
Battle of Islands

Battle of Islands happens when one island declares a battle among all the islands. It means that a stolen flag is a conquered island. It means war, difficulties, battle of naval armies, the battle for the best, and battle for their loving island. What would happen if the Island of Jussey, the previously declared winner and untouchable island in the previous BoI became weak because of inner conflicts and the previous king, and everything now depends on the current king, the son of the worst king, the youngest leader, King Pyro. Will he be able to maintain their land in their possession? Will he be able to lead everyone at such a young age? Will he be able to win against the more daunting islands?

Cyrealgreat · สงคราม
7 Chs


"Your Majesty, greetings," Yerevan greeted as soon as he walked to the shiny floor of the king's study room that had become his receiving area of those that were visiting him frequently these days. "I just want to inform you that the goods that you have been waiting for months have finally arrived today. They are being transferred in our storage area, but since there are a lot of them, some are being transferred to the other storage areas. It will take a whole day to transfer everything, our ships have to take a rest for a while before coming back there first. They personally asked for it."

"Granted," the king answered, rather enthusiastically as he stood up and closed all the books that he was reading. He couldn't hide the excitement from his face despite remaining calm in his actions. He took something under the table, it was a rolled paper where the plan was drawn. "Tell our ships and crews that they could rest and visit our newly built establishments and relish their exhaustion so they could continue getting more of our needed supply for this. Also, please gather those that you had gathered especially for this plan two years ago, their time has come."

"Ah, yes, King Phantom. However, if this isn't disrespectful, may I know what these supplies are for? What are you planning to do? I mean, we have spent a whole year worth of our budget and we have to record this into our account where we're going to use them," Yerevan inquired, as politely as he could as he didn't sound exactly as someone that couldn't be trusted by the king and come like he was sticking his nose to his business. The king had been very sensitive over his staff lately for some reason, and Yerevan, the secretary, the person he most trusted before had been demoted to just the second person as General Erico had been promoted as the person that he had become most fond of.

"It's kind of intruding, to be honest with you, Yerevan. But it's not something that you have to be worried about, this is for the whole Island of Jussey's safety and security. And I thought only the stuff needed is to be added into the account and the use isn't required? That's what I've been reading from your reports," the king replied kindly, and despite the kind smile that he was showing to the assistant while he was walking in front of him, he still looked intimidating and scary. Maybe it was their family's trait, just by looking at them, they were like telling the people to respect them even by their powerful presence.

Yerevan bowed and uttered an apology. He smiled smally at the king who was currently looking at him and was waiting for him to answer as if he was thinking and expecting a good answer from him. "I'm sorry for intruding. I am just quite curious about what phenomenal things our current king, the son of the best king we've ever had, would do for the island right now. It seems like it would be a surprise to everyone, so I wouldn't ask anymore about it."

"Very well. Like what I expected from you, Yerevan, you really pick up things fast. Anyway, go and call the men I need and bring them here in my hall. I have to talk to them personally. Make sure only them are around and no one's going to spy on us. What I hate the most is that the neighboring islands knew about our plans and our next moves which would eventually give them the idea of how to attack us. It's not better for our island, it means, we would be slaves in our whole lives. You know how the neighboring islands are, right? They are very oppressive, they would appear very kind but the truth was they were just using everybody."

Yerevan was silent, for some reason, the king's words gave him goosebumps as if those were definitely for him, and the king seemed to know something. But at the same time, he didn't. When he looked at his face, he was smiling sincerely at him with even his eyes forming a crescent. It was almost contradicting by how scary his words were earlier because of the fact that there would be betrayal that was happening on their island. Nonetheless, as long as nothing and no one had been proven and caught, everyone would work silently and still continue with their work. As long as no one would expose them, they would believe that everything was going according to their way.

Yerevan bowed and just awkwardly smiled at the king. Then he immediately excused himself and went out of the study room. The other guards glanced at him curiously when he marched with heavy steps, the sound of his heavy boots echoing around the hallway. Everyone could tell by just looking at his face that he was pissed, and no one knew what about, he was usually going out with a huge smile on his face because the king was just so fond of him and he was like the most liked person among everyone. So, this sight, having him coming out with his fists tightly closed was certainly a new sight.

"What happened to you? You looked like a bull ready to horn a wall. Your face is red." The guard walked with him, matching his pace. He looked like anytime soon, he would burst and a pus would go out of his head because of how red, and funny he looked right now. "I didn't know you're this ugly when angry."

