
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

PT26 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
77 Chs

Fire, Ice, and Lightning

The episode starts with Jessie opening the door to the outside, after waking up to start the day. After stretching and yawning with her eyes still closed she took one step and it felt like she was stepping on snow. "What the?" Jessie opens her eyes and notices it's currently snowing and there's snow on the ground. "Hey guys, check this out."

Domino, James, and Meowth arrive in front of the door, immediately noticing the snow. "Did it snow all night?" James questioned.

Domino gets confused. "But it can't be, it's currently summer, right?"

"We should check the news or something," Meowth suggested.

"Great idea," Jessie responded as she closed the door.

The gang made their way to the living room as they sat down on the sofas. Miyamoto joins them as she looks out the window to notice the snow. "It's snowing?"

"We're about to watch the news to see what's going on, Mom," Jessie says, turning on the television with the remote and switching to a news channel.

The news reporter begins reporting. "As if the strange occurrence of wild Pokémon and our own Pokémon aggressively attacking trainers with red eyes isn't enough, now the weather system is going crazy!"

The news report starts showing a map of Kanto highlighted in colors. The lower part of Kanto is highlighted in light blue, the upper left is highlighted in red, and the upper right is highlighted in yellow.

"The lower part of Kanto is completely covered in snow from the end of Route 1 to Vermilion City! The upper left of Kanto is completely engulfed in flames, almost everything is completely on fire in this area! Then we have the upper right which is storming with lightning strikes everywhere! Due to these circumstances, we are going to have to postpone the Indigo League of Lawson battling the Elite Four. What is happening to our region? Is it truly the end of the world?"

The gang and Miyamoto had their eyes widened in shock at what was currently happening as silence filled the room with no one wanting to talk about the news report yet.

The title screen shows.

"Fire, Ice, and Lightning"

Jessie starts recapping. "Okay so first off, all of our Pokémon are disobeying their trainers and attacking us, wild Pokémon are attacking us too, and now the whole Kanto region is frozen in snow, engulfed in flames, and facing power storms that have no signs of stopping?"

"This is surely a pickle here. Maybe Mewtwo has something to do about it as well?" James thought.

"I don't know when I faced Mewtwo at the Viridian Gym, it was mostly using psychic-type moves," Jessie responded.

"Getting to Cerulean Cave isn't going to be easy anymore with all of this happening," Domino stated.

Meowth rolls his eyes. "Thanks, Captain Obvious."

"Maybe Professor Oak can help us? Come on, we should head back to the lab." Jessie stands up, about to leave until her mother stops her.

"Hold on, missy! It's cold out there and I'm not letting you or your friends go out there until you have a jacket-" Miyamoto looks at Jessie's red skirt she's currently wearing. "and pants to keep you warm."

"She's right, Jessie." Domino agreed. "You're going to suffer in the cold if you go out like that, especially in your skirt."

Jessie nods. "Okay Mom, I will."

The scene cuts to outside with the gang wearing winter jackets and Jessie is wearing blue jeans instead of her red skirt. Meowth was just wearing a scarf across his neck.

James looks embarrassed because of him wearing more of a feminine jacket. "You didn't have any jackets for males at all?"

"It's me and my mom living in the house, we just don't think to buy male clothes, James," Jessie answered.

Domino looks up in the sky to see that it's still snowing. "I'm assuming that it has been snowing all night and it's not stopping at all."

"Just exactly like the right side of Kanto where the storm isn't clearing up and I'm assuming the left flaming side isn't gonna be put out at all," Jessie stated.

"We have to get to the bottom of this once and for all. Let's hope Professor Oak can help us with this the best he can." James says.

Jessie, Meowth, and Domino nod in agreement as the gang arrives outside of the building of Professor Oak's lab. Jessie knocks on the door as the gang hears Professor Oak's voice from the inside. "Come in!" Jessie opens the door and the gang all come inside.

The scene cuts to Team Rocket trying to spy on the gang with binoculars from afar in a tree only for them to start shivering from the cold. "This sucks! I hate the cold!" Butch says while gritting his teeth.

