
Chapter 007

"Come to your senses, boy. Join me and fulfill your Destiny!" Vader declared with a snarl before stepping over Kenobi, who was still grunting in pain, now closing in on Han.

"Look", Han looked to his right and saw Chewie, Luke, and Leia at the entrance of the Millennium Falcon. Along with C3P0 and R2 entering the ship.

'Fuck, it's time to wrap this up', Han stepped forward slashing at the Sith lord, there was no chance of defeating Vader. But, his damaged state left open an opportunity to escape.

As their sabers clashed, Vader's strength wasn't nearly as overwhelming, but it still was nothing to scoff at. Breaking the clash, Han executed a leg chop, but this time with a portion of force enhancement. 

Vader only noticed the intention of the strike at the last minute and couldn't pull back in time, thus resulting in the strike connecting. And it worked. His mechanical knee buckled causing him to drop to one knee. Taking advantage of the moment, Han put all he had left into this one final strike.

Slashing downwards at Vader's right hand which still had his activated saber, the force of the strike released his grip on the blade and it deactivated. Han deactivates his as well, grabs the Sith lord's helmet, and delivers a skull-smashing knee to his atmospheric senor.


A loud mechanical cracking noise was heard, and then the unthinkable happened. Darth fucking Vader fell unconscious, his mechanical suit and limbs impacting with the hard floor with loud thuds.

Han grabbed his knee in pain but wasted no time and hoisted Ben onto his shoulder and exited the hallway hangar entrance. With Ben's saber in his grip, he entered the hangar wasting no time.

"Board the kriffin' ship now," Han screamed, he was ready to get the fuck out of there before that tin-can monster awoke and his inquisitors made it to his location.

As he jogged towards the crew, the troopers started firing on his position. Missing every single shot in stormtrooper fashion. 

Chewbacca fired on the troopers to make way for Han and Obi-Wan, he took out a considerable portion of the forces right before Han with Ben hoisted on his shoulder boarded the Flacon.

Chewbacca followed suit up the ramp, "Luke, Chewie, start the ship. Leia, go back towards the freight entrance we just came through and enter the door that says 11, you'll find some Bacta fluids and a syringe. Ben needs it. Guys, once we're out of the shield, set it to hyperdrive and get us the kriff out of here NOW!!", Han yelled as he laid Ben down on the sofa. He opened the shelf over his desk and grabbed a leg brace, it's not a fix, but he needed to set his knee in place at the very least before injecting the fluids.

As Luke and Chewie fired up the ship and prepared to leave the Death Star, the ship was suddenly stuck mid-takeoff. Luke in shock screamed, "I CAN'T MOVE THE SHIP, WHAT THE HAJA IS GOING ON?" Everything was in place and correctly pressed, but the ship stood in a struggle against some sort of.... gravitational pull.

It was Vader, Han was sure of it.

Outside of the ship on the ground, dead troopers with their blood spilled on the shiny interior of the Death Star, and scattered equipment lay waste. The few troopers who remained continued their fire on the falcon that was held in place by Lord Vader. 

With his hand stretched out in an authoritative grasp, Vader roared in pure hatred the name of his old master. "OBI-WANNNNNNNN!!!!", the troopers nearly shat themselves at the sound of their commander with his mechanical scream. Pieces of the Falcon started to detach and fly behind Vader, long metal scraps zooming behind him toward troopers. Groups of them were killed on direct impact, cut in half, or decapitated.

"R2, open the Hanger." Han only had one shot, so he would take it. 

Chewie expressed his doubts immediately due to his care for Han and his current state, but Han cut him off immediately. "I'll be fine, just open the door bud." He was in intense pain, he was powerful in the force due to his transmigration into this body, but he's overplayed his cards. His body was severely strained. This was his last hoorah, and whatever happened next was future Han Solo's problems. "Semper Fidelis", he muttered as the ramp slowly descended whilst they were still in the air revealing, none of other than Darth Vader himself.

His mask was broken in half, machinery lights deactivated, and his cape torn in half. His bright orange hate-filled eyes took the attention away from his horrific state.

Leia who was exiting the LSS hangar couldn't do anything but watch in awe. She had also felt something call to her at that moment. 

Han got into a side-stance, placed his hands in an alligator claw, and channeled every bit of force he could muster up. His raw connection to the force showed as a bright shaded blueish hue formed around his hands. 

Vader, seeing this, instructed his incompetent troopers to fire. "FIRE!!" And so they did, but it was too little too late. Han on that command released an utterly devastating force burst.

Vader, wide-eyed had no time to move and was ejected back toward the 2nd story command room, slamming through the windows and into the medics removing the dead officers. Sharded glass flew towards both of them, blinding one of them and only cutting the other. Darth Vader was defeated and incapacitated.

Han collapsed like a sack of potatoes, the only reason he didn't roll off was because of Leia, who hit the emergency shut button. Which closed all entrances on the ship, no matter the circumstance

"Get us out of here!!" Leia screamed, as she rushed toward the smuggler and consulted his unconscious body.

"We're good to go!" Said Luke, Chewie groaned in agreement and The Millennium Falcon powered away from the Death Star docking bay, and went into hyperdrive.







Emperor's Throne Room

The Emperor's theme song plays


"Here are the reports from the rebel intrusion on DS-1, your Majesty," said the guardsman as he placed the tablet-projected holo report on the desk, he bowed, and took his leave at the chamber entrance.

Palpatine's face sat there with an agitated scowl, but then in an instant, it represented unilimited euphoria and laughter. 'Oh, my dear apprentice, your power grows ever stronger with age, a testament to your loyalty and skill. All these years, we have crushed our enemies and brought order to the galaxy. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and your constant commitment to the dark side fills me with delight. But to a filthy smuggler, really?'


'You are, to be replaced soon enough.' Palpatine smirks as he swipes toward the file containing a certain 32-year-old Hutta Smuggler. Han Solo would be his, the smuggler's potential was unfathomable and is the greatest he's ever seen in his lifetime, surpassing even Anakin. Luke Skywalker is no longer priority A...

All he could do was manically laugh at this new outcome, he hadn't felt this way since his trickery with the Jedi all those years ago.

He was going to have fun again.

The legend of Han Solo starts now...

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