
Prologue part 1

Realm of Gods

Mount Kailash, at the top of the mountain resides one of the Holy Trinity gods Lord Shiva, the God of Destruction along with his family and retinue. On normal days, Mount Kailash is a silent and picturesque place with many Sages and Gods visiting Lord Shiva and his family on a holy pilgrimage. But today it is entirely crowded with almost all the Sages, Gods and Immortal kings numbering in Billions. Every one of these visitors, irrespective of their status and power are sporting only one look, Fear.

Even then, all of these visitors stayed rooted at their place not intending to make any noise, so as to not disturb the Trinity Gods, who are standing at the edge of Mount Kailash and seriously observing the happenings of the Human realm. To be more accurate, they are all entirely focused on one person, who is currently performing a Great Penance on top of Mount Sumeru, which is the tallest known mountain in Human realm.


Once again bolts of immortal lightning started to strike throughout the lands of Human realm and Gods Realm, shaking the foundations of Gods realm and hearts of all the visitors of Mount Kailash. The intensity of these immortal lightning started to increase with each passing second, growing in ferocity, intending to tear down the very fabric of space and plunge the whole of Gods realm into the vast darkness of Void.

Even the strongest of the Gods, God of Lightning Indra is not confident whether he can remain unscathed if he takes one of these Immortal lightning head on. Like all the visitors present here, he is also shaking in fear, but if observed closely one can easily notice expectation, anxiety and reluctance on his face. Because his fate as the King of Gods is completely dependent on the very person performing Great Penance at the moment.

Lord Brahma, one of the Holy Trinity gods and the creator of the Universe, divided the cycle of Universe as Kalpa or Aeon. Each Kalpa is equal to 4.32 Billion years, during which the universe is formed and completely annihilated.

Each Kalpa or Aeon is in turn divided into 14 Manvantaras. Each Manvantara constitute 71 Yuga cycles or 306,720,000 years. Each yuga cycle is divided into 4 parts Satya Yuga (1,728,000 years), Treta Yuga (1,296,000 years), Dwapara Yuga (864,000 years) and Kali Yuga (432,000 years).

According to one's Karma, Righteousness, Dharma and character, Lord Brahma appoints a person as Manu or the overseer of the Universe. Each Manu will inturn chooses various Gods and Sages as his Ministers and Advisors to help him govern the Universe during his tenure. The time starting from the rise of power of each Manu to the end of his power is called Manvantara. At the end of each Manvantara, only a selected few from each race is chosen to continue the next cycle, while majority of them will perish due to Flood, Natural disasters or the so called Apocalypse.

But the end of Aeon or Kapla is different. During the final 300,000 years of Kalpa, powerful Apocalyptic beasts, monsters, demons of various sizes and races will invade the Universe in intervals cleansing all the life and bringing utter destruction and ruin with them. Only the last surviving person is given a boon or a place among the gods, while Lord Brahma will begin his next creation.

Currently the last surviving person is undergoing severe penance on Mount Sumeru, instead of claiming her reward. Once her penance is finished, it will signify the end of this Manvantara and Aeon. The fear and anxiety behind the current God King Indra is, he won't be God King no more after this. His place will be given to Righteous Asura Emperor Bali, according to the Boon given to him by one of the Holy Trinity Gods, Lord Vishnu. Even if it is for just a second, he want to hold onto his power as God King and silently wished to himself, that the duration of the Survivor penance will keep going on.

Normally one does perform penance for 2 reasons. One is to get rid of their sins and two, it is to gain boons from gods by pleasing them with their penance. Penance is also 2 types, penance through one's Body and Spirit.

Penance through Ones body is to totally undergo fasting and committing to pure non violence towards all living beings. During this penance, one's body will be totally under the mercy of nature, while they completely rid their mind of any thoughts. This type of penance is short and quick penance.

Penance through One's spirit is the higher form of penance. During which one will similarly follow fasting, non violence and emptying their minds, but must focus their spirit to become a part of nature. The more their spirit is synchronized with the nature, the stronger their results. Because of this synchronisation, the longer they perform the penance, the Elements of nature will also start to resonate with the spirit, treating the spirit as a part of them. If the penance keeps on going for a long time, the nature will start unleashing it's fury, as it can feel the pain and determination of the spirit.