"We can't spy on the twerps in these conditions. We need to go somewhere warm." Cassidy suggested.

"Maybe the twerps will let us into the lab?" Mondo suggested. "We did help them last time and they're willing to pay us back?"

"Oh sure, all the times we tried to steal their Pokémon, giving them some pointless information will definitely make us even between." Butch sarcastically says.

"The information wasn't pointless!" Mondo pouts.

Cassidy gets an idea. "Don't worry, boys, I got an idea, however, it requires disguises."

The scene cuts to the doorbell to Jessie's house being rung and Miyamoto opens the door. "And what can I do for you, fine people?"

Team Rocket is disguised as homeless people as they start shivering. Cassidy speaks up while stuttering from the cold. "I-I'm sorry to disturb you, ma'am, but w-we are freezing and we don't have homes. M-may we stay here for a little b-bit, please?"

Miyamoto feels sorrow for them, not seeing through Team Rocket's disguise. "I'm so sorry that you people don't have a home. Of course! Come in and get comfy around the fire!" She turns around and heads back inside, leaving the door for disguised Team Rocket.

Disguised Team Rocket all grin at each other. "I told you it will work," Cassidy says before the three enter the house.

The scene cuts back to the gang entering Professor Oak's lab and once they arrive in the living room, they see the same trainer with the possessed Vulpix from yesterday. "Wait, you're the same kid from yesterday? Cayson, right?" Jessie asked

Cayson nods. "Yeah, it's me! Professor Oak got me and told me to stay at his place for a couple of days until this mess was gone. The reason why is because he told me Leaf wanted to."

The gang has a confused expression on their faces from this trainer knowing about Leaf. "Wait, how do you know Leaf? Have you met her before too?" Jessie asked once more.

"It's because Cayson is Leaf's little brother." Professor Oak answered before entering the living room.

"Leaf never told me she had a little brother?!" Jessie exclaimed in complete shock.

Domino smiles at Cayson and introduces herself. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Cayson. I'm Domino!"

James also introduces himself. "I'm James. Nice to fully meet you this time!"

Then Jessie introduces herself last. "And I'm Jessie! This is my partner, Meowth."

Meowth waves hello to Cayson. "Hi."

Cayson gasps from seeing a talking Meowth. "A talking Meowth?! That's so cool!" He runs over to pet Meowth and hug him.

"Hey kid, you better watch the whiskers!" Meowth warned from being petted.

Professor Oak starts explaining. "When I called Leaf from Johto to inform her of what is happening over here in Kanto, she immediately told me to get her little brother here to keep him safe. Also, Leaf is not experiencing any problems with their Pokémon over at Johto and no crazy weather too."

"So that means only Kanto is experiencing this mess?" James asked for confirmation.

Professor Oak nods. "Afraid so."

"Is my Azurill still affected, Professor Oak?" Domino asked.

"Don't worry, Domino, your Azurill isn't going anywhere and I'll keep it safe here." Professor Oak answered. "But I have been looking at this strange weather pattern and they seem familiar…"

"What's familiar about them, Professor Oak?" Jessie questioned.

"Thirds of Kanto are currently on fire, met with lightning storms, and then snow. Something about that pattern seems familiar to me but I can't put my finger on it." Professor Oak answered.

James notices a problem. "Well, we have a bigger problem of getting to Cerulean Cave. Since all Pokémon, minus Meowth, are disobeying their trainers, that means I can't get my Charizard to fly us there."

"You're right, James, do we have to walk to Cerulean Cave from Pallet Town?" Domino groans. "I don't know if I don't want to."

Professor Oak shakes his head no."You can't go to Cerulean Cave by foot, to get there, you all are going to have to go through the blazing routes, and the blazing cities of Viridian City and Pewter City. It's too dangerous."

"Then how are we going to get to Cerulean City? Unless Meowth can suddenly fly." Jessie says with a chuckle.

Meowth scoffs. "Dodou has a better chance at flying than me."

"Follow me to the roof. I have something that can take us there and fast." Professor Oak starts heading towards the roof with the gang flying, including Cayson.

