

Gabriella Graciana Charlotte, the first daughter of Duke Charlotte, was decided unilaterally by the second Prince of the Spinx kingdom because she had no talent. Her older brother hated her, which made her despair and ended her life in a steep abyss. But fate said otherwise...

BabyF_05062016 · แฟนตาซี
128 Chs


Xora limped along the narrow alley, and she was looking for a place to hide from the pursuit of the Paladins. She was in the capital of the Onyx Kingdom, and she had gotten a little information on the whereabouts of Tiana that Gabby had assigned her.

However, when she found Tiana, she was attacked instead. She got an attack from the Paladin guarding the Monastery where Tiana was currently taking shelter.

Xora didn't expect the Paladins to attack her without further ado, and it was only natural for a Paladin to finish the Sorcerer.

But what makes Xora confused is why the Seal that Gabby gave her disappears when it gets dark. This time, Xora felt that the seal that Gabby gave was useful even though it had a negative side.

The seal Xora received was a slave seal, but on the plus side, it could neutralize Xora's dark aura with the seal so people wouldn't know that Xora was a Sorcerer.

Even if the injuries weren't too severe, it was still for a Sorcerer to feel excruciating pain after being hit by holy magic from a Paladin.

"What happened?" Xora muttered breathlessly, and she was confused as to why the seal Gabby gave her at a time like this just disappeared. She was sure that she was still bound by Gabby's Seal this afternoon.

"What's this? What happened?" Xora was shocked when she realized that tonight the sky looked strange.

"This is not a Lunar Eclipse! Solar eclipse! Why does it happen at night?" Xora peeked from her hiding place, and the night sky was extraordinary.

"Impossible! Impossible! Red Solar Eclipse… No, No. This is not possible!" Her heart skipped a beat after realizing the strangeness of that night.

Xora had read a book in the Dragon Lord Palace earlier when she was a concubine, and the book told the story of the war between Gods in this world. Even Xora remembered that in the book the war of the Gods was written, which first occurred when humans had not yet been created.

"Your Majesty should know." with the remaining energy, Xora attempted to open the portal to the Queenby Imperial Palace. Tonight was far more important to her than Tiana's current whereabouts.

"Your Majesty, what happened to Empress Gabby?" Isabella asked Gustav.

Isabella felt great anxiety after knowing that just before sunset, those who had previously received punishment from Gabby in the form of the slave seal had released themselves.

"I don't know, and it seems something has happened in the Empire," Gustav replied.

Only a few hours later, the Spinx Kingdom was shocked by the release of Empress Gabby's seal of punishment from the previous rebel family of the Spinx Kingdom.

Gustav himself had heard the news directly from the ministers. Fortunately, at this time, those who had escaped Gabby's slave seal didn't do anything.

But what he was thinking now was what happened to the Queenby Empire's Empress so their punishment could be lifted.

As a scholar in matters involving sealing, Gustav knew that if the seal broke by itself, it was a sign that the seal's owner or the seal's maker had died. Like Gustav, Isabella thinks something has happened to Gabby so that the seals have all been broken.

Because of the news, no one realized that that night was strange. That night was the night the nightmare started.


In a vast prairie, the dark reddened night did not darken Reinhardt's vision. He looked at the night sky that was getting redder, and now his feelings were raging because tonight was not an ordinary night.

Reinhardt clenched his fists, and he could feel the many God Essences in this world. He could even sense the God essence that was his enemies.

"Sir! this is very strange. Rold Harbor is under attack by the Dwarves Race." Ril came in a hurry. Previously he had investigated the sabotage of the Dwarves Race in Rold's harbour.

"Don't be provoked, and it's just a diversion." Reinhardt clenched his jaw, and the Dwarves shouldn't be able to move if their King was gone.

The movement of the Dwarves Race was at the mercy of a God that Reinhardt hated the most.

"Valhalla, just the slightest you touch my girl, I will crush you to nothing left," Reinhard muttered,

"We better head for the Imperial Palace." Reinhard and Ril went towards the Rose Palace by Teleport

Reinhard didn't find Gabby when they got there, and he only met with Lucia and Alicia.

"Where's Gabby?"

Lucia's forehead twitched when she saw this handsome man in front of her calling Gabby without frills, Her Highness. Even though Lucia knew this man was in touch with Gabby, she thought it was inappropriate.

"For now, Your Majesty simply cannot be bothered," replied Lucia.

"Nothing bothers her, and I want to see her. You know what, tonight was weird." Reinhardt narrowed his eyes, and he also intimidated Lucia.

Lucia swallowed heavily, and she was greatly intimidated by Reinhard.

"Relax, Sir, and Her Majesty ordered us to refuse anyone wishing to see her at this time." Alicia tried to contain Reinhardt's intimidating aura.

Reinhard chuckled, annoyed that prevented him from meeting with Gabby. He felt great concern for his girl.

The night is getting late, but the Moon is not getting higher, and the dark sky is getting redder.

Finally, humans on the continent of Khaaslonia realized the strangeness of that night, and their eyes were fixed on a bright red object in the sky. The humans who stared at the object could not take their eyes off it; They seemed to be hypnotized by the object.

Humans who have fallen asleep will also do the same thing: stare at the red object in the sky in their dreams.

The streets of every city were seen by many people looking up at the night sky. Although it looked very crowded, silence fell on them at that time. When they looked at the object, they were no longer in their respective consciousness at that moment.

In the silence of the night that makes humans have nightmares, there is a handsome man with long jet black hair looking at the continent of Khaaslonia in the air.

"My sheep." The man flashed a crooked smile.