
Asura Ascension

A Orphan Boy who got a chance to walk on path of immortality as he encountered Challenges , Trial etc and passed through them and as he become stronger and stronger . He started to get clue about his parents and his continued to search for his parents. He made many friends during his journey Please Rate my Work

Ujjwal_Sharma_3482 · แอคชั่น
39 Chs

Chapter 34 Dao Heart Shadow

Long Yan Has developed a shadow on his Dao Heart after this fight.

Dao Heart Shadow are obstacle in the path of cultivator as they make it difficult for people to breakthrough the next realm which impact people at the moment of breakthrough which affect them and cause grave injury which may affect people in the way of future cultivation.

Some people would not able to even breakthrough a realm even in there whole lifetime as they remain struck in their cultivation as they even run out of there life but couldn't breakthrough a realm.

Some time Dao Heart shadow develop into heart demon which affect people mind gravely as this demon continue to recide inside a person body and strike when people try to breakthrough the realm and affect people mind. Heart demon is very difficult to deal with as it grow with person cultivation and strike whenever person is weak which make it most sinister type of Dao Heart Shadow.

People couldn't stop them growing strong as it behave like a individual personality opposing the thought of person as they are opposite version of same person with different ideology , principles , nature etc.

As Heart Demon strike at all the point which could affect a person and try to weaken his mind to take over the body of Person. And person would be trapped in his own body.

Long Yan had develop Dao Heart shadow which is very disadvantageous for his future cultivation and this shadow in his heart can only overcome by defeating Yang Chen in an head on battle. But now Yang Chen has disappeared and he didn't know where to find him as didn't know his name even where is he from and which clan.

Yang Chen without being aware of any of this made his way back to his inn ,his mood was down due to all things happened previously.

But he quickly calmed himself down and then took out the Barrel and filled it with blood of Lightning Leopard. He decided to complete his second level of Body Training Technique.

Filling the barrel with blood he took off his cloths and then jumped in barrel as his whole body submerged in it, He could feel the warm blood around him as slight lightning essence which gave a slight tingling feeling on his skin.

He continued to submerge in Barrel then he started to cultivate according to the technique as he started to recite the excercise. When he started reciting the Technique the blood in the barrel started to bubble up and was getting heated and then it started to drill in the body of Yang Chen through his pores as his expression change from relaxed to painful due to the blood pouring inn his body which was bringing pain in his whole body as blood contained huge amount of force in it when it reached inside of Yang Chen Body , Huge energy stored inside it started to get released as the energy started to travel to whole body as the energy inside the blood is very violent as it wreak havoc inside his body due to which it caused pain to Yang Chen.

But ignoring the Yang Chen sat there and kept on absorbing the energy inside blood as pain was increasing gradually with each passing second but Yang Chen kept of cultivating. Energy stored inside of blood was absorbed by its body slowly but it cannot keep up with huge energy released by the blood.

His muscles started to grow stronger more and more with Bones started to grow shiner as time passed his cells was like it was filled with endless energy and would expload but they keep on absorbing the energy realeased by leopard blood.

As time passed slowly an hour passed and Yang Chen was already covered in cold sweat as veins were pooping on his head and he kept on gritting his teeth and his eyes was already red due to pain he was feeling right now but he sat there without moving absorbing the blood in the barrel. Blood inside Barrel started to grow lighter than as he continued to absorb the blood inside it.

As time passed slowly few hours passed as blood inside barrel was already grew colourless without any odour. Yang Chen stepped out of the barrel his body looked very sturdy and his viens has appeared on his body which look like snakes moving inside his body. He felt like his body was filled with endless energy and he could destroy a hill woth his fist. But soon a feeling of exhaustion take over him and then he fall on bed and soon slept there.

Next morning he was there only on his bed sleeping soundly as he eyelid twiched and then he open his eyes and then he got up from his bed he was refresh and wasn't any tired then put on his cloth and got out of the inn after paying his expanses then taking his horse. He started to head back to the sect as he thought about submitting his mission as soon as possible he was only 40000 miles away from sect as he would reach there within 4 days as he started his journey early in the morning.

He keep on feeling the wind on his face while riding the horse.

He travelled for three regular days then on fourth day evening his sect came to his view as he increased the speed of his horse and soon he reached the sect getting off his horse he quickly returned his horse in the stable and then started to walk inside the sect.

While walking administration hall came to his view as he walked towards it like always administration was filled with disciples as they doing their own works in there.

Yang Chen quickly reached Counter where he received his mission as quickly came to the elder and then took out the scroll which was given to him when he received the mission.