

Description Trent a teenager woke up and found himself being used a test subject for a drug. He managed to escape but his sister was kidnapping by the same people. Trent discovered the world in a new light and many secrets about the awakeneds underworld. What are the government hiding?, where is his sister?. Well read and find out.

22 Chs


Author: ACTION‼️. Please rate and comment how it was. Below

9:00am, 30|11|3030. A forest.

Footsteps can be heard, pants and screams rained all around the forest.

Wendy:(panting). Keep running!!, Don't stop or look back.


Wendy: dodge guys(pulls trent away). Come out and fight. Stop hiding.

Thread appears behind her.

Thread: I wasn't hiding, you were running.

Wendy: shit.(she pushes trent to James and snaps her finger)


Wendy runs out with a cut to her arm.

Wendy: guys be careful, he is a red and teleportation Is one of his abilities.

Thread on top of a tree.

Thread: smart girl but you are too slow(waves his hand in a cutting manner).

James jumps and pushes wendy away. Trees fall where she was before.

Wendy: thanks. They are here for trent be careful.

James: they?

Wendy: they are three.

Vonican and quake walks out.

Quake: seems you found us. Nice

Wendy:*wishpering damn it. I haven't recovered my full energy yet and they are all reds. James stand as back up, am the only combact person on the team.

Wendy takes a battle stance.

Thread: (scratches his head) Hey crazy lady. Don't you see it three against one and you stand no chance. Just hand over the kid and we will leave.

Wendy: first of all, I don't believe you will let us go and secondly even if you do. I don't listen to criminals who oppress others because they are powerful.

Wendy snaps her finger. An explosion takes place in their middle. Making them to separate in different directions. Thread teleports behind her, kicking her to the ground. She holds him and the area explodes. Thread comes out covered in blood

Thread: damn, Ahh.

Wendy: (Also covered in blood) I knew it. You are only teleport when you are free and it takes a lot of concetration. (Wipes the blood from her face). Let go again.

The ground starts to shake. Larva burst out, forcing them to jump. Thread teleports meeting her in the air and sending air slashes her way.

James: watch out‼️

But it was late to react as one slashes her shoulder and the other her stomach, she falls to the ground.

Trent: no, please stop. Let me go with them okay🥺.

Wendy:(getting up slowly, covered in blood) SHUTUP‼️. Is this how you are going to save your sister(coughs blood) weak.

She falls again. Thread walks to her and kicks her in the stomach.

Thread: seems our hero is down.

He falls holding his head, shouting. James is kneeling down point his palm at him and one on his head. Quake runs and kicks him. James fall but Wendy shouts.

Wendy: Get out of the way.( Claps her hand).

BOOMMMMMM‼️. Dust and snow is everywhere.

Trent:(coughing and pointing) there she is.

Trent runs and drags Wendy out of debris. The dust settles down. Thread is covered in blood and quake his lost one of his hands.

Thread: that it, am done. Playing mr nice boy.

Thread runs toward them, kicking trent away from Wendy and holds her neck, lifting her. Wendy starts to struggle.

While Vonican creates larva toward James who is still unconscious.

Trent in the background: Why, is all this happening. I just want to find my sister and go home.(He looks up). Why is it so hard to leave peacefully. Yuki , if it was you, what do you do. (Holds his head) I know what I will do. I must become strong, I must become powerful for Yuki, mom and my friends.

Trent screams,Suddenly‼️ everything stops. Trent stands up saying the same sentence again

Trent: Must be stronger. Must be stronger. (He looks toward thread), come to me, you deserve to be cleaned.

Thread begins to walk toward trent. Trent stretches his hand holding thread shoulder. Black energy burst out like flames with cracking sounds.

Trent: I will wipe away your pain. You never saw me, now walk and keep walking no matter how tired you are keep walking.

Thread: walllk, keeep walkinnngg.

Thread starts to walk away. Trent turns toward Vonican and quake and claps. They both stand straight

Trent: where is my sister?

They both answer: she is with the professor.

Trent: where?

They both answer: sabali island. This is the map. Master please be careful. It is dangerous.

Trent: good, now walk away and be good.

They start to follow thread. Time unfreeze, trent coughs blood and falls down.

Wendy:(coughing). What just happened, why are they walking away. Trent are you okay.

Trent faints.

10:40am,30|11|3030. Sabali island.

Professor mark and doctor sam could be seen running down a hall. Until they got to a room full of computers.

Mark: what is the emergency (panting).

Doctor 1:(hand him a system pad)

Mark:(covering his mouth). My God, it can't be true.

Doctor sam: what wrong?

Mark: the final decision1. Just awakened.

Doctor sam: that can't be true. We had an estimate time of three months. Why?

Mark: I have no idea but his frequency has disappeared again, and can't be found.

Doctor sam: then we have to prepare, because this is no longer funny.(adjust his glasses).

4:00pm, 30|11|3030. A cave.

Wendy and James are seen talking. The only light is fire 🔥. Most of their wounds are healed. Trent suddenly wakes up

Trent:AHH.(holds his head and wipes blood from his nose).

Wendy: welcome back to the land of living. Eat up and tell me what the f*ck happened out there to those guys.

Author: thanks for reading guys. Like and review. Also comment what you think about this chapter and what ideas I could use. Thanks alot🤲🏿💖.