
Beasts and Spirits: The Saga of Zain

Zain was like a normal person born in mumbai. He loves traveling, exploring different places everything which relates to his passion for traveling. While exploring amazon rain forest he heared and strange call like the forest was calling him where he encounter the deer who can talk! "Join Zain on an extraordinary journey as he enters "gaias school for gifts & arts", a hidden academy for people of different power like vampire, magicians, warewolfs, animal spirits. Born a normal human, Zain's life takes a thrilling turn when he encounter a deer in the depths of the Amazon jungle, earning the favor of the Lord of Deer who grants him the power of the his spirit. But Zain is no ordinary recipient of power. Dubbed a 'Divergent,' he possesses the rare ability to amplify his affinity with every animal soul he encounters. With only a 1% starting affinity, Join Zain as he embarks on a quest to master his newfound abilities, unlocking his affinity to 100%. (Like every world here also exists some legendary power who wants nothing but to increase there power. How zain counter them? How he will increase his strength?) Join zain on his thrilling journey to his school life, how he made his friends who join him in his quest and how he will increase his power and unlock full potential.

sly_Ghost · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 2: zain part 1

Chapter 2: zain part 1

Zain was born into a chaotic and distinct Mumbai lifestyle, India. In the modern hustle and bustle of the city, the character of Zain was shaped.

At such a tender age of seventeen, he carried all the heavy responsibilities of the orphanhood on his shoulders and still his heart felt the world of love and warmth from his extended family, the lively people of the orphanage in which he had spent his boyhood and youthful days.

He was one of those lucky people who had experienced a wonderful life, made friends, surrounded by love, and had found teachers in life who that was the best thing that could happen to him.

That is because Zain did not only not have a biological family but also he was never alone in the physical sense of the word.

He was glad that the love of the member in his family was so strong which drove together with this family as a circle big.

In the orphanage home, he located a house with loving siblings whose joy and despair would fully reflect his own.

They were his real family and he would die for them; they were fellow mates whom he had shared common experiences and emotions.

He had a loving upbringing as growing up, which increase his bond more.

He remember as kids they used to play cricket, football and every sport near the home (orphanage). Which made the place, home for them.

But, in all of these, the orphanage was managed a women named melina, everyone would he her mother so did zain. Without her the lifes of orphans wouldn't have shaped it a way it did.

Zain has such a strong bond and love for his family that he shares with his orphan house and especially his mother.

His home(orphanage) was in the centre of trees.

It almost seems life it was hidden from outside.it was place full of peace.

He used run from his home to this trees where he spents hours marveling at the beautiful scenery.

He remember every year, the orphanage organized a trip. Which zain egerly waited for.

These trips ignited a spark within Zain, filling him with a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world beyond the city limits.

It was on one of these trips that Zain's fascination with travel and exploration truly took root.

He is getting to remember how on his trips, buses are a way towards its winding roads healthy green landscapes. He found himself captivated by look the world's tapestry with each new vista, that is seen through his car's window as he would keep his face on window facinated by scenes of nature, that are trees, waterfalls pouring water on road, and mountains different to the ones he had at.

His each trip was a different experience altogether he had. Which increase his desire for more adventures.

With each passing year, Zain's passion for travel only grew stronger.

Armed with a camera and an insatiable thirst for adventure, he documented his journeys, capturing moments of beauty and wonder, to share with the world through his YouTube channel.

But it was not just real-life adventures that inspired Zain.

He found equal inspiration in the stories of intrepid explorers and daring adventurers depicted on the silver screen. Movies like "National Treasure" and "Indiana Jones" fueled his imagination, stirring within him a desire to uncover hidden treasures and ancient mysteries.

However, it was a particular film called "Journey to the Center of the Earth" that left an indelible mark on Zain's soul. The movie followed the adventures of a group of explorers, including the charismatic guide played by Dwayne Johnson, as they journeyed deep into the heart of the Earth, discovering a hidden world filled with prehistoric wonders and untold dangers. Their expedition led them to uncovering a lost civilization and encountering mythical creatures in their quest to return to the surface.

From that moment on, Zain made it his mission to follow in their footsteps, to seek out the hidden wonders of the world and experience them for himself.

Whether it was the caves of Thailand, the Arizona of USA,the rainforests of the Amazon, or the towering peaks of the Himalayas, he dreamed of traversing landscapes untouched by human hands, where nature reigned supreme.

Finally, an opportunity presented itself—a chance to journey to the Amazon rainforest, the ultimate destination for any aspiring explorer.

With the support of his friends and his guardian elder brother, Zain embarked on a new adventure, his heart brimming with anticipation and his spirit soaring with the promise of discovery.

As the plane soared above the sprawling metropolis of Mumbai, Zain looked out at the world below, his mind filled with visions of the untamed wilderness that awaited him.

For he was Zain, and his journey had only just begun.

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