The scene cuts to the rooftop of Professor Oak's lab and with the gang expressing shockness, they see a helicopter on the roof. "You have a helicopter?!" James exclaimed.

Professor Oak nods. "Yep. I used this baby to arrive at the Indigo Plateau very quickly with your mother, Jessie, to watch you and Leaf in the Kanto League Tournament. I think this baby has enough fuel to fly us to Cerulean Cave and back."

"How were you able to afford one?" Domino asked.

"Being a Pokémon Professor does pay incredibly well." Professor Oak chuckles before getting inside the pilot seat of the helicopter. "There should be parachutes in the back just in case something happens and since I have to watch Cayson, he's joining us too, I hope you don't mind that."

"Yeah, we don't mind!" Jessie jumps at the back of the helicopter, along with the gang and Cayson. "This is going to be so cool!"

"This is my first time riding a helicopter!" Domino exclaimed with excitement.

Professor Oak turns on the helicopter as its blades start spinning. "Taking off in three… two… one!"

The helicopter starts taking off in the air as it cuts to a disguised Team Rocket watching the helicopter taking off in the air from Jessie's house in a window with binoculars. "Is that the twerps in that helicopter?!" Butch exclaimed.

"Come on, we need to follow them in our hot air balloon," Cassidy ordered.

The disguised Team Rocket trio was about to leave the house when Miyamoto stood in front of the door with a smile on her face, stopping Team Rocket from leaving. "Now where do you think you three homeless people are going? It's still cold outside."

Mondo tries to think of an excuse. "Um… we're warm enough, thank you very much."

"But you three haven't eaten, correct? I'll fix up a nice dinner for the three of you." Miyamoto offered with a smile before heading to the kitchen.

The disguised Team Rocket trio all looked at each other with pleasant smiles. "I can go for some food!" Cassidy says. "Hell yeah!" Butch agreed." Mondo raises his fist in excitement. "Let's go to the kitchen!" Team Rocket sprints to the kitchen for dinner.

The scene cuts to the helicopter where Professor Oak is flying across the blazing area of Kanto. The gang is just looking down a route from above and witnessing the disaster. Domino starts pointing it out. "Goodness… everything is burnt to a crisp. The trees, the grass, everything."

"I don't want to imagine what the cities would look like…" Meowth added.

James looks over at Cayson to start to have a conversation with him. "So how did you capture a Vulpix, Cayson?"

"Oh! I didn't catch my Vulpix. My sister, Leaf, caught two Vulpix, she decided to use one on her team and she sent the other Vulpix to me for my protection. She was sweet for doing that and gave me my very first Pokémon." Cayson answered.

"That is indeed sweet! I guess that explains why Leaf has Ninetales on her team." James replied with a smile.

Cayson started to explain his Vulpix. "Me and Vulpix have gotten along so much these days. It broke my heart when Vulpix's eyes became glowing red and started disobeying and attacking me." He pulls out a Poké Ball containing his Vulpix. He looks at it with a sad expression as Cayson sheds a tear. "I-I hope you guys can fix it so I can see my sweet Vulpix again."

The gang feels bad for Cayson as Jessie goes over to comfort him. "Don't worry, we're going to find a way to fix this mess and we're going to fix everything."

Cayson looks at Jessie and smiles as he nods. "Thanks, Jessie. You know, Leaf has said a lot of things about you to me."

"Oh yeah?" Jessie has a confident smirk. "I bet they were all good things weren't they?"

Cayson responds with the opposite of what Jessie just said. "She said that you're more like a mama's girl, is that correct?"

Jessie's friends chuckle at that as she brings her head down in shame. "Of course, she said that…"

The gang looked outside after noticing something different. The area is completely covered in gray clouds with hard rain pouring to the ground, and wind blowing insanely, not to mention that a lightning strike happens every five seconds and thunder is heard throughout. "Now it's all stormy and everything. What happened to everything on fire?" Domino asked.

"We're entering the lightning area." Professor Oak answered. "This area is covered in a nonstop storm that will go on forever and forever if we don't find a way to end this. This is the most dangerous area to fly a helicopter in, so let's hope lightning doesn't strike the helicopter."

