
Beasts and Spirits: The Saga of Zain

Zain was like a normal person born in mumbai. He loves traveling, exploring different places everything which relates to his passion for traveling. While exploring amazon rain forest he heared and strange call like the forest was calling him where he encounter the deer who can talk! "Join Zain on an extraordinary journey as he enters "gaias school for gifts & arts", a hidden academy for people of different power like vampire, magicians, warewolfs, animal spirits. Born a normal human, Zain's life takes a thrilling turn when he encounter a deer in the depths of the Amazon jungle, earning the favor of the Lord of Deer who grants him the power of the his spirit. But Zain is no ordinary recipient of power. Dubbed a 'Divergent,' he possesses the rare ability to amplify his affinity with every animal soul he encounters. With only a 1% starting affinity, Join Zain as he embarks on a quest to master his newfound abilities, unlocking his affinity to 100%. (Like every world here also exists some legendary power who wants nothing but to increase there power. How zain counter them? How he will increase his strength?) Join zain on his thrilling journey to his school life, how he made his friends who join him in his quest and how he will increase his power and unlock full potential.

sly_Ghost · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 7 zain part 6 the call, deers, distorted space, fight

Chapter 7 zain part 6 the call, deers, distorted space, fight

While zain was getting ready to leave the base point, he had an unusual feeling. It seem like a quiet whisper was calling his name, almost unheard of but still there.

He paid no attention to it at first, thinking this was just a trick of his mind because he was tired.

However, when they packed their bags and were ready to went outside to leave the place, the whisper came back. This time it was louder and more demanding than before.

With curiosity growing in him, he looked all over trying to find out where this strange voice was coming from.

When Zain came out of his tree house, his eyes widened with shock as what he saw made him feel frightened.

In the midst of the thick trees of a forest, there stood a deer. Motionless, and with its eyes set on him, it seemed to be calling his name through mouthed words.

But he alone could hear them crying silently; many voices echoed in his head like some strange tune.

Though feeling it to be nothing more than an illusion, Zain stood still and wondered "How much of amazon has been in his mind that now a deer calling him!"

Zain ignored it and went back inside to finish his work.

While he was going back, he felt like cold chill eyes stared at him and then felt that air turned more cold and colder. After some time, He also noticed that trees and birds were started making sound as they are also calling me.

Curious, yet unsure, Zain paused briefly before giving in to the allure of his curiosity and moving towards the deer.

After arriving at the deer, he realized it was leading him deeper into the forest and staring back at him as if asking him to come along.

Zain pondered " Whether he should follow or not ".

While zain was still thinking about what to do, he saw something strange, something which is not normal.

He saw that the deer who was stood there facing his eye, was going back inside and as soon as he turned to go back he tucked a tree with his head as if the deer was making a conversation with the tree itself, soon enough zain saw that tree was making a way for deer to follow inside.

Again after a couple of minutes the deer turned and made an eye contact with zain again as if saying you better follow me this is the last time i am calling you.

Now zain has made up his mind that he wont ignore the call again and he would see whats opportunity lies ahead of him. Its not happens everyday that a deer has come to get you, and he followed deer inside the hidden trees.

Zain was tucking behind the deer, strange but he notice a subtle shift in the air which is getting more colder and he notices that they were soon comes near a river in which countless waterfalls falling from Gigantic trees in the shape of mountains, making a dripping sound of water.

After further dwell inside the forest tucking behind the deer, zain notice a strange phenomenon again. He notice that the trees who made a way for them for inside the forest was returning to there original place closing the way they made.

Despite the growing sense of unease, Zain pressed on, his senses heightened, his mind racing with questions and uncertainty.

Ignoring the fear and uneasiness, zain continues on his path towards deepest part of forest. Suddenly he heared a sound very strange like was like,



It was coming very frequently sounding like a electricity wire falling into a water.

Zain decided to follow towards the noise. Soon enough the following the noise has lead him towards a large banyan tree, so large that he couldn't even see from where it is starting to where it ends.

Its branches where all over the place, twisted and curled. And in one of those branches he heard that sound again the sound.

He noticed that the sound was coming from two branches making almost like a gate in rectangle shape. And in that shape a fog.

Zain seeing this was shocked and stuck like feeling what has heen seen. It was something which was not normal and he never in his normal mind has ever expect something like this.

While moving towards it zain tried to touch the fog with his hand to see what it is. As he tried to touch it...


It made a sound like breaking of glass and allowing of passing through it.

Zain was shocked, his finger were inside the fog which now looks like a cracked mirror.

Now zain was sure it was anything but normal. He had a fear making him stuck at one place. He can't even move and think. It was like he was paralysed there.

Zain wondered " Whats this strange place, where does it leads to!"

His couldn't help but his curiosity grows and soon he saw the deer tucking his leg making his body to react again and like asking him to move from this place and follow him

To somewhere else.

Zain followed the deer, soon he reached the place where he a fight, a strange fight between a person and a group of three four people.

The people where in hooded black clothes wearing a strange ornament of half skull- half human face in there neck. And having a thick big stick on the upper side of it a round globe of different colours (a shaft to control magic)( these people are know as magik - who can use magic).

What was more strange that the old man was defending very well against them. And couldn't even giving them a moment to have an upper hand.

But zain soon noticed that the magik's had formed a rectangle shape using there shafts.

A thick black chain with red black fog soon comes out of the rectangle shape of shafts making it way towards the old man. Trying to get capture him and hold him.

Upon seeing this old man also summoned a sword of golden shine. It was releasing a chill cold aura. Soon enough the old man broke the broke the chains and attacked the one of the magiks and breaking there attack formation.

Seeing the movement fight that taken, the magik decided to revert back and were gone into nothingness but fog.

The old man was heavily injured finally taken a deep breath, like he could die by any moment.

He made his way towards a nearest tree to enjoy his last moments tuck into the grounds of beautiful scenes of amazon, he saw a kid seeing him.

Soon enough he made an eye Contact with zain, it was like he was reading what was inside the mind of zain.

Zain was stuck in fear, horror to a spot as his gaze met with the old man.