

I was sitting in the empty plains on the outskirt of Lucifis, waiting for Ordos to arrive.

He must be a late sleeper because I have been waiting for an hour. I even woke up early cause I really needed to train since I was lacking.

I packed myself some lunch just in case I get hungry. After all, we are going to train for an entire day.

"What's up Seiya?"

I turned towards a cyan haired boy, Ordos, who was being followed by… his sister?

"Why is she here?"

"Is there a problem with me tagging along?"

Manami said nervously, and I understood why. The way she looks at me is out of fear. It must be because of the large scar on my neck that she saw. Well, it is a bit frightening to see, so that's why I hide it with my scarf.

"Hey now let's calm down. My mother said I had to watch over her as she is a bit busy with work right now. And besides, my sister is going to need to know what she will be going up against since she's going to apply to the adventurer's academy next year."

"So she's here to watch us train?"

"Yeah basically."

I looked over at Manami who was sitting on a rock. The training we are about to do might be a bit intense, and she might get caught in the crossfire.

"Well then, she'll have to be a bit further than there. We might… well, I think you know."

"What do you mean?"

I pointed at the crater that I made weeks ago and he remembered. Then a nervous expression filled his face.

"Yeah, that'll be bad. But she's not that close to us. I think she'll be fine as long as we don't go overboard."

I sighed and shook my head. Well, as long as we don't go overboard then I guess she won't be caught in our sparring.

"Fine, let's just get to business before I regret this."


We walked away from each other until there were 15 feet of empty space in front of us.

Ordos took a hold of his spear, spinning it around and then getting into a stance. I drew out my daggers which were on my back and also got into a stance.

"You're not gonna use those two swords of yours?"

He said pointing to my Katana and Ninjato which were strapped on my waist.

"Not unless you have a death wish."

I said coldly and even from here I could hear him gulp.

"Jeez, sometimes the way you speak gives me the chills."

The way I speak? This is how I always speak. Does he have a problem? What? Should I be speaking all gangster-like or something?

"Whatever, you ready?"

"Whenever you are."

"Then try blocking this."


I poured some of my mana into my dagger, covering it in lightning. Then I threw towards him and he quickly panicked. He quickly swung his spear deflecting my dagger back at me and I caught it.

I dashed towards him, boosting myself with a soaring fist. Ordos reacted quickly, turning into sand to avoid my tackle.

As I slid across the field, Ordos hastily reformed and sprint towards me. He swung his spear with precise movements and I weaved. I had to admit he was faster than I expected. With that height and body build of his, you could say he could be compared to an Olympic athlete.

There were some close calls; I nearly had my white bang cut off with that spear of his. When I was unable to dodge, I would quickly block his attacks with my daggers.



When he said that his hair was now a different color. Spotting this detail, I immediately knew why. I felt a sharp end on my calf. I looked down to see a large scorpion tail pointed towards leg.

"Smart… I didn't even notice."

I was too distracted by his spear movements that I forgot about his tail. I didn't even see it appear. Guess he got better with his transformations after mana accumulation class. I have to say he's smarter than I expected.

"Guess that's 1 point for me."

"I never recalled having this as a competition."

"Well we should make one. How about this? Whoever gets 5 points gets to have the loser do whatever they want for a month."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Well yeah! It's not like I'm going to be losing though."

Well that's where you are wrong, the one that's going to be losing is not me… but you.

"Then let's get to it. Currently, 0 - 1."

We walked away from each other and returned to our spots.

He had a smug look on his face. He really thinks he's going to win huh? He's gonna be pretty pissed off once I shatter his expectations. Never in hell am I going to do some stupid request from this guy.

I won't lose to any distractions now because my mind is completely concentrated on one thing…

Not letting this stupid cyan haired boy win.

"You got this brother!"

Cheered Manami who was watching from a distance. Ordos was happily smiling and waving back.

"I definitely won't lose as long as you are cheering me."

Well this is bad. The only thing that can motivate someone like him is a little sister cheering him on. The term for people like him is… a siscon.

Looks like I'm going to have to step up my game.

I would place my daggers back into their sheaths. Then I would unsheathe my Katana and my Ninjato, the Katana being on the right hand and the Ninjato on the left.

