
Beast Codex Manual: Interstellar Queen of Beasts

[ Who was the first beastmaster that terrorised the imperial star? ] [ What is the evolution form of wooden vine? ] [ Why do thorny rats like to live alone? ] [ Name some beasts that are going to be extinct in the upcoming century? ] What are these? Thorny rats?!Evolution and beastmaster, these questions are …strange? *** Veronica a simple young girl had a chance to live a new life in a fantasy world which was completely different from her previous world. There are beastmasters and Beast Mages and a wonderful new world to explore. Would love come in her way of experiencing this mystery ? ...

roumania · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 1: Talent Awakening

[ Who was the first beastmaster that terrorised the imperial star? ]

[ What is the evolution form of wooden vine? ]

[ Why do thorny rats like to live alone? ]

[ Name some beasts that are going to be extinct in the upcoming century? ]

What are these? Thorny rats?!Evolution and beastmaster, these questions are …strange?

Veronica woke up from her dream and saw these questions. She was sitting in a classroom and students all around her were writing answers, busy in their own world without noticing her strange situation.

For some minutes she could not understand her state of mind, it was getting difficult for her to see and realise her surroundings.

She was sleeping in her room after a hard working day. She was an orphan and didn't have enough money to pursue her studies and could only live after working part time jobs for her daily survival.

It was difficult and she was managing her life well. As bad as it was , she still loved the feeling of living. She didn't want to die so she did everything that she had to for survival.

It was an easy wish but difficult to realise. Everything happening around her was something that she had only ever read in stories and comics, it was similar to transmigration that she habitually reads to cure her boredom.

She was 22 but still liked to fantasise about magic, fantasy, fairies, anything and everything that was mysterious yet captivating.

Veronica never imagined that she would experience something so magical in her life.

The exam ended soon with her thinking and a blank answer sheet. During her amazement she familiarised herself with the memory of the original owner.

The girl whose body she occupied was also named Veronica, she was a 15 year old girl and was studying in the last year of high school.

Similar to her, this girl was also an orphan, her parents were martyrs and she was living on the subsidies that were provided to her by the government and had a house of her own.

This was an unknown star and had rich flora and fauna. This was western region and was part of Pluto star, the big star that has numerous unknown and named star under it.

Veronica liked it. This was enough for her in this new world. A house of her own that she could never afford in reality.

Well, this was her new reality. It was a new beginning and she was ready to face new challenges and mysteries.

Veronica arrived at her new home which was about thirty minutes away from school. It was easy to navigate after digesting the memories.

During the examination, she was confused but now had some basic common senses after the memory transfer.

The only thing that puzzles her is the death of the original owner, Veronica Astra Williams. It was quite mystifying the way she died sitting in a classroom and taking an exam.

All she could do was pray and bless her soul, thank her for giving a new opportunity.

The house was warm and cosy, there were enough nutrient solutions for her to satisfy her hunger.

Now she had to learn everything that was common in this world and integrate it into her new life and personality.

This might be difficult but she was sure that she would be able to pull it off.

This was a new world that satisfied Veronica's imagination but was complex from the previous earth.

There are beasts, aliens and monsters that are in contracted relationship with humans, this profession is termed as beastmaster.

There are beast warriors as well as beast mages.

Everyone would have a special awakening test at the age of sixteen to determine whether they can become beastmasters or will remain ordinary in their lives.

Ten years of compulsory education just gives a brief account of different beasts, their habits, evolution and something that is required by ordinary people for their daily life.

Veronica was depressed as she had left the exam paper blank and would definitely not score well. The original owner was a weak student and was not interested in studies.

Due to the sudden death of her parents she was depressed and had no desire for anything. She was just living on and had nothing to do, this was something Veronica realised after she went through the memory left behind by the original owner.

The main problem was awakening, whether she could become a beastmaster or not was all dependent on it.

The next problem was money. She doesn't have enough money to purchase a beast, the minimum cost of a newborn beast starts from fifty thousand union coins which was too expensive for her.

The subsidy that she gets from the government only gives 10,000 union coins and a quota to study in the best high school if the ward of martyrs awakens their talent.

This was 8008, the star calendar. The normal currency circulating in this world is union coins that are formed by spirit crystals, it has sufficient energy and can be used as a cultivation resource.

Today was the exam to determine the scholarship that would be given to the top ten students that scored highest but her arrival screwed it up completely.

Well, it wouldn't be any better if the original owner had given the exam but she could only dream.

The scholarship was that the students could choose their own pet beast under 500,000 union currency. It was free, fully provided by the government.

"I can only wait for the talent test!" Veronica sighed, there was nothing that could change the past. She could only change her future.

With that in mind, she consumed two tubes of nutrient solution and went to sleep.

For now, she has to keep up with her state of mind and cultivate her physical qualities, in case she becomes a beast master.

The talent awakening test was scheduled for 7 days later, on Sunday, to make it easier for students.

In this world, 60% people are able to successfully awaken their talents and become a beast master.

Every ten levels, they are able to contract a new pet beast, so good talent means fast cultivation.

After waking up with a good night's sleep, Veronica learned everything that was required for her to know and kept on exercising, and had enough nutrients for her to maintain the body.

"Since my parents were beast masters, there is a high chance that I will be too. So, keep on exercising Veronica."

Veronica cheered up and maintained a positive attitude throughout the week. She made up her weak points so that no one would find trouble due to her nonsensical actions that might be due to lack of understanding.

It was tough yet enjoyable. This was like a novel. She has read about. She might not be the protagonist but definitely can live a good life in a new world.

