
chapter 1:the evolution of all

We could smell it in the air we breath,lurking behind every one of us,even in the day time,we are not far from it reach,we could hear it footsteps,shaking the ground,terror group us,everyday we are faced with misery,death,pain,fear and the worst of all things.

Fear had given us sleepless night, even in the day time,we are far from safety,what we need is a saviour who will deliver Us from the trouble of the day and terror of the night.

welcome to earth the dwelling of the humans and home to alien and magical beings who had sign alliance with earthlings,well in this new world

author's note:It a beautiful morning, a day to start up something good,a day to make plans for the future ,it could also be said to be a compensation to yesterday's terror, and it is a very special day as it is the only 24 hours present in the 168 hours that makes up a week, a day which most times bring back the resumption of academic works or sometimes brings about a holiday ,well it brings the end of my own tenure at school..... it a MONDAY

MY name is RYAN VICCO, a guy if seventeen who lives with his grandpa as his mom and dad died in a plane crash when he was two years old , it no mystery that once you pass the age of seven you can't awaken your powers ,wellmuch as I know I didn't originate from a magic owned family so having magical powers isn't part of my schedule ,so I live a normal human life.,


as soon as the ALARM GOES off I eject off the bed in a red pyjamas,yawning and streching my body "ohhhhhh it morning already "I said ,holding my head as I remember something "it grandpa's birthday " as I pick up the gift I wrapped up in a shiny wrapper ,rushes down the stairs, going straight to the kitchen the smell of my favorite food hits me ,

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY grandpa"i scream to surprise my grandfather who in turn mistakenly spill some food on the ground

"sorry grandpa, I shouldn't have screamed like that "

"never mind son,I knew you didn't do that on purpose,besides I wasn't hurt"

"Here you are ,your birthday gift "

"Thank you grandson,now let see what here "his grandfather said loosening the top of the wrapper

"wowwwwwwthis look so nice "he said bringing out a fairly used watch from the wrapper

"grandpa don't make me blush,you shouldn't be thanking me ,after all it your birthday"

"I still have to thank you all the same, I know most of your savings went in it this "

"ummmmmm grandpa I've got to go ,you know today is monday"

" ummmm yes son,go get ready for school "

I could sense grandpa was moved to tears by the gift I gave him .

"Hmmmmmmmm"I said as I burst into the street walking as fast as I could so I won't miss the morning prep class ,I haven't walk far when I saw a cloud of smoke and a great gust of dust

"oh gosh ,what could have caused this great gust of dust?i said in my mind ,but something suddenly caught my attention,

"wow" I said as I plunge into the gust of dust ,I soon got to where the glowing material , the great gust of dust settled revealing a ball engulf in a black smoke

"wow,a real space stone,I've got to get it to school "I said picking it up with a handkerchief.

"Wow it not even hot "I said this time taking away the handkerchief and picking It up with my bare handstand suddenly the stone melted covering the rest of my body

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"I screamed as my body started changing my eyelid changed to hazel colour,...a great spirit rose at back ,black mana started oozing from my back,AT LAST I HAD AWAKEN

system:hello dear esper you have been given the greatest opportunity of becoming an esper ,you have to learn a bit about yourself and get to know some basic things espers should about themself

"BASIC 1:learn how to cheek your status"

"status ? what does that mean?"

"The word status means your potentials and skills ,it could be said as being a way in which espers cheek their development magically "

"So how do I do that?"

"you only have to focus on a particular place or object and say the word status,so master do you want to give it a try?"

"I guess I will give it a try,"I focused on a particular place then said the word "status"and at once a screen appeared before my eyes:

name:RYAN VICCO Hazel

age :17

level:beginner (1)


progress:2%, 1%

specie:demi-human (rare)

"I am so confused,what with the name hazel?"

"you see master out of the whole element ,chaos element is the greatest, so it depends on the DEMON spirit you have in you"

"wow that cool but am running late for school"

"never mind master, I've got you covered all you have to do is to activate the power"

"How ?"

"I was just coming to that ,well all you have to do is to get your body ready for the skill, I mean take a deep breath and say the word lightening biltzzz"

"let give it a try,ummmmmmm,"I said taking a deep breath

"lightening blitzzz"and at once I met my self running at a fast rate,before I could say JACK ROBINSON I met my self at the school gate.

"Wow that was so fast "

"That is one of the qualities of the lightening element you will get to know more about yourself as time goes by "