
Back to 1990

If you were given a chance to start over, how would you plan your life? If you don’t have any plans, you can follow the protagonist of the story to explore how to build your own business empire after rebirth.

Lung_Ron_2496 · สมัยใหม่
263 Chs

The feeling of home

Jiang Xiaoyan and Zhang Fengxia two people chatted all the way, Lu Feng is thinking that he arranged Zhang Fengxia as the president of Jia Feng is not a little inappropriate.

The original two or three years out of the wind and rain of the old factory repainted, the accumulation of debris, weeds are all cleaned out, the doorway erected a huge stainless steel doorway, written Jia Feng Electronics.

The car drove directly into the factory, parked in front of the office building, Zhang Fengxia turned around and said, "Here it is!"

Pushing open the door and getting out of the car, Jiang Xiaoyan realized how big this factory is, the expanded flat land is all concrete, not far away planted some pine trees, this side of the office area is a five-storey townhouse, painted in grey and white color, the roof placed a few large words, written office building.

Looking towards the distance, a series of buildings such as warehouses and workshops were faintly visible, the size of this place made Jiang Xiaoyan quite shocked.

"This is too big, isn't it?"

"A small two thousand acres of building area, it was a key project in the beginning, it can't be too big." Zhang Fengxia explained.

Lu Feng walked towards the car behind him, the driver opened the door, Zhu Lidong walked down and looked around and said, "It's so big!"

"Yes, otherwise it could be so expensive?" Lu Feng said with a smile.

Office building came out a dozen people, look at the dress should be management, this group of people walked up eyes to Lu Feng, face with a smile, Zhang Fengxia introduced: "This is the manager of our business office ...."

Now this factory has settled more than five thousand people, all levels of management is basically perfect, many are dug from the surrounding state-owned enterprises, as long as there is money personnel are very simple.

Lu Feng for the following people also just polite two sentences, once the enterprise officially run, these managers, supervisors and what not, eliminated particularly fast, not yet mixed a familiar face, maybe because the performance does not meet the standard to go away.

"Now what are these workers doing every day?" Lu Feng took a step towards the production area, and there were dozens of people surrounding the front and back.

"After the first month of the fifteenth on the official start, the early stage is mainly to do some cleanup work, now the cleanup work has been completed, a part of the staff also live in the dormitory, now mainly training, familiar with the assembly line, operation of a variety of machinery, and at the same time, for some mechanics for a training two, not good to find people."

Zhang Fengxia walked while introducing: "over there is the warehouse, a total of six large warehouses, two of which are suitable for the reserve of special chemical materials, finished goods warehouse can accommodate hundreds of tons of storage, raw materials warehouse also has hundreds of tons of storage capacity, the warehouse is currently storing the first batch of raw materials, as well as employee uniforms and other things, in order to unify the management of the customized for the employee Work clothes, badges, numbering, etc."

"This period of time has begun to standardize, enterprise internal management regulations, production safety norms and some other systems have been initially completed, the business office of Mr. Wang these days to talk down a lot of cooperative enterprises, a lot of raw materials are provided by Mr. Hong's side!"

Lu Feng nodded slightly, Hong is not waiting for today, two sets of villa decoration money, he is considered to earn a lot of money, in the management of this place Lu Feng can see a lot of Jia Mei food shadow, everything is considered to be organized.

"Mr. Zhu, see, in front of the three particularly large workshop, the assembly line here once all night running, the core components of the color TV, can produce tens of millions of pieces per year, they will be transported to all parts of the country, we got a full set of Panda's technology patent authorization, this is originally Panda's branch factories!"

Lu Feng looked at Zhu Lidong and asked, "Do you know what this means?"


"Panda has collapsed, I will mass produce and dominate the industry chain, once mass produced it will lower the price, first of all, our products will cover the entire Yangtze River Delta region and penetrate deep into the countryside, what I want is not absolute profit, instead, it's market share."

Lu Feng glanced around towards the surroundings and said in a deep voice, "Even if there is only ten percent profit, I have to continue to do it, only if I completely crush those companies in the market, the future profit will be mine, the first thing that is built is often destroyed, a miracle will be born here."

Lu Feng glanced at Zhu Lidong and said, "Brothers, in this is where we are brothers, it's where we swagger, brother I put a word in here, Jia Feng Electronics will always leave you a position of president, Jia Feng Electronics is mine and yours, as long as you come, it's not divided between you and me."

Lu Feng's words could be said to be too heart-warming, saying this in front of so many management was really the biggest touch.

"Brother, having you say this is enough, it's only here that I feel what a wide world is, with great possibilities." Zhu Lidong looked at everything around him with great emotion.

"Not only talking empty words, I know you have the ability, what is a brother, brother is, what is yours is mine, what is mine is yours, we don't share the same know?" Lu Feng said decisively.

