
Chapter Two What I said!?

Like I had said, it was something I had said about her when I was drunk! I had said that, I was dating her ex, and I am/was... I think it made her mad... "Hey guys!~" I said to the table of popular girls, they looked away from me face palming in shame! Jermain looked at me and laughed his nerdy ass off as hard as possible! NOT FAIR AT ALL!!!! So I went to the restroom, and sat on the toilet seat... I almost fell asleep because of crying silently.. Keeping pain inside hurts very much... That's how I found out what else I had said to her as well.... I had told her that her dad was hot, AS A JOKE!!!! But, when your drunk people suspect it's a joke obviously... She had slapped me in the face as hard as she could, that's why I woke up all alone on my stairs... I was just so confused why I would've said that to her after 7 martinis! Come back later for what I did after...