James gulps and awkwardly chuckles. "W-well luckily we have our parachutes for that situation."

After minutes of flying, Professor Oak finally arrives above Cerulean Cave as he looks down. "Cerulean Cave is below us, I'm dropping now." He starts controlling the helicopter to descend.

"At least lightning didn't strike the helicopter." Domino sighs in relief.

Professor Oak lands the helicopter near the entrance of the Cerulean Cave, the gang hops off and starts walking to the cave, however, upon getting closer, they realize it has been blocked up with stone. "It's blocked off?!" Meowth exclaimed.

"That doesn't make sense. The last time we were here, the cave wasn't blocked off." James pointed out.

"Is it possible that Mewtwo sealed the cave off to prevent just any regular human from entering?" Domino guessed.

"I guess so, that's the best explanation we got," Jessie says in agreement.

Professor Oak notices markings on the stone and points it out. "Get a little closer, I think I see markings."

The gang, Professor Oak, and Cayson walk closer to the blocked-off stone to get a closer look at the markings. The markings represent three birds, the first bird resembles that it has flames around its body, the second bird resembles its plumage that looks like ice crystals, and the third bird has a spiky appearance around its body. There are also three slots above the bird markings in the shape of a feather above each bird marking on the stone.

"Are these… Pokémon?" Jessie questioned.

"If they are, I have never seen these three types of Pokémon at all," Domino says.

James nods. "Me neither. Professor Oak, can you identify this?"

Professor Oak looks closely at the bird markings, he thinks about the areas that have surrounded Kanto. "Fire… Ice… Lightning…" He then realizes what the bird markings represent as his eyes widen. "Moltres… Articuno… Zapdos…"

The gang begins questioning with raised eyebrows. "Moltres?" Jessie questioned. "Articuno?" Domino joined in. "Zapdos?" James also joins in with the final bird.

Professor Oak immediately starts heading back to his helicopter. "I'll explain a lot later once we're back in the lab. Let's head back to Pallet Town before a lightning bolt strikes us. Come on!"

"Right!" the gang said as they and Cayson followed Professor Oak back to the helicopter. The professor starts the helicopter and ascends into the air, leaving the near entrance of Cerulean Cave and heading back to Pallet Town.

The scene cuts to Pallet Town at Jessie's house after the disguised Team Rocket finishes Miyamoto's dinner that she cooked for them. "I'm so stuffed…" Butch says, holding his gut as he burps. "Excuse me."

Cassidy slowly gets up. "Come on, we have to leave this place and follow the twerps." Her partners-in-crime also get up as they make their way to the door, but Miyamoto gets in front of them again.

"You homeless people look tired after eating all of that food. I don't think the snow would be a comfortable fit to sleep on. How about you three get some rest?" Miyamoto suggested.

The disguised Team Rocket trio looks out the window to see Professor Oak's helicopter land back on the roof of his lab as Mondo looks back at Miyamoto and tries to explain. "Look, lady, we're so grateful for allowing us into your home and also grateful that you fed us, but we have to go-"

Miyamoto shakes her head, interrupting Mondo. "You three are not going anywhere until you both get a nice quality rest after eating."

Disguised Team Rocket just sighs in defeat. "Well, I could use the rest anyway," Cassidy admits.

The scene cuts to Professor Oak's lab where he, the gang, and Cayson all arrive back after another helicopter ride and all of them are in the living room.

Professor Oak begins explaining more details about the three birds on the stone carvings. "Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos, these three legendary Pokémon were known as the 'legendary birds.' Moltres, the fire-type bird, Articuno, the ice-type bird, and Zapdos, the electric-type bird."

"Come to think of it, those types do explain the three areas that are covered in flames, snow, and storms," James says.

Professor Oak nods. "Right, and I believe the three legendary birds are helping Mewtwo destroy Kanto."

The gang gasped in shock. "WHAT?!"

Cayson seems confused on this topic. "Three legendary birds? Mewtwo? I'm so confused about what's happening here."

