

[Firebending: Adept 0%]

[Flame Generation: Orange 50%]

"I've improved a lot during these two days. Well obviously it would. I watched the show, and I copied notable and the complex techniques from it." Kai muttered as he was lying on the bed in his barrack. It's what he got after going through basic training and becoming an official soldier of the Fire Nation.

He was in a shared bedroom actually, but from his memories he didn't really talk to him much and he probably would continue to do so.

His firebending training was working wonders. Condensing the fire while firebending proved to be effective in improving the strength of his firebending. His

'I think it improved 2x in strength since I transmigrated. My chi reserves are more than ever. Face it, I'm a genius.' Kai mused as he picked his nose. Tomorrow, he would be on duty again meaning that he would go through drills and work within his military occupational speciality.

Kai who is a Private in the army, doesn't get to do any of the fancy missions the soldiers higher in rank than him do. Instead, his assignment is to patrol the streets.

It sounds tedious to other people. But when you have an ex gang member patrolling the streets the gang he was in usually occupies, the story takes a different turn.

Kai shut off the system and yawned. He had training tomorrow, and he really wouldn't want to wake up late and get punished by his drill sergeant for it.




The next day.....

"98!!! 99!!!! 100!!!" Kai and the soldiers around him shouted out as they were on the ground performing pushups. It seems like he was the only one shouting with how unmotivated everyone else seemed.

The drill sergeants immediately berated and shouted at the rest of the soldiers for being so weak early in the morning while Kai was excused to take a 5 minute break.

'Those guys knew what they signed up for and yet they're still acting like this.' Kai thought as another drill sergeant approached him. Kai sighed to himself and got up before saluting the drill sergeant, he didn't even sit down for a minute yet.

The end of the war really did a number on the Fire Nation, patriotism(the bad kind) was gone for good. It's basically what the end of the war did to Japan except Firelord Zuko apologized for what the Fire Nation did and paid reparations in full.

But the soldiers are also relaxed now, and Kai is not saying that war is a good thing(but in his case the only good part about it is that it could give him loads of levels ups), it's just that the soldiers forgot that they have a country to protect most of the time and just laze around the whole time in the army.

"Soldier! Follow me while the others do their set of pushups!" The drill sergeant ordered seriously.

"Yes sir!" Kai shouted back as he followed the drill sergeant. While doing so, Kai looked at the drill sergeant's black and red heavy fire resistant armor.

The heavy armor includes a cuirass, tassets, a combination of shoulder pads and armored collar, and heavy boots. The most recognizable element is its special helmet with a neck guard and a flame-like crest.

The heavy armor is usually fitted with an intimidating faceplate shaped like an abstract skull, but ranking officers don't wear the helmets, as they make it difficult to speak properly.

Kai is wearing a light armor. Even though the light armor does not provide excellent protection, it is largely fire resistant and provides adequate protection against projectiles.

His armor includes a simple cone helmet with leather neck guard, a combination of shoulder pads and armored collar and a leathern, sleeveless robe, and heavy boots.

Kai stopped immediately when the drill sergeant stopped in front of him. They have arrived at an large open space that only had a notable large arena like stage built on it. There were also other Fire Soldiers gathered around the place.

"Recruits!! Stop being useless and get your gossiping asses line up in 10 seconds!!!" The drill sergeant ordered loudly in a no nonsense voice. In an instant, everyone was lined up perfectly in front of him.

"Right!! Seems like you're good for something after all. You are all gathered here to participate in a tournament! This tournament has one goal, and that is to increase the chances of you getting promoted."

"Everyone soldier to your left and to your right has some of the highest grades in basic training we've seen this year. And that is why they're chosen for this tournament."

"The Fire Nation needs strong leaders! But to have that, those future leaders must prove themselves that they're strong, smart, cunning and quick at decision making like a leader. No one likes a weak leader!"

"There are a total of 16 people participating in this tournament. The first round is simple. The 16 of you will be decided into 4 teams. So it will be a four on four. After that, the winning teams will be divided into teams of two. You will then face each other in a two on two battle."

"After that, the winning team will be then divided to be in a one on one battle. One in the semifinals, and the last in the finals. Do you understand me?!"

"YES SIR!!!!"

"Remember! This is not a promotion test! This is an evaluation test to see if you deserve to be promoted! But that doesn't mean you can not try in this! Give your all!! Am I clear?!"

"YES SIR!!!"

"Good! I will now decide who teams up with you. You better not complain! Because a leader does not complain about a shitty situation, he finds a way to work around it and make it better. Clear?!"




