Tutorial: Beast Tamer System- A system gift from God that gave to User-Chen Feng-

This System will help you to become the Strongest Beast Tamer!


Chen Feng Stats

Tame Beast= 0

Soul Points= 0

Spiritual Power Rank= Colorless

Spiritual Pagoda= 1 Storey

Beast Master 1


-FFFF!!! Th-this is! My SP rank is Colorless! What the heck does that mean?! Wait! This Means that i can finally become Beast Master!

Chen Feng thin and pale face first showed confusion then it turned into Happy Expression

The Previous owner of this Body is didn't have Spiritual Power! Anyone who wants to become BM needs Spiritual Power!

The Spiritual Power Rank is: Bronze,Silver,Gold,Black Gold, and so on.

The Beast Rank is: Bronze,Silver,Gold,Black Gold, and so on same as the Spiritual Power.

If someone are BM 1 and she/he wants to become BM 2 he/she need to absorb Beast Cores or Spiritual Herbs to make his/her Spiritual Pagoda taller.

Spirit Pagoda=1 Storey= BM 1= Can tame 2 Beasts

Spirit Pagoda= 2 Storey= BM 2= Can tame 4 Beast. and so on.

You can awake your SP at the Age of 15-17 if you didn't awaken it then that means that you don't have Spiritual Power. Chen didn't away awaken it so he didn't have SP. But his Little Sister Megumi successfully awaken her SP!

Her SR rank is Silver!

1 out of 100,000 SP is stronger than others.

Usually the BM 1 SP rank is: Bronze, They can only tame Bronze Rank Beast!

If you became BM 2 your SP rank will become stronger and it will advance next rank! Bronze to Silver!

But the likes of Megumi is called Heavenly Talented Person. Her SR rank is Silver that Means that She can tame Silver Rank Beast!

Ex. Megumi= BM 1= She can not only tame Bronze Rank Beast but also Silver Rank Beast because of her SP rank!

If she became BM 2= She can tame Gold Rank Beast! Her rank is more advanced than the others!

-But my SP rank is colorless what does that mean?

[The System will answer that for you. Colorless means that you can tame any rank Beasts!]

Gulp. Chen Feng swallowed his saliva because of shock! He can tame any rank Beasts! If the others know this they will kill him for sure!

-This secret must never be exposed!

Chen Feng swore in his heart!


Chen Feng who was happy was disturbed by his growling stomact

"I'm hungry. Gotta eat first" Said Chen Feng as he caressed his growling stomach

He stood up and walked to his kitchen and took some foods from the freezer

Heck! The freezer is almost empty!

Chen Feng barely able eat the almost expired canned foods.

After finish eating he took a bath because he stink after that he wore a casual clothes. The Technology here is pretty advanced than in the Earth. He entered his Small Room again and lie on the bed again. H

-Now what to do?

Chen Feng was thinking what will he do from now on. He needs to earn money to support his lovable little sister. But his thinking was disturbed by a voice inside of his mind.

[Host this is the last notification you will received. Please raised you right hand to the air]

Chen Feng did what the system told. He raised his right arm to the air.

[Then Yelled "I, Who always watched Hentai summon you Pikachu!!!"]

"I, Who always watched Hentai summon you Pikachu!!!

Chen Feng subconsciously did what the system said. When he realized what he said his face became red and he cover his face with his two hands

"Ahhh!!!" He yelled in embarrassment while rolling around the damaged bed.