Professor Oak starts explaining more. "After escaping Viridian City from the clutches of Team Rocket, Mewtwo must've gone to the locations where the three legendary birds are and asked them for help on getting rid of humans by destroying Kanto. After Mewtwo hypnotized and brainwashed every single Pokémon to rebel against people, he went back to Cerulean Cave while blocking the entrance so that no human could reach them. Unless…"

"Unless what, professor?" Jessie asked.

Professor Oak continues. "Unless a strong trainer and their Pokémon can manage to beat all three legendary birds, gaining their feathers as proof. Which explains the feather-shaped slot carvings on the stone."

"But isn't every Pokémon in Kanto brainwashed by Mewtwo?" Domino pointed out with a question.

"Except for one Pokémon," James says as he and everyone look directly at Meowth.

Meowth notices everyone is looking at him, widening his eyes. "Are you all saying that I have to take down those three powerful birds by myself?!"

"Meowth, you're the only Pokémon we know so far that isn't affected by Mewtwo's telepathic powers." Professor Oak responded.

"Yeah!" Jessie picks up Meowth and hugs him. "Besides, it's not like we just started our journey together yesterday, you fought many powerful Pokémon before and came on top. I know you have a chance and you won't be alone, you have us!"

Domino and James both smile at Meowth, giving him a thumbs up. "You got this, Meowth!" Domino says.

Meowth gulps before nodding. "If I'm the only Pokémon that can do it, I might as well. How would we know where to look for those legendary birds?"

Professor Oak heads over to his computer in his lab as the gang follows. Cayson just stays in the living room and watches television. Professor Oak begins talking and typing at the same time, he looks up a map of Kanto. "I heard rumors of the three legendary birds' locations and where people spotted them. Articuno was spotted mostly around the Seafoam Islands, which is the closest to Pallet Town. I believe you guys should start with Articuno first. Then Zapdos is rumored to be in the Power Plant, near the Rock Tunnel, and finally, Moltres has been spotted in Victory Road."

James realizes something about what the gang experienced in the past. "Hey guys, remember when we saw a flame-shaped bird figure that took our Team Rocket before they could get away with stealing Azurill when we were in Victory Road?"

As Jessie and Domino start to think, the scene cuts to a quick flashback of the flame-shaped bird figure taking out Team Rocket. Domino dashes to catch Azurill and the quick flashback ends. "Now I remember! Could that have been the legendary bird Moltres all this time?!"

James nods. "After what Professor Oak said, most likely."

"Luckily, the snow and this cold temperature must've frozen the ocean ice solid by now. You can walk to the Seafoam Islands from Pallet Town and not require a water-type Pokémon, but be careful out there and watch out for wild Pokémon." Professor Oak warned.

The gang nods and looks at each other. "Well gang, are we ready to set out to the Seafoam Islands?" Jessie asked.

"Let's do it!" Both Domino and James said, raising their fist up and so did Jessie.

The scene cuts to Jessie's house where Team Rocket woke up after their nap. Cassidy stretches. "Okay, we had our nap, I think we can leave now."

Team Rocket quietly leaves the guest room to peek in Miyamoto's room where she is sound off to sleep. They grin at each other. "She's asleep, which means we can escape," Butch says as the trio head downstairs.

Once Team Rocket gets to the viewpoint of the entrance door, they see that the entrance door is boarded up with planks. "Are. You. Kidding. Me.?" Mondo said in disbelief.

"Let's try the back door," Cassidy suggested as her partners-in-crime nodded in agreement and the trio headed to the kitchen.

Once Team Rocket got in the kitchen, in the trio's disbelief, the back door was also boarded up as well. "Are you kidding me?! She boarded up the doors while we were sleeping?!" Butch exclaimed in disbelief.

"She's holding us captive at this point. Maybe she saw through these homeless disguises and knows we're Team Rocket? Maybe that's why she's holding us captive." Mondo guessed.

"Or maybe she's a little too nice for the homeless!" Cassidy turns to Butch. "Butch, I know you can break a window with your fist."

Butch grins and cracks his knuckles. "Leave it to me!" He rushes back to the living room with his fist raised and tries to punch the window, but it doesn't break and Butch ends up hurting his hand. "OW! DAMMIT!"

"Okay, an object has to work," Cassidy suggested.

