
Death and Shadow

We rezzed Tide, who ran off towards the boss the moment he was back, proclaiming, "Lemme loot it!"

He reached out to touch it, and the moment he did runes lit up on the floor and a loud grinding could be heard coming the walls. We knew exactly what was happening, it was summoning the next boss, or bosses.

"Damn! Tide get back here!" I yelled at him as I backed up to the edge of the room.

The prince didn't seem worried and brandished his sword with a smile, standing bravely in the middle of the room.

An explosion of shadow rocked the room as two Elemental Lords appeared. The shadow burst out like a wave, causing the princes amulet to activate and make him momentarily insubstantial.

Level 15 [Shadow✴ Lord][Boss] -(40,000hp)

•Dark Miasma[Rank 2]-1.5 sec cast. sphere of dark sticky energy. 600 damage/healing on shadow allies.

•Empowering darkness-2 sec cast, dark shadows come from caster, surrounding it, obscuring enemy vision , providing healing and increased stats while in zone of affect.

Level 15 [Death💀 Elemental][Boss][Elite] (40,000 hp)



These Lord's, much like the previous Lord's, were just larger versions of the same elemental.

We were fairly unprepared for this, but we would have come up with something...and fast!

Tide had put up his golems earlier , returning them to the "core" state which is like a small ball.

He pulled out three black balls and tossed them towards the boss. "Go! Ben! Jerry! Cake! I choose you!"

"You named a golem cake?" I asked as I pulled out a light shackle scroll and used it.

Light Shackle!

Hit- - -> Shadow Lord Stunned! (1000Hp)

The golems grew with a flash of light, becoming 4 foot tall Shadow, Chaos, and Death golems. The golems looked very similar to elementals they shared an affinity with, but smaller.

The Death Lord raised his scythe high in the air, black energy quickly gathered around the blade. He was readying an attack on Olaf, but as soon as I cast the light shackle he immediately changed targets, slashing the shackle instead.


-1800 damage(0/1000hp)

Shackle broken! Shadow Lord has been set free.

Tide cast his aggro generator spell on the golem he named cake. This made it glow with a golden aura and garnered the attention of the two bosses.

The shadow Lord began casting a spell at the golem, while the death lord attacked it with its scythe.

I used a scroll targeting the death Lord.

Life Spear!



A bright white spear slammed into the chest of the Death Lord.

Olaf used a scroll as well, targeting the Death Lord.

Life Spear!



Another bright white spear hit the death lord, the life energy causing havoc to him.

The death lord continued his strike, swinging his scythe at the golem. The weapon passed harmessly through it, dealing no damage.


The Shadow Lord finished its spell and sent a sphere of dark energy at the Golem.


"See!" Tide yelled with a laugh, "Hes not normal cake, he's immortal cake! Muahaha"

"Quit playing around!" I yelled back, as I activated another scroll, targeting the shadow Lord again.

Light Shackle!

Hit- - -> Shadow Lord Stunned! (1000Hp)

"Olaf shackle the other one! " I yelled to the prince.

The prince nodded his understanding as the Death Lord turned and once again targeted the shackle with its scythe.

Damn him!

Milliseconds before his attack struck, Olaf cast the scroll he was looking for.

Life Shackle!

Hit- - -> Death Lord Stunned! (1000Hp)

A bright white shackle made of life magic shot out and clamped around the chest of the Death Lord, growing in size to bind it. The lords sythe attack stopped just inches from the shackle.

I could finally breathe a sigh of relief. With the bosses stunned we could casually kill them as long as we didn't break the shackles.

The Death Lord suddenly became incorporeal, translucent like a ghost. His body moved through the shackle as though it didn't exist. The shackle fell to the floor and lay there.

Ding! Death Lord has escaped the shackle!

What a dick! What kind of skill was that?

"Fuck it! Everyone focus the Death Lord!" I yelled as I cast my last life spear.

Life spear!



The Death lord swung his scythe and sliced apart the shackle like it was nothing.


Shackle broken! Shadow Lord no longer stunned.

The shadow Lord began casting a longer spell, possibly empowering darkness, which would prove annoying. I had two light spears left, and one order spear, but had quite a few other scrolls including redirect.

The prince and Tide used scrolls at the same time, trying to quickly take down the death lord.

Life Spear!



Life Spear!



Twin spears of bright white life magic hit the death lord, who turned towards Tide. The boss had incredible range with his large weapon. I could tell he was going to attack Tide, so I decided to keep him busy.

Light Shackle!

Hit- - -> Shadow Lord Stunned! (1000Hp)

A shackle of light bound the shadow Lord, interrupting its spell-casting.

I smiled as the Death Lord turned away from Tide and aimed its attack for the shackle instead.

Tide let loose his spell.

Light Spear!



Though light magic did less damage than life, it was still enough to kill the Death Lord before he broke the shackle.


You have slain level 15 Death lord[Boss][Elite]! Gained 50,000 experience!(738,275/800,000)

Olaf had run out of spears so he was forced to attack the Shadow Lord with his light infused broadsword.



With the shadow lord successfully shackled, Tide and I took turns flinging Spears.

Light spear!



Light spear!



Light spear!



Light spear!



Light spear!



Olaf brandished his sword for the killing blow.



The Shadow Lord collapsed into a black pile of either that began to dissipate into nothingness.


You have slain level 15 Shadow Lord[Boss]! Gained 50,000 experience!

