
A "Second Chance"

Laurali and Sean had just left their wedding reception.  It had been a beautiful wedding, with each of their children participating.  Laurali's two boys looked so cute in their little tuxedos, while Sean's two little girls served as bridesmaids.  They had insisted that no gifts be given, since  they had both been married for 16 years previously.

Each of their marriages had not ended by divorce, but by death.  Laurali's husband had been an orthopedic surgeon, and Sean, an attorney, had been married to a kindergarten teacher.  Needless to say, neither of them married the other for financial reasons.  Errol, Laurali's husband, had been killed in a plane crash on one of his many outings, while Tonya, Sean's wife, died in an automobile accident, after which Sean and his daughters received a sizable settlement.  Coincidentally, the deaths occurred within one month.

Their lives were so different in many ways, but were similar in others.  They had met at church.  Errol, Laurali's deceased husband had an intense dislike for people at church, and Tonya, Sean's deceased wife was simply too tired to go to church very much.  So Laurali and Sean were among the church family that came alone with their children.

There had always been a spark between them, an aura of attraction that neither of them would admit, and of course would not pursue.  They were always cordial to one another, and discussed the normal issues of raising children, whom they often brought to church alone.  Their conversations never went beyond that.

However, Laurali found herself wishing that Errol would take an interest in the children's spiritual upbringing.  He often ridiculed her faith, telling her that he knew that the people at this particular denomination were hypocrites, and that he was a better person than anyone at that particular church.  However, this did not stop him from constantly pursuing sexual relationships with other women, who were awed by this esteemed surgeon.  Unfortunately, these other relationships meant that Errol was not able to satisfy Laurali in bed, although she desperately tried to be a good wife, even with the knowledge of Errol's affairs.

Sean had similar problems with Tonya.  She had been raised in a home where her mother worked long hours, and compensated by giving Tonya virtually everything she desired.  Consequently, Tonya developed the attitude that she was entitled to whatever she wanted.  Specifically, she constantly reminded Sean that he should worship the ground she walked on.  Tonya never showed this attitude in public, however, and few people knew what she was really like.  Tonya also was a very selfish lover, and often told Sean that if he ever did complain, she would put a complete stop to any intimacy whatsoever. But Sean, like Laurali, had been raised in a Godly home, and did whatever he could to make the home peaceful for the children.

After Errol and Tonya had passed from this life, both Sean and Laurali spent several months in shock.  They both hurt for their respective children, and did what they could help with their children's grief.  Sean settled his case against the trucking company for Tonya's death, and set up trust funds for his daughters.  Laurali finally was able to resolve the matters related to Errol's estate, using an attorney referred by Sean.  But most importantly, they each mourned the marriages they had always wanted to have with their respective spouses. It seemed so unfair that God had put both of them in marriages that were so unfulfilling, and it seemed that God had forgotten them.  However, they eventually made their peace with a God who had a plan more wonderful than they could have ever imagined.

One Sunday, after morning services, the church had decided to have a Parent's Sunday Afternoon off.  This meant that some of the High School kids had volunteered to keep the younger kids.  After dropping off her boys, Laurali had planned to catch up on some of her laundry.  On the way outside, she did not see a crack in the sidewalk and tripped, cutting her knee.  Almost immediately, she felt two very strong but gentle hands on her waist helping her up.

"Are you ok?" asked Sean, as he looked at her.  He was not as tall as Errol, but his eyes had a kindness in them that made her heart melt.  She was still in pain, but managed a "I'm OK, thanks," as she relished the touch of a man's hands.

"No you are not, your knee is bleeding," said Sean, as he pulled out his wallet.  "I always have a couple of bandages in my wallet for this kind of thing, have a seat."  Laurali sat down on the concrete planter, as Sean gently knelt down, placed her leg on his knee, and put on the bandages.  Errol had never show this much care or concern.  He had always just told her to take care of herself unless it was a real emergency.

"There you are, good as new," Sean said as he gave her a crooked grin.  "So what have you got planned for this afternoon?"  "Oh, nothing really," said Laurali, "I just need to do some laundry."

"Same here," said Sean, as he brushed himself off.  "Did you have any plans for lunch?"  Laurali did not know what to say.  She had been married for so many years, she had forgotten how to accept or reject an offer for a date.  But as she looked into those big green eyes, she was saying yes before she realized it.

Sean could not believe it himself.  He had not considered dating again, but seeing that beautiful woman looking up at him brought up feelings he had forgotten he could have.  As he touched the soft flesh of her calf, he almost found himself getting aroused, but was able to control himself. Laurali was feminine in a way that Tonya had never been.  She was vulnerable, but strong, soft, but firm.  And most of all, she was breathtakingly beautiful in a way that no woman can be until she has passed the age of 35.  But her eyes were what really caught his attention.  They were a deep, deep blue that cast a spell on his soul.  They showed depths of pain which mirrored his own.  But there was also a flicker of sexiness that only exists in a woman who really knows the God who came up with the idea of sex.

Predictably, they saw even more of each other in the next few months.  They were tempted to go farther than they should, but they each remembered that they had children for whom they wanted to be a Godly example, and they saved all of their intimacy for their wedding night.

After they finally arrived at their honeymoon suite, they both got down on their knees and thanked the God of the Universe for giving them both this wonderful second chance at a wonderful marriage.  As they made love in a way that only two Givers can, they realized that this marriage was arranged by the ultimate matchmaker.

The End.