The Team Rocket trio grabs a chair from the dining room and swings it towards the window, but it still doesn't break to Team Rocket's shock. "How strong is this glass?!" Butch questioned in disbelief.

"The strongest glass in the world, surprisingly," Mondo replied.

Cassidy looks out the window and sees the gang leaving Professor Oak's lab and heading to the frozen ocean. "The twerps are leaving again and we're stuck in this house!"

Mondo frustratedly mumbles to himself. "I can't believe this homeless disguised plan completely backfired on us."

Footsteps are heard and Miyamoto comes down the stairs and notices the disguised Team Rocket with a chair. "What are you three doing with a chair?"

The trio looks at each other with worried expressions before Cassidy looks back at Miyamoto and answers her question with a lie. "Uhh… playing musical chairs?"

Miyamoto claps her hands together with excitement. "That's so wonderful! I'll get more chairs and play too!" She rushes into the dining room to get more chairs.

"We need to find a way out and fast…" Mondo says.

Both Cassidy and Butch nod in agreement. "Agreed!"

The scene cuts to the gang walking on the frozen ocean, making sure to be extra careful as James is seen with the map and looking at it. "Okay so if we go this way, we will skip past Cinnabar Island and head directly to the Seafoam Islands."

"I'm trusting you with the map this time, Jimmy, don't lead us in the wrong direction," Meowth warned.

The gang continues walking through the path on the ice, battling the harsh wind and snow. The further they go, the more cold they get. "C-can we just sprint to the S-Seafoam Islands? Wouldn't that make us arrive f-faster?" Jessie suggested, stuttering from the cold.

Domino shakes her head, also stuttering from the cold. "W-we can't! If we sprint, that's g-gonna risk potentially slipping and falling, cracking the ice, and going into the cold ocean below us. I-it's a death zone out here."

"I-I wish we could use our Pokémon r-right now. That's going to be a-annoying." Jessie says with an annoyed expression.

"W-we just got to fight through this cold, maybe there's a cave that we can go in that'll keep us from freezing out here." James assumed.

"J-Jessie, I'm hiding under your hat." Meowth lifts Jessie's pink hat from her shoulders and jumps on top of her head before letting go.

"I-I wish I was as small as Meowth, so I would get to hide under your hat too," Domino says with an eye roll.

"M-my hat is not a hotel! Let's just keep walking, like J-James said." Jessie replied.

Several minutes passed with the gang still walking on the ice, getting colder and colder by the minute. The gang feels something shaking below them as they stop and look around. "Do you guys hear that?" Jessie questioned.

The ice starts cracking below the gang as they rush out of the way as a wild Gyarados with red glowing eyes pops up from the ice with a roar.

"IT'S A GYARADOS!" The gang all said together.

The Gyarados roar and plop back down under the ocean. The gang stares at what just happened before suddenly feeling another shake as a crack starts forming below Domino's feet.

"DOMINO BELOW YOU!" Both Jessie and James warned.

"AH!" Domino lets out a yell before diving just in time before the wild red-eyed Gyarados pops back up by breaking the glass. Domino quickly pulls out an empty Poké Ball. "A water type, so I'll get rid of it by catching it! Poké Ball, go!" She throws the empty Poké Ball at the wild red-eyed Gyarados.

The empty Poké Ball hits the wild red-eyed Gyarados and it goes in, but to the gang's shock, the Gyarados were able to immediately break out, not lasting a second.

"The Poké Ball…" "It didn't last even one second…" Jessie then James said.

The Gyarados roars before directing its attention towards Jessie, it opens its mouth, about to go for a move as Jessie quickly pulls out a Poké Ball.

Both Domino and James immediately see Jessie pulling out a Poké Ball. "Jessie, what are you doing?!" Domino questioned. "You can't catch it, it's impossible!" James stated.

"I'm not trying to catch it, I'm trying to battle it, despite this brainwashing thing! Electabuzz, I choose you!" Jessie sends out Electabuzz to battle against Gyarados.

Electabuzz materializes, still having red eyes. "ELEBUBUBU!" Instead of facing the wild Gyarados, the electric Pokémon has its full attention on its trainer with an angry look.

