

The smile on Akin face blossomed more and more until it became a laughter, a maniatic laughter with a hint of relief.Minutes passed and Akin was still laughing so intense that his body should had ached.

- Hahaha a body, i will have a body again, hahaha. Even death couldn't stop me, you all just wait i will payback to you all soon.- A voice that didn't belong to Akin was heard coming out of from his body between each laughter.

- But was a trash body, i will be barely able to cultivate like this, Who care, this is what i have for now, i would be able to get something better once i get out of here.- Said the voice after a quick inspection to his new adquired body.

As the voice soon die out and Akin snapped out of his trance his expression was filled with confusion, 'Has he just passed out?' he asked himself. For a few moments he lost the notion of his existence itself.

'What a powerful will'. A susprised voice sounded inside Akin's Soul Realm, but not even Akin could heard it.

'I guess i spent to much time inside that damned fire, i will stabilize my soul first, then i would take over this body and you all,just wait,wait...'. The voice faded away.

Akin didn't knew what happened to him, but what can you do about the thing you don't understand? Moving his gaze he caught sight again of the white ball of light floating in front of him. Then he noticed a sense of hunger from the deepest of his being, a urge to touch that specks of white light. Waiting for the light to be a safe distance from the fire, he was droolling and as soon

as the light was passed the mark, he rushed forward and touch the light. There was the warm feeling again and to his surprise he didn't fell sleep, he briefly enjoyed the feeling and soon begun searching fot white lights as a madman.

In a short span of time, Akin was able to find and touch more of those white specks of light than in the past five years, it seemed as if he can felt where they would to be or as if something was pulled him toward them. He didn't cared, he lose himself more and more in the sensation he got after touching the lights. And with the amount of light speck touched increasing his face features were slighty changing too. Some time over Akin face could been seen the shadow of the face of a totally different person.

- More,more, i need more -. The voice coming from Akin mouth wasn't his own.

- My soul should heal soon and that should be our farewell, little friend.- Said the voice.

Akin's chase for the white specks didn't pause even for a moment, as time passed, the moments for which he pass out seemed to increase in length and ratio. Making him worried, as everytime he waked up, he was in a place entirely different from where he lose consencious, even if he was fine that was too weird. He didn't care at the beggining because the amount of white lighst he found where entincing enoughbut now this was getting out of his hands. He was about to sat down and analyze properly his situation when he black out for a long time.

The sunlight filtered through a little hole in the roof and for his own bad luck it fell directly over his face. Slowly opening his eyes he saw her, crouched over his chest, fully naked, her hair all messy, sleeping comfortably, he didn't remembered the previous night actions but it seems they were full of passion. He moved his hand trying to reaching her face but stopped at the last moment, maybe was better let her rest a little bit longer. But she awakened like feeling his hand and moved her face to it,following, he rubbed her cheeks, lips and ear and then stared at her eyes what she replied looking at his. Then she smiled mischievously and grabbed his most intimate part, his eyes got opened wide and...

The rhythmically sound of the swords clashing with the shields crossed the battlefield, two armies of tens of thousand of people were divided by an esplanade. The

excitement aroused inside him, the enemy was at his sight, they looked like more glory to earn and more blood to see.

-Soldiers, enlist your weapons! - A thunderous voice resounded through his army.

The melody stopped, an immense aura was deployed, the bloodthirst filled the space around, even the world itself seems came to an halt.

-Attack! - Finally the command was given.

The armies moved, the ground shook, this aimed to be a massacre for either side. Soon his sword meet some flesh, a arm was totally severed, at the next strike

someone was divided at half. Blood was spraying over his body, making him felt so warm.

The images came and went, one after another. Even though they order was chaotic after hundreds of times of seeing each, Akin's mind was able to give them a proper order to them. In the time he spent unconscious he started dreaming and those dream were so realistic, as to say he was living another person's life. And he believe he was because after waking up he could recall all those person memories as if they were his owns. He wondered if in that moment he was Akin or if he was anyone else but he couldn't thought too much about that as he had something else to worried for. His point of view was like a spectator seing through his eyes, he was in his body but he hadn't any control over it, it was weird, too weird but he didn't even had time to freak out as he fell unconscious again.

Inside Akin's Soul Realm a figure took form, even though it was extremely flimsy and almost transparent, if Akin were to see it he would recognize him as the person he got the memories of. He was checking his soul and a smile could been seen in his diffusal face, he was very satisfied with the result, he then shifted his gaze to Akin's soul it was time to devour it and gain real control over this body. This was a second chance, a second chance as he never heard of nobody had one like, he would make a miraculous return, he would finally broke through his shackles and got his revenge and finally he would make it back to his beloved.

- I guess this the goodbye my friend.- Said sarcastically the figure.

- Your guess is right. - A sweet voice replied to him.

And suddenly a cage made of light, or countless tiny ball of lights, trapped him. He tried to escape but just touching one of the cage's bar was enough to make him cried of pain, he could felt as one part of his soul vanished from existence. He was scared beyond words, 'Were this voice come from? When did it get here?' he continued asking himself. He didn't scanned this body before coming in as his soul was very weak at that moment but after he recovered a little he did it and he didn't found anything wrong. If he knew such a powerful existence dwelled inside this body, he wouldn't even would made the attempt in first place. Letting the fire, out there, burned your soul hurts a lot, and it was equally to have your life blanked out, but you could still reincarnate. If he were to being eaten, or destroyed by this cage, he would be desappearing forever.Turning around he saw his captor, it was a beautiful female able to inatuate to anyone with just a look, she seemed to be clothed in a dress made of a piece of sky, adorned by countless tiny stars.

- Miss, miss, i didn't knew you had an eye on this body, please forgive this little one, I swear that if you let me go i wouldn't even look back.- Pleaded the gauzy figure.

- This body isn't mine, is his. I am just fuel for him, as you would be soon. - Replied calmly the female without even look at pleading being .

The cage started decreasing in size after his words to a fast speed, and the cries and curses filled Akin's Soul Realm.

- Bitch, i cursed you, you will be...

The size of the cage was already half its initial's and before the gauzy figure could utter another sound the cage suddenly shrink to the point of disappear. The female figure was still looking at the sleeping Akin, her face expresionless.

- I guess is time to pass 'that' onto you.

With those words she disappeared and Akin soul was again as lonely in his Soul Realm as himself in the outside world.

and here it is, today's chapter...

SoyNegrocreators' thoughts