Kai looked at his three teammates that he was going to be fighting with. They didn't look like much. The only noticeable guy out of those three has a big build and had an arrogant smirk on his face.

Kai sighed, it was deathly silent and he couldn't bear it any longer. "Since we're fighting first, I have a plan. Two of you will be firing fireballs and stuff at our opponents to keep them moving and thinking enough for me and another one of us in the team to take them down." Kai told them. The arrogant looking fire soldier who had brown hair, scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Who the hell made you the team leader? You don't have a the right to order me around." He argued with Kai. Kai looked at him stoically.

"None of you were brave enough to step up, so I did. It's a stupid waste of time arguing about this. Focus on the match. Do you wanna get promoted or not?" Kai asked him seriously.

"Yeah, but if it involves getting ordered around like some slave by the likes of you then I'll pass."

Kai grunted and shrugged.

"Eh whatever. It's not my problem if you wanna be mediocre forever, Mr I'm Too Good To Follow Orders." He grumbled before walking up towards the fighting stage. He could see from the corner of his eye that the guy was scowling angrily at him.

"Just so you know. It's a good plan. I'll be the one distracting them." One of Kai's teammates who had yellow hair said as he walked beside Kai. Kai smiled and nodded at him.

"I'll be taking them down with you." Another teammate with black hair added. Kai nodded and smiled at him.

"Thank you guys, let's get up to the arena quickly. I can feel the drill sergeant losing his patience from here."



"Alright! Soldiers, into your positions! I will explain the rules of this fight! You win by either knocking the opposing team out or knocking them out of the ring!"

"You will NOT deliver a blow powerful enough to kill them! You will ONLY deal out enough to either knock them out or push them out of the arena!! Do you hear me?!"

"YES SIR!" Kai, his team and the opposing team shouted at the drill sergeant who nodded.

"Good. Let us start with the first round."

"Remember the plan." Kai whispered to his two teammates who agreed with his plan. They nodded back at him while the arrogant fire soldier arguing with Kai earlier gritted his teeth a little.

'The hell?! They just all agree with him like that? What the hell is he?' He thought while looking at Kai who was cracking his knuckles.

'Meh, it's not like it's gonna be my fault when we lose. He was the one who made the plan in the first place, I was just following because it sounded good.' The one with yellow hair thought to himself.

"Soldiers! Take your positions! START!!!" The drill sergeant shouted before grabbing his whistle and whistled loudly.

As soon as the drill sergeant whistled, Kai delivered and uppercut punch, sending an orange fireball towards an unsuspecting firebender.

The firebender dodged his attack and was immediately bombarded by more fireballs from one of Kai's teammates. Kai started rushing towards the firebender while sidestepping fireballs from the opposing team.

Kai saw a stream of fire approaching him from his left. Kai jumped a little before launching himself even higher by expelling the flames from the soles of his feet.

Dodging the stream of fire, Kai did a front flip in midair while he created a lash of flames from his feet. He slammed the lash down at the firebender who leaped back to dodge it.

Kai landed on the ground before he opened his right palm. He created and condensed a fireball in his hand and sent it towards the firebender who sent back a fireball of his own.


An explosion occurred when the fireballs met in the middle, creating a cloud of smoke. The firebender coughed a little before he returned into his stance.

Out of nowhere, Kai broke through the plume of smoke while expelling flames from his feet like a jet engine. The move was unexpected to the firebender.

Kai delivered a fire enhanced punch straight to the firebender's face. He then grabbed the firebender's hand and pulled him in before delivering a devastating knee to the gut.

"Ack!!" The firebender made a choking sound as saliva flew out of his mouth. Kai then put his flaming palm onto the firebender's light armor.

His hand brightened with the flames before he expelled them all in one go, blasting the firebender out of the arena, knocking him out in the process.

Kai looked at the remaining opponents. None from his team were eliminated and there were only 3 left on the opposing team.

He was suddenly faced with a floating screen in front of him.

[Firebending: Adept 4%]

'It improved that much? Well it is my first time fighting another bender after all, it gives me experience. And system, from now on turn off all notifications when I'm in battle.' Kai ordered and the screen disappeared. He looked back up at the situation and sighed.

"Why do I have to do everything?"

The drill sergeant was observing this fight for the side. He looked at Kai who started charging towards another firebender fighting his blonde teammate.

"Impressive, he's already elimated someone under 30 seconds. From the reports, he just completed basic training and became a Private. Why haven't we noticed such potential in the first place?"

To be continued...

(Who thinks it's best that Kai learns earthbending next?)