Jessie tries to command her Electabuzz to attack. "Electabuzz, use Thunder on that Gyarados!"

Electabuzz doesn't turn around at all, their main focus is on its trainer as sparks begin flowing on its antennas.

Jessie starts getting worried. "Come on Electabuzz… I commanded you to use your Thunder attack."

"Jessie, it's not gonna work! Electabuzz isn't going to listen to you in these conditions!" Domino reminded her.

Before Electabuzz could electrocute Jessie, the electric Pokémon would get hit by jets of water accidentally from the wild Gyarados behind. Electabuzz slowly turns around towards the atrocious Pokémon with rage. "ELEBUBUBU!" The electric Pokémon blasts Gyarados with powerful electricity from its antennas, electrocuting and instantly fainting Gyarados.

Jessie's eyes widened in shock. "Uhh… nice job, Electabuzz?"

Electabuzz turns back around towards its trainer, static flowing in its antennas, about to go for another attack. "ELEBUBUBU!"

"Electabuzz, return!" Jessie quickly recalls Electabuzz back in its Poké Ball before it can release an attack as she sighs in relief. "That was a close one."

"I guess it did work?" Domino stated, not sure what just happened.

James looks at the fainted Gyarados. "We should get out of here before the wild Gyarados become conscious again."

"Yeah, we should, come on!" Jessie commanded as she and her friends went back on the trail to the Seafoam Islands on the frozen ocean.

After minutes upon minutes of walking on ice, the gang finally stumbled upon some land covered in snow with an entrance of a cave nearby. "I think I see land!" James pointed it out.

"And a cave as well!" Domino added.

"Come on, let's go!" Jessie was starting to sprint towards the land.

Domino and James tried to warn her. "JESSIE, NO!"

But it was too late as Jessie slipped and fell onto the ice. "Ow!" This causes shaking and cracking to happen near the gang as the ice starts to break behind them.

"RUN!" James yelled out as he started sprinting towards the land with Domino following him from behind. Jessie took some time to get up as she started sprinting as well.

The sounds of the ice cracking and breaking are heard behind the gang as they don't stop. James and Domino soon make it to land, but Jessie is behind as the ice breaking gets closer and closer. "Come on, Jessie, sprint faster!" Domino yelled out.

"I'm trying, but there's a cat in my hat that's weighing me down!" Jessie almost slips on the ice again from running but keeps her balance as she looks down and sees the crack of the ice just below her and about to break. Jessie jumps and barely makes it on the land just before the ice completely breaks below her. "That… was a close one," Jessie said, catching her breath.

Domino looks around and notices that she and the rest are surrounded by other islands. "Is this the Seafoam Islands? Did we officially make it?"

James looks at his map and every detail fits. "It looks like it! Just in the nick of time too!"

Meowth peeks out from under Jessie's hat. "Did we finally make it?" He hops back down to the ground.

Jessie glares at Meowth. "You know, it would've been nice if you had done that earlier when I almost got submerged in frozen ocean water."

Meowth defends himself. "I was too scared, okay? But you made it anyway and that's what is important!"

"Let's just get in the cave, I am so cold here, u can feel my hands getting numb," Domino stated.

The gang enters the cave and after a few minutes, they are still shivering. "I can't take this cold anymore! Does anyone have an idea?" Jessie asked.

James thinks a little bit before getting one. "I have one, but we need to build a little firepit."

A montage occurs with the gang gathering a bunch of rocks and sticks scattered throughout the cave as they make a little firepit. "Done. What's next, James?" Domino asked.

James pulls out a Poké Ball. "Alright everyone, stand back! Charizard, I choose you!" Jessie, Meowth, and Domino stand back like James said so as he sends out Charizard.

Charizard materializes and roars, also still having red eyes. The flame Pokémon stares directly at its trainer, James.

"J-Jimmy, what are you doing?" Meowth asked, worried.

James takes a step closer, leaning his head over the firepit, and starts teasing his Charizard. "Hey Charizard, I bet you can't set my head on fire!"

"It's official, James has entered and moved into Crazy Town…" Domino says.