Shocking all the Sages and Gods, the current Survivor is going through both penance of Body and Spirit. If one doesn't know the meaning, the onlookers may think she is severely punishing her body.

Instead of the traditional position of sitting cross legged during penance, she decided to perform her penance while standing only on her right toe. As time kept going on, an ant hill started to form with her as the base, which now after several thousand years, completely engulfed her by so many times. Be it the scorching summer heat, the frost biting cold or the downpour of rain, never wavered her determination and she didn't change her position even once. What was once a healthy and attractive body is now only just a bag of bones. Most of her flesh already became a part of the Ants meal. Her long silk like attractive black hair had long turned to ashen white. Her pearl like white teeth now became a part of history.

Impressed by her penance most of the minor Gods, major Gods and various Sages appeared before her, intending to make her stop her penance. But she never responded to anyone of them, as her only goal is to impress the trio of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva.

If it is only one of the trinity gods, they were long impressed and are ready to grant her any boon. Even before performing her penance, they were clearly impressed by her bravery, courage and skill while fighting against hordes of monsters. But to make all 3 of them appear at once, she has to undergo more pain.

As her penance time neared 10000 years, the fury of the nature was unleashed, causing several natural disasters. Since she was the only survivor at the moment, these disasters didn't cause any casualties, otherwise the trio of Gods would have long appeared before her.

But when the time reached 15000 years, the intensity of the nature's fury reached to another level. Now it even affected the Gods realm. Bolts of Lightning started to increase in number and intensity with each passing day destroying majority of the palaces and lands, prompting all the Gods, Sages and Immortal Kings to make a joint appeal to the Holy Trinity Gods. It is also the reason why all of them convened at Mount Kailash now.

But the Holy Trinity Gods completely ignored their combined plea and kept on observing HER for the last 10 years. When everyone gave up, the Trinity Gods made their move and approached the edge of Mount Kailash, waiting for the right time.


Few more Bolts of Immortal Lightning rained on all the observers, due to which even Mount Kailash started to shake because of the impact.

The Trinity Gods looked at each other, silently agreeing that the time has come for them to make personal move. With just a thought all 3 of them disappeared from Mount Kailash and appeared on Mount Sumeru before the ant hill. As if sensing their presence, the nature also calmed down.

Lord Brahma, the Creator waved his right hand making the ant hill disappear, revealing the Survivor who is still in her standing stance chanting the Hymns of the Trinity gods, ignorant of the arrival of the Trinity Gods.

Lord Vishnu, the Preserver shot white holy beam towards her. The torn clothes on the survivor body, which long last their original color, turned to complete white. The body devoid of flesh started to regenerate at a rapid pace, regaining its original healthy and attractive appearance. Even these personal changes in her body didn't stop her or disturb her concentration.

Lord Shiva, the Destroyer looked towards his comrades, showing a happy and pleasant expression, which is reflected on the faces of his comrades too. They are now completely impressed by her thorough dedication and concentration.

"Child wake up. We are totally satisfied with your Penance."- Lord Shiva

The Survivor as if waking up from a dream, opened her star like eyes only to glance at the Holy Trinity Gods, who are completely surrounded by bright and powerful Aura.

Even if she is the only surviving and powerful member of human race, just based on the aura alone, She can tell, she is just like a speck of dust infront of them.

The Survivor for a moment forgot about her true purpose for great penance and kept staring at the Holy Trinity Gods, intending to etch their glorious presence in her mind forever.


Authors Note: Hello friends. This is my attempt to write something different from the traditional stories here. This story contains a lot of aspects from major mythologies, especially Hinduism. For the fictional background of the story and some of the characters I will modify the actual details recorded in Myths.

Example: There is no specific details of any Apocalyptic beasts in Hinduism at the end of time. The only thing that is specified is "The Flood". I am just trying to merge my concept by borrowing from these Myths. I will also try to mention the changes I made to the actual Myths, to the best of my knowledge.

Manvantara is not the reigning period of Manu, but the Rise and end of Manu, including the deaths of all gods too during his tenure. But since some of these Gods and Sages will make their appearance in this story, So I still kept them alive.

Have fun and keep reading. Suggestions are always welcome.

What Boons should the Female Lead wish for? Post your ideas. I already have few fixed out. Will modify them, if I find the suggestions interesting.

Satya2020creators' thoughts