Jiang Xiaoyan aside some anxious, how to give him for nothing, it is not spent a lot of money to buy it, want to speak, but also afraid to say the wrong thing.

Not to mention Jiang Xiaoyan, a group of management are a little shocked, eyes staring at Zhu Lidong, the heart have curious about the identity of this person.

Zhang Fengxia also slightly surprised, what people ah, let Lu Feng under such a big set.

Zhu Lidong felt his eyes a little moist, took a deep breath and wrapped his arm around Lu Feng's shoulder and hugged him in his arms, this moment he actually found a sense of home here.

Turned around in the workshop, turn of the eye is noon, in the cafeteria to eat a meal, this meal is more enjoyable, but Zhu Lidong still insisted on flying back in the afternoon, there is a meeting at night.

Lu Feng detained him for half a day, and finally sent him to the airport in person.

"Wait for my news!" Zhu Lidong patted Lu Feng's shoulder and said.

"It's fine, there's no rush, it's not too late for you to come over when the contact is nationalized, anyway, there will always be a place for you here, don't worry!" Lu Feng said seriously.

After seeing Zhu Lidong off, Lu Feng let out a long sigh of relief.

"Which business is he from? Let you go through so much trouble?" Zhang Fengxia stood aside and said, "It's not good to cheat, is it?"

"What words?" Lu Feng turned back and asked, "How much money is left in the account now?"

"A few million? After the bank's mortgage came down, it was directly transferred to the city, so there are a few million left, enough for two months, anyway, this is a very tense life, I called Mr. Gao to chat, he said that working for you is like this, perennial financial tension!" Zhang Fengxia looked very speechless and said.

"You don't say too much to him shouldn't say, I have to get a start-up capital as soon as possible, how is the tax exemption situation in the city?"

Zhang Fengxia heard him say to go out to get money, her first thought was to go rob a bank, said: "I went to ask several times, no, people say we are not attracting investment into the enterprise, can not enjoy."

"What bullshit? Who said that? Huang Youwei said?"

"The tax side said, I don't dare to offend those people." Zhang Fengxia muttered in a small voice, "They even slapped the table with me, I wanted to go find Secretary Huang, but I couldn't see anyone at all."

"Make an appointment for me at night, if he avoids it, I'll go to his door to block him." Lu Feng got into the car after saying that.

Zhang Fengxia nodded her head, when she really managed a business, she realized that being too polite and qualified was not necessarily a good thing, the other party would see that you were nice to talk to, and would drag everything back, and nothing could be done.

On the contrary, Lu Feng this kind of treacherous people, in this kind of environment like a fish out of water, who are afraid of him, because others do not know what he will do what has no limits.

Zhang Fengxia thought of letting Lu Feng open a meeting tomorrow, and management to get acquainted, was Lu Feng refused, thinking that it is not the time, Jiafeng Electronics this machine is not yet running, there is no need to toss these.

In the afternoon, even after a dozen phone calls, simply can not find people, a variety of reasons to shirk, Lu Feng Jiang Xiaoyan arranged into the hotel, thinking about how to send them to Shenzhen first, to the General Manager of the Hong made a phone call, so that he arranged for a good kindergarten, the other side promised to come down.

Have been waiting until five o'clock in the evening, or not contact Huang Youwei, Lu Feng simply find a car, go to the market to buy some gifts, directly to the door of the government compound and so on.

At six o'clock, Huang Youwei's wife came back with a basket of vegetables, Lu Feng pushed open the car door and walked down and said: "Sister, buy vegetables to go ah?"

The other party was slightly stunned and took a look at Lu Feng, and said in surprise: "How is it you ah? Why are you outside?"

"This compound no one came out to pick up, I can get into it, I just came to pay you a New Year's visit, the New Year back to the north, really sorry." Lu Feng opened the car door and said, "You get in."

"Aigoo, you are too polite, just come, buy what things ah, our old Huang has not come back yet ....."

Drive the car into the compound, Lu Feng moved all kinds of worship to the house one box at a time, and waited until almost seven o'clock, the meal was already cooked, the door of the room was pushed open, Huang Youwei came back.

He took off his jacket and hung it on the shelf, and said happily, "Wifey, that kid came back today, just like I guessed, and played hard to get to me. I am not stupid, can be used by him? A moment and a half he definitely can't find ...."

"Mr. Huang is back ah?" Lu Feng poked his head out of the kitchen with his apron on, his face full of surprise.

Huang Youwei's entire body froze on the spot, he had calculated everything, damn, his home was stolen!

"Lu... Lu Feng?"

"This young man paid us a New Year's visit, bought some things, too polite!" Huang Youwei's wife walked out as she spoke.

Lu Feng looked at him with a smile on his face, walked up and said, "Mr. Huang, I couldn't find you, could I? There's no such thing as an errand, right? Brother, I'm pouring my heart out to you, and I haven't done much for you!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Lung_Ron_2496creators' thoughts