Yerevan stopped right there and his red face became redder, if that was even possible. The guard suddenly regretted why he said those. Maybe he shouldn't have said out loud that he was ugly even when he was. He became uglier and scarier with those glaring eyes boring holes straight right to his head. He moved his head closer to the guard and said through gritted teeth, "You will shut your mouth or I will forcefully shut yours. Your family is living here, I know where they are, I know what they need, and you provide them through betraying the king. I can directly tell him about what you are doing. Do you know the punishment of what you are doing? Yes, you are thinking it right, it's death. You and your family will be beheaded right in front of everyone's eyes."

The guard shook internally, the image that he put in his mind about him and his family clearly flashed in his mind, and honestly, he just wanted to stop right there and then. But then, he remembered something. Of course, he was not alone in this endeavor, he would not be talking to him nor to anyone if he was. So, he grinned. The confusion on the king's spokesperson's face was evident by that, but it changed when the guard said out loud what was in his mind, "You know I can also spill about your alliance, right? Do you think the disappointment he would feel toward me could compare to how he would feel toward you? No."

The guard grinned at the man when the realization hit him. He patted his shoulder before walking out and leaving him standing there, probably thinking of what he said because in the end, he got a point. He was one with him, he was doing the same, and the fact that he placed higher than the guard made what he was doing worse than the others. He should stop while it is early. With a sigh, he had decided and left the place.

The king, however, changed from smiling to a poker face. He mirthlessly chuckled to himself and shook his head before he also went out of the study room to go straight to where he was going to meet the people that he needed to accomplish his plan. But to make sure that everyone would be trustworthy and faithful to him, he needed to talk to all of them, one by one if possible. Or if what he was thinking deep inside him was right, then he should at least make them lesser. He should use his power, after all, he was the king. The most powerful in the place, and of course, he was the most feared. Would they trade the island where they were living for the neighboring islands' greed?


He stopped from walking toward the other side of the castle, he halted upon hearing the voice of his wife. Different from her usual sweet voice, it made him immediately turn his back to her and see her face if there was any problem. But all he was just welcomed was her serious face and strict one that he knew when she was sporting that kind of face, they were going to talk about something serious or he had done something wrong. As his wife walked closer to him, the memories of their conversation earlier in the morning when they woke up.

There he knew that he had done something of the latter choice. They had talked about how he should be at the dining table for lunch to share with his family, especially Pyro who had been craving for his presence lately. He remembered himself agreeing because he was sure that there would be no errand to do this day. But unexpectedly, Yerevan came and reported the arrival of the supply and materials that he had been patiently waiting for at the moment, and now he had completely forgotten about that because of his excitement, and now he would face the wrath of his wife, or worse, even his son.

They had talked to him about this, and he loved them when they said they understood. They were practically begging for his presence as a father and a husband. It had been two years since he had become very busy with all the plans that he had started to plot for the island, his time for his family became lesser, and he could understand how they felt toward him. Maybe his son even resented him. But it was for him and for them as well, so they should really understand, but he knew he couldn't say that. As much as possible, he wanted to separate being the king and a father.

"We've waited, Phantom. Pyro did. He ate small because he was very excited about your arrival and had very good news for you about his progress on his training, but where were you?" Queen Andromeda said as soon as she stood in front of him. Her face turned into becoming stern, and she was even glaring at him. Again, he deserved that. "Pyro has been missing your presence for years now. Your hours of showing up in his training isn't enough. He wanted to learn from you. Or even just come back to showing up in his training for a little while, that would be enough at this point. As his mother, it pains me, too. I could see the disappointment and sadness in his eyes whenever you would bail out on us, but earlier… He just completely gave up on you."

"Something just came up, Andromeda, and you know how important this plan is for me. This would save you, us, Pyro, and the future people of our island. You know this plan, you agreed to this, this will be the best plan in our history if this ever materializes, and it's near. It's in our hands now," he said through a sigh, he sounded desperate. As much as he wanted to do his best for the island, he didn't want to lose his family. He held his wife's hands tightly, the paper stuck on his arms. "Understand me more, my love. I will surely come back as soon as I have delivered and tell our workers what they will do. I will focus on training Pyro after this announcement. I promise, Andromeda."

"Your promises have been empty lately, Phantom. I will believe you once you've proven them through your actions." By that, Queen Andromeda left. King Phantom watched her with a sigh, disappointed to himself.

He saw Pyro at the door of the kitchen, and he was about to call him but he immediately ran away.