Her confidence and positivity are the two aspects which would lead to her easy life. She has always believed in herself.

Finally, the most awaited day has arrived, today is the day that would either rock me or shock me.

Veronica prayed piously, "Oh my almighty, handsome and overpowered god, please make me a beastmaster. Pretty please, you have given me a new life so take responsibility and make it easier and cooler than before."

She could only think about talent awakening and other than this she was not interested in anything for the time being.

If God could be lenient and would give her a crystal mine then that will be good too.

After watching so many videos and learning so much new information Veronica has come to this realisation that this world is dangerous and becoming a beastmaster will give her safety as well as a chance to live longer and see this mysterious and beautiful scenery more.

"Hey, Ronnie! What are you thinking about?" Suzy grabbed her shoulders and her voice rang in her ears.

Before Veronica could respond, Suzy expressed herself, " You are too OP. Our teacher was fuming after announcing the result. Great lord, you left a blank sheet. OP! Too great. Bravo!"

Suzy was the only friend of Veronica Williams. They were clearly acquaintances but in this world Suzy was the only person that could be termed as a friend of the original owner.

So, Verona was not worried about her identity being exposed. Suzy was not clear about her original personality. She liked the way Veronica was always uninterested and aloof in life, different from regular students, it was refreshing to see a new character in the mediocre school life.

After all, this unknown star has nothing to provide them other than plants and insects.

"Umm… I wasn't feeling good." Veronica replied. She could not tell her the truth so keeping this point as nothing should be in her best interest.

It is not good for her to have the image of a scumbag.

Suzy was surprised that Veronica finally gave her a reply, it has been always her talking to her and Veronica not caring about her.

"It must be true. You are talking to me so you are definitely different from before."

Veronica gave her a look, after all, just a reaction to her words could make her see the change, then it is better to maintain this persona till the talent awakening.

All the students were standing in the line and it was moving steadily.

Soon, it was her turn and she entered the room, she was nervous. Before she could not understand the anxiety of those students that went in the beginning but this feeling is similar to having a lottery.

You are anxiously praying to hit a jackpot.

A gentle doctor was waiting for her near the awakening egg capsule.

" Student, please enter inside." He gently asked me and gave me a helmet to protect my brain.

This helmet was given, in case, 15 year old could not handle the energy waves stimulating the neurons. Before many talented people were crippled due to excess energy that bursted the nerves because of high talent awakening.

This test determines whether you can become a beastmaster and everyone has different talents, some are bad and few are too good, so this measure has been put forward to protect the newcomers.

Veronica nodded and sat inside the egg capsule waiting for the moment to start awakening.

Doctor gave her a positive smile and closed the hatch to reassure her.

Veronica closed her eyes and soon felt the changes in her body. A gentle energy was entering inside her body and washing her cells gave her a warm feeling.

It was different from the knowledge she had read about, newcomers were stimulated through pain and high energy to awaken their talent and it was not described like this.

At this time, the energy waves reached her brain and it felt like a gate had burst open, all the energy in the capsule was sucked in her brain.

A big scroll was opening and she could see something written on it. It was fuzzy but something else grabbed her attention and that was her talent.

Veronica grinned like crazy. Her talent was so awesome. It was evolution.

God was really kind to her. This kind of talent in this world was like a great golden finger. She quickly absorbed more energy so as not to waste anything. During awakening, more energy absorption is good for newcomers.

Soon the hatch opened and the doctor confirmed that she could become a beastmaster by the green light displayed on the capsule and gave her a tag indicating her identity as a newbie beastmaster.

She came out of the room and was hugged by Suzy.

"Haha… guess what ?! Ronnie! You won't believe that Hitler didn't become a beastmaster. He was always getting high on good grades and now this. OMG! It's so cool."


Hitler? The class monitor who bullied those poor students because of high grades.

"How do you know?" Veronica asked, puzzled.

As the talent is only known by the beastmaster and no details come out from the mouth of the doctor that is responsible for awakening.

"Head teacher was so excited to give him the best beast pet but now that he can't even awaken his brain nerves there is no chance of him becoming a beast master so he was so angry that he fainted from high blood pressure.". Suzy described the scene vividly.

Her mimicry was almost giving her the full scene even if she was not there to witness it.

Everyone was giving them strange looks after listening to the loud and sneering remarks of Suzy.

"Hush, call down, you should not say something like this out in the open." Veronica pulled Suzy outside so as to lessen the impact of her words.

Normally, this behaviour could be considered wrong on the awakening day as many students are waiting in line to become beastmaster but only 60% of them has the chance to become a beastmaster and join this wonderful profession.

Suzy's behaviour was not bizarre because that monitor guy has harassed many students due to his good grades and better relationship with teachers.

She was just taking out her frustrations but it was not good in the presence of many students who dream about becoming a great beast master.

Suzy realised her fault, as soon as Veronica chided her, " Ah! I forgot my remarks can be considered the worst for today. I should not have behaved like that, I was so happy to see the colour change in that bastard monitor face that I could not control myself."

"You don't want to awaken your talent. Why are you messing around?" Veronica asked.

Suzy grinned,once again, " I already did before you came and guess what?"

"You can become a beastmaster." Veronica said plainly.

It was not difficult for her to guess as she could see the excitement on Suzy's face. It was as clear as water that she could become a beastmaster like the way she was snickering on that monitor. These kinds of incidents are only enjoyable when you are in a higher position and look down on others with that position.

Veronica was well-versed with life. It was simple.