Charizard takes the bait of James' teasing. The flame Pokémon roars and sends a burst of flames toward James.

"EEP!" James quickly moves his head to dodge just in time as Charizard's flamethrower ends up hitting the firepit and lighting it up. "Charizard, return!" James quickly recalls his Charizard back in its Poké Ball.

Jessie, Meowth, and Domino all smile in delight seeing that James' plan worked, and immediately heads towards the fire and all three sit down. "Nice job, Jimmy!" Meowth complimented.

James smiles and joins his friends at the fire. "Thank you! That trick from Jessie that she did with her Electabuzz inspired me with that idea."

"But it wasn't actually on purpose, I just got lucky," Jessie admitted.

"Is it true that the legendary bird, Articuno? was spotted near these islands?" Domino questioned.

"I'll trust Professor Oak's word, Kanto is on the line here and we must beat the three legendary birds before they destroy our home region!" James responded.

"That's all great and everything, but can we just rest near the fire a little bit before going deeper into this cave? I'm not gonna become a cat popsicle." Meowth said.

Domino nods. "You can say that again. I honestly felt like I was on the urge to freeze at any moment. I thought this was going to be an easy trip, but not." Domino looks down. "I miss my little Azurill."

Jessie tries to make Domino feel better. "It's okay, Domino, Azurill is safe in Professor Oak's lab, you got nothing to worry about."

Domino shakes her head. "No, that's not my Azurill. Azurill would never disobey me and try to attack me like that. That's a completely different Azurill in my book." She sheds a tear.

"Oh… I feel the same way with all of my Pokémon too and it's making this journey more hard without them." Jessie looks at Meowth. "At least you're not infected, Meowth."

"I'm kinda curious if I was infected. Like, would I have full control of my body or not?" Meowth asked.

"Let's not think about that, okay?" James responded. "Right now, let's just rest and warm up a little bit by the far before we wander deeper into this cave."

Jessie, Meowth, and Domino all nod in agreement as the gang continues getting comfortable and warm around the fire. The scene cuts all the way back to Pallet Town in Jessie's house where disguised Team Rocket and Miyamoto are playing musical chairs, Cassidy and Miyamoto are the only ones left.

Butch stops the music and Miyamoto seats down on the last chair, winning the game. "I won again! I won again!" She gives herself a round applause.

Cassidy rolls her eyes. "Like if I was trying." She mumbles that to herself.

"Who wants to play another round, huh?" Miyamoto asked with a smile on her face.

The trio looked at each other with worried expressions before Cassidy got an idea. "I got an idea." She whispered.

"It better be a good one," Butch whispers back.

"Yeah, please tell us it's good." Mondo also whispered back.

Cassidy turns to Miyamoto. "I know a different game we can play."

"Oh really? What is the game that you're suggesting?" Miyamoto asked.

"Simple, hide and seek. We go outside and play it!" Cassidy suggested.

"Are you sure? It's still pretty cold outside." Miyamoto pointed out.

"Don't worry, it's just going to be one quick round and we will be back inside," Cassidy responded.

"Oh okay! Just let me take down these board planks and then we can start!" Miyamoto smiled.

The scene cuts to disguise Team Rocket and Miyamoto outside after she takes down the planks. "Who's going to be the seeker?" Miyamoto asked.

"Since you were so good at musical chairs, I think it's best you be the seeker," Cassidy suggested as her partners-in-crime nodded their head. "Just count to a thousand."

"A thousand?!" Miyamoto immediately questioned. "That seems kind of a long number to count to."

"We wanted to make sure our hiding spots are so good," Cassidy replied.

"And with how good you are at these games, I bet you will still find us even with the thousand counts!" Mondo added.

Butch motions Miyamoto to turn around towards her house. "So go back inside your house, close your eyes, and start counting to a thousand!"

"Okay! Be warned, I'm not going easy on you three!" Miyamoto turns around, heading back inside as she starts counting to a thousand.

Disguised Team Rocket looked at each other before screaming together. "TO THE HOT AIR BALLOON PRONTO!" The trio immediately sprints off to get away from Miyamoto.