
[ Hunting Prowess 1 ]

[ New patch will be updated! ]

The next morning, I woke up to an unexpected surprise: a strange text window had appeared, and it came with a blaring alarm, which was quite unusual.

It was still early, and Viora was still asleep. I had gone to bed early the previous night because I was tired and hungry.

Luckily, Viora woke me up after I had slept for over an hour to have a late supper. She was an angel, and I couldn't believe that Leno had once described her as hollow.

I couldn't help but wonder how Aeren's presence had changed her. Love can be a powerful force, but it hadn't worked its magic on me, it seemed yet.

I left my comfortable bed and headed straight to the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. After a refreshing morning shower, I began practicing my control over elemental magic.

I settled into a meditative state, striving to grasp the intricate transitions from mana to elemental magic, a practice that had proven to be a catalyst for enhancing my conjuring speed.

As I delved into this training, I remained completely absorbed until I caught the sound of approaching footsteps. However, something felt different about this particular set of footsteps, unfamiliar in their rhythm and cadence.

I ceased my meditation, and to my surprise, it was Aeren who materialized behind the door.

"You're already awake," he remarked, closing the door behind him.

"I turned in early last night," I replied.

Aeren settled down beside me on the bed. "You know that they allow spectators during the final challenge, don't you?" he inquired.

I nodded, though I hadn't been aware of that detail.

"I discussed it with your mother. We'll be there on that day," Aeren revealed, his finger playfully tousling my hair.

"I also managed to secure a day off for it," he added, a hint of awkwardness in his voice as he delivered those words.

"Alright then, I'll see you on that day," he said, giving my back a reassuring pat before rising from the bed and making his way to the door.

"I'm off to work now. Goodbye, and make the most of today. Have some fun too," he urged before closing the door behind him.

His parting words left me with a rush of unexpected feelings. I whispered softly, "Sure... Dad," while my gaze remained fixed on the door. The shadow under the small gap at the bottom of the door gradually faded away.

As was the routine, Vanessa arrived to collect me, and I exchanged farewells with Viora and Rina before we set off for Ruonar's Beast Forest.

This time, I brought along a sword that had been custom-forged to suit my size, a gift from Viora.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" Vanessa inquired.

"I headed straight to bed after you dropped me home," I assured her.

"Good," she responded, playfully flicking my ear. "No using lack of sleep as an excuse for today's challenge."

"Don't worry," I quipped. "I won't be holding back today. And speaking of discipline, your hands have been rather wayward lately. What's with all the face-touching?" I gently shook her hand in jest.

"Aww~ Don't be such a killjoy. You're the only one who tolerates my antics," Vanessa teased, persistently poking my cheeks.

I chuckled in response. "Well then, go start a baby of your own soon," I playfully suggested.

Her reaction was unexpected. "Whoa, hold on! What did you just say!? It seems you have been influenced by someone..." Vanessa squinted both eyes as she scrutinized me.

"Let's just say it wasn't Leno," I mused.

"Achoo!" Leno suddenly sneezed, catching everyone's attention.

"Cover your mouth," scolded Gina, clearly unimpressed.

Leno chuckled, seemingly unfazed by the reprimand. "Sorry about that. It was quite sudden. Maybe someone out there was admiring me from afar," he quipped as he wiped his sneeze with a handkerchief offered to him by Gina.

However, when Leno attempted to return the handkerchief, Gina hesitated. "Just... keep it with you. You might need it again. I'll claim it tomorrow," she insisted, her voice holding a trace of uncertainty.

"Raul and Vanessa aren't here yet," Naera observed.

"They're perpetually late," Sarla chimed in.

Leno, now using the handkerchief again to clear his nose, couldn't resist a comment. "Can't blame Raul. It must be Vanessa."

Just then, Gina spotted the missing duo. "Speak of the devil. There they are," she exclaimed, waving her hand to get their attention.

Upon reaching the border just before entering the forest, we spotted our group waiting near a large white tent. Vanessa and I hurried over to join them.

Gina, the ever-punctual one, couldn't resist scolding us for being late. Vanessa apologized with a chuckle, to which Gina replied, "Anyway, it's alright. We still have 20 more minutes."

Once we were all gathered, Gina and Leno approached the individual in charge of the white tent, which appeared to be a supply point for aid and food. The person had an adventurer guild-branded bracelet and necklace.

"Well, now that everyone's here, I'll provide a brief overview of the Hunting Prowess Challenge," the man announced.

"First and foremost, a crucial rule: you must not venture beyond The Green Zone. I urge all mentors to take this to heart," the man's voice carried a heavy emphasis on this point.

"Next, as mentioned by the host earlier, our guild members will judge your performance as ascendants. Points will be awarded based on the rank of the monsters you hunt. However, it's essential to understand that any consequences that befall you will be the mentor's responsibility. The entire party will face penalties if this rule is not adhered to."

He continued, "Furthermore, additional points will be granted if the ascendant handles the hunt independently, with mentors merely observing as bystanders. If mentors actively participate in the hunt, the points will be halved. It's crucial to assess the suitable rank of the monster for the ascendant to hunt to maximize your bonus point advantages."

"Additionally, I must stress the importance of refraining from interfering with or stealing another party's hunts. Penalties will be imposed unless it's absolutely necessary," the man cautioned.

He went on, "Furthermore, engaging in fights with other parties is strictly prohibited. With that said, in just five minutes, you may commence the challenge as soon as we distribute these magic bracelets to you."

Each of us received a black bracelet and was instructed to wear it, while the mentors were equipped with white ones.

"This is a magic bracelet that will transmit your location and monitor your condition. It will alert us if anything happens to you or if you venture beyond The Green Zone. Removing it before the challenge concludes will result in penalties. Additionally, the screen on the bracelet will display the points you and your party have accumulated. The judges overseeing your party will promptly transmit the points to you after each monster hunt," the man explained.

{ Team Points : 0 }

{ Points : 0 }

I checked the holographic screen that emerged from the bracelet when I tapped the screen.

Curiosity piqued, Sarla raised her hand and asked, "May I ask a question?"

The man nodded and replied, "Of course, go ahead."

Sarla inquired, "Do the judges follow us during the challenge?"

The man confirmed, "Yes, they do, but you won't be able to see them. They employ a special magic device to conceal themselves."

"With all the instructions given, you can commence the hunt in just one minute," the man announced, glancing at his watch to mark the countdown.

"Alright, as we discussed earlier, I'll team up with Raul, Deni and Cliff will be with Leno, and Sarla and Naera will be with Gina," Vanessa reminded us of our groups.

Leno then proposed a bet, earning a sigh from Gina as she leaned in to listen. "What's your idea?" she inquired.

Leno grinned mischievously. "How about a wager? Whoever ends up with the lowest score out of the three groups, the mentor has to treat the entire party to dinner tonight."

Gina voiced her concern, "That might not be fair for Vanessa since she only has Raul—"

But before she could finish, Vanessa confidently declared, "I'm in!"

Leno chuckled, "Oho, someone's feeling ambitious today."

Gina sought confirmation, "Are you sure about this, Vanessa?"

Vanessa reassured her, "Don't worry. I've done my fair share of hunting in this forest. I've got plenty of advantages." She suddenly winked at me.

'Guess I don't have much to lose in this bet,' I mused to myself, silently accepting the challenge.

'Give it your best shot, Raul. I've put all my bet on you.' Garen sent his enthusiastic mental thoughts to me.

With the bet having been set we began our hunting challenge.

'Talent Forge!' I said just to check how far it had progressed.

[ Your Mind Reading 'Talent Forge' is still under progress…60% ]

'This progress is longer than I thought.'
