
ATHENA (goddess of allure)

Rated 18+ “It isn't love if it doesn't hurt, Athena let me be the one hurting” A goddess born into the mortal world... Athena. Innocent, and pure she was raised by her parents with care and tenderness. She had gifts that could make her a threat to the human world. If the wrong people got to find out about her gifts, she would never be able to leave a normal life. Her parents tried to keep her safe, but not for long. Demons and humans got to know about her existence and hunted for her. Before she could learn about controlling her powers her parents were killed by a powerful demon, and she searched for shelter but instead got involved with another powerful ancient demon “Lugaurd”. Lugaurd. With one look you'll think you've met the devil. Cruel, devious, and cunny. men and women fell for his cunny smile - except for a woman that saw him for what he really was. She searched for an angel to save her but met a devil that wanted to taint her. Will she let go of her hate for demons? Will she fall in love with him?

WriterTEE · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

she’s not for sale

Athena sat in her room looking at the other kids' play, she wished she had the opportunity to have fun like that when she was a child.

She sighed and walked slowly to the side of her bed to bring out an umbrella "It is going to rain, it is such a bad day for my birthday " she muttered under her breath.

Ever since she was 6, she could foresee the weather.

Her mom told her not to tell anyone at school and she wondered what was so special about it, she knew her parent was trying to protect her cause they often told her about men who would want to ruin her for her beauty.

Athena was a golden-haired child with green eyes like the forest.

They weren't any human girls that could compare to her beauty. men would stare long and hard at her when she walked past them.

Boys in her school were fascinated by her, she was just twenty and already having marriage proposals from men of high class, but her mother often told her "These men only want you for your beauty, they don't see the potential inside of you. It would scare them if they knew don't pay attention to them".

She knew her mother wanted the best for her as she was their only child.

She had heard several stories of how girls got pregnant and were abandoned by their child's father, and left to fend for the child, and some even end up on the streets.

She had sworn never to be like them so she was obedient to her parents Henry and Grace.

Today she turned twenty, her parents were taking her to eat street food along the streets of California.

Her family was middle class they couldn't afford to take her to a fancy restaurant like girls her age, and she appreciates the little effort they made to celebrate her so she was happy.

She took the umbrella and headed for the stairs that lead to the living room. she was only halfway when she heard her mom and dad's voice she was excited but stopped on her trail when she heard a man's voice much deeper than her dad's.

" it's either you sign the contract or lose her forever, " the man said

" you have no right to come into my home and give orders. she's my daughter, and she belongs here with us, "Henry said looking angry she had never seen her father this angry before.

" tell your boss, she's not for sale," her mother said with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"You still have time Mr Henry, and my boss is not a patient man I must say," the man said standing up to straighten his black suit.

" I'd rather die than sell my daughter, now leave" her mother shouted at the stranger.

Athena walked into the living room wondering what was making her parents act this way. she came into view and saw the stranger. he was wearing a black tuxedo and dark glasses.

He had black hair, and her eyes went directly to his neck. She could see the dragon tattoo he drew on his neck.

She felt an intense glare and her eyes shifted up to see that the man was looking at her with a smirk formed on his face.

"Mr Henry. My boss will gladly grant your wishes," he said and left.

"Mom, Dad, what was that all about?! She asked with her face twisted in worry.

"Oh dear, it's nothing. let me get my keys, and we'll be on our way," her mother said trying to keep her from asking questions.

"Grace. stop there's no need to hide it anymore, we have to tell her before it's too late," her father said he already understood the meaning behind the man's words they had to take her far away from there before anyone could.

" I don't understand Mom, tell me what?!" Athena said she was confused

"It's nothing, but let's go out and eat first, when we come back will talk about it darling," her mother said giving Henry a knowing look, Grace knew Athena was no longer safe with them but she didn't want to ruin her child's special day "The truth could wait," she thought.

Athena wanted to press more but decided to talk about it later, her mom was the first to step outside and her dad followed suit.

They all entered the old wagon that belonged to her grandfather when he was alive, her mother drove quietly it would take thirty minutes to the main road, and the road they were now in was filled with big trees that went up until the end of the road.

No one knew what to talk about. silent fall in the car and Athena turned to the trees along the road to keep herself busy counting them.

She noticed amidst the trees, someone was lurking there. she tried her best to see who it was but before she could take a closer look the person was nowhere to be found. she wondered if her eyes were playing tricks on her.

Suddenly she heard the tires of the wagon screech her mom had stepped on the brake and hit someone, and the car stopped.

"Grace!! what were you thinking about?! see you've hit someone," Henry said opening his side of the door.

Grace couldn't speak she used both her hand to cover her mouth she couldn't believe what she had done and she hoped he wasn't dead.

"Mom, is he going to be okay?!" Athena said scared for the life of the person laying on the floor. She tried to open the door and check on him but her mom stopped her.

"He'll be fine darling, please sit I'll be right back," her mom said with a reassuring smile and opened the door to go help the person laying on the ground.

Henry walked to where the person lay and tries to help him stand "So sorry child we'll take you to the hospital, stay still please where does it hurt?!" Henry asked the young man.

Grace felt guilty and she couldn't go close to them, but she was shocked when the man got up and opened his eyes which were a deep red. realization dawned on them "A vampire..." Before Henry could finish his words the man's fangs were already on his neck.

He ripped Henry's neck off, Athena was terrified she got out of the car when she saw two men approach her mom she was too shocked to scream.

The body of Henry fell to the ground with a loud thud.

" run Athena, don't let them catch you run..." she couldn't finish her words before one of the men used his sharp claws to tear her head from her body.

Athena fell on the ground crying she couldn't run or think she wished she was dreaming, she noticed that the men were now approaching her with their hands and mouths soiled with blood "My parent's blood " she muttered in disbelief.

When the men got closer to her she crawled backwards, she saw a big hand reaching for her shoulder.she felt a strange feeling trying to burst from her she closed her eyes bright light appeared around her and she disappeared.

The men were in shock "She was right here, did you see that light?!" one of the men said with an amused voice.

" you could ask boss when you see him moron, we have to look for her or boss will have our heads, her powers are weak she won't be far" another man said and they began to search for her.

The man knew all about athena and her powers his boss told him what to expect so they began the search.