
A Promise

Astrid was surprised, but never-the-less nodded. What could Hayden mean? Why did he look crestfallen? Did she say something terribly wrong? What was he going to say?

Hayden stood up, pulled on a pair of his aqua-blue slippers, and walked out of his and Astrid's bedroom. Astrid stood up as well, and walked out of their room, flicking the lights off as she left.

Hayden was waiting for her in the living room. Even from far, she could see that his smile was gone, and he looked sadly forbidden. Astrid followed his steps and sat down right next to him, praying the conversation stood friendly.

"So? How do you know all this, Hay?" Astrid blurted out, her attention fixing on him as she sat down next to him.

"Well..." Hayden began, but his voice broke apart.

"Yes?" Astrid asked.

"The person who fell down the cursed hole...knew my parents."

There was a small silence, in which Astrid gasped, but no sound came out. She was transfixed. Did her parents know this person? Did they give the person information on Darkhollow? Did they?

Trying with immense difficulty to mutter something, Astrid nodded, her note of unease hidden in her mind. She could think of that later.

"Oh..." She muttered silently.

Hayden nodded and, to Astrid's surprise, smiled. "Well, maybe we can go see the photographs. Maybe it'll give us a clue,"

Astrid smiled in return, but her heart was yammering. Did Hayden mean what she thought he meant? Did he want to go find the treasure of Darkhollow, and save it from whatever or whoever was looking for it? Did he want to find the answer to so many mysterious disappearances? Was two 10-year-olds about to solve a mystery hardly anyone has ever?

Hayden stood up, sank his feet back in his flippers, and yawned. "Well...it's getting late, we should- get to bed." He smiled, but his tone was disappointed.

Astrid watched as Hayden climbed up the staircase to their room. This was her only chance...she needed to help Hayden find out the mystery. After everything he gave her? She couldn't bear seeing him go on the mission by himself.

Astrid walked up the staircase, raced into their room, to find Hayden stuffing all of his things into a big travel bag. Astrid looked from the bag to Hayden, and sat down on her bed.

"Are you...packing...?" Astrid asked, uncertainly.

Hayden looked up and hesitantly nodded.

But he couldn't...Astrid thought. It was her parents. She had to help him.

"I'll come with you then," Astrid said, her voice clear with confidence. She had made up her decision. Hayden flinched, clearly surprised.

"WHAT?" He yelled, pulling his hand out of his bag.

"I'm coming with you," Astrid repeated, trying her best to convince him.

Hayden frowned, shoving the Elemenatry into his bag.

"But- you can't!" Hayden muttered, closing his bag with a zip. Astrid shrugged. She could come, she just needed to prove she was capable of keeping herself healthy and happy.

"I'm capable, Hayden. I-I am. I want to come. Please?"

Hayden looked down at his sack, then at her, and nodded.

"Promise? Promise you'll take care of yourself?" He asked.

"Promise..." Astrid smiled, hugging him tightly. They pulled away from the hug and Astrid saw a smile curve on Hayden's lips.

Hayden pulled out a small sack from his bag, and tossed it to her. "Pack! We'll be going to the exhibit tomorrow, we can't miss it!"

Astrid nodded, and looked around at her things. Most of them were already in Hayden's bag. "Where's the weatherall and the elemenatry?"

Hayden smiled. "They're all in here. Just pack clothing and equipment."

"What about food?"

"Oh, that's all packed," Hayden grinned, pulling out a couple of small, blue balls. "These are crystal balls," Hayden added, laughing at the look of surprise on Astrid's face. "It creates soup. And it's good soup. Plus, the crystal ball re-fills itself everyday. We're all set,"

Nodding, Astrid pulled in some clothing, her telephone, a block of wood, a couple of small bags, in case of items, and her pillow.

After that, she zipped up her bag and pulled it over her shoulder, and looked at Hayden with fresh determination.

"I-I'm ready..." Astrid muttered.