"Why don't we have your little sister be the witness for our spar?"

"Excellent idea."

Ordos called Manami to count down for us and she began.

"3… 2… 1…!"

Hmm, I think this attack should get me my first point.


Ordos grinned and dashed towards me. That was a fatal mistake he made. I'd transform, massive wings protruding out of my back and wrapping around my body. My wings began humming and glowing. I know what the humming sound from my wings could do. The energy they gave off allowed me to float off the ground even without using them. I could literally float without moving my wings at all. It is perfect for this attack I'm going to perform.

"Here goes!"


I ground beneath me began to heat up and at that moment I lunged myself forward with all the energy and strength that my body could handle, with my blades pointed towards Ordos.

I charged towards Ordos like a whirlwind, moving at lightning speed. In a panic, he quickly dispersed into sand, avoiding what could've been his untimely death.

My arms started to burn as I kept on spinning, so I stopped myself before I could get my arms ripped off.

I stopped, striking the ground with my Katana which made a ringing sound that could've sounded like it slashed through the space-time continuum. My wings, still making the humming sound, began to shrink and folded down in a manner of a coat.

"Guess that's a point for me."

I turned around looking at Ordos who had a worried look on his face.


I looked over at Manami who now had one finger up on both her hands.

Good, now I'm not being overtaken by some incompetent fool.

We took a quick break; restoring our energy. Since it was my first time performing that kind of attack, I should give it a name.

"Piercing Vortex."

Oh who am I kidding? That is a horrible name.

"What? Is that really the name you are giving that attack?"

"Yeah, you have a problem?"

"I was expecting something like ultra drilling piercer or something."

"Your naming sense worries me."

Well, at least I can name better than this guy.

A few matches later, the points were now 4 - 2; me being the one having 4 points.

I've been getting the hang of using Piercing Vortex that I think I might have broken the laws of newton.

"Seiya, can you stop using that attack?!"


"You are getting on my nerves here. Whenever you do that Piercing Vortex move, it makes me feel like you are actually trying to kill me!"

"Huh, what a disappointment. Fine, I'll stop using it."


And here I thought he was actually some kind of genius. Looks like he can't even handle Piercing Vortex, even though I've only used it like four times. I think I'm pretty close to mastering it. Two more attempts would do.

I sheathed my Katana and my Ninjato. Well, at least that gives me the chance to make a new attack. Actually, I've been thinking of one while we were sparring.

We took another break and quickly finished our lunches. We began to spar again.

While Ordos was getting ready, I was focusing all of my vigor and mana into the end of my index fingers. I would then rub them together and waited until the time was right.

"Well then, are you both ready?"

Manami asked and we both nodded.

"3… 2… 1…!"

Let's see if he could see this coming.


Ordos dashed forward towards me, but then he immediately stopped. Why? Well, I guess I would also be intrigued when I see my opponent having lightning in his hand.

Before he stopped, I had triggered my attack. During this, my mana and my vigor that is required will be expended instantly, so I didn't even need to wait for this move to start up. Though, I do have to wait till it charges up.

I got into a Kamehameha pose because it just seemed necessary, and lightning circulated around my body. I had quickly activated a quick lightning spell, Raijin, a low tier but effective spell. My vigor radiated light purple energy that wrapped around my hands, giving off a bright glow.


Let's see, all potentially cool moves need a badass name, so if I were to name this attack, it would have to be called something related to lightning since, well, it is generating lightning.

After I quickly thought up a name, like the degenerate weeb I am, I shouted out the name of my potentially violent and life-threatening attack.

"Jupiter's Hammer!"

I stuck out my opened hands and pushed them forward at chest height like I was firing a Kamehameha. Then a beam of purple energy engulfed in black lightning shot out and charged straight forward. The recoil pushed me back a few feet, but I managed to not lose my footing.

"Oh, shit!"

Ordos shouted. He jumped to the side before he was hit and changed into sand to break his fall. My ray of radiating energy made a beeline and disappeared into the forest. Then following the beam, a massive explosion erupted in the forest.


The sound of the explosion echoed through the air and a flock of birds flew up into the air.

Shit… that's definitely gonna cause a panic. I did not think that it was going to be that powerful.

"I'd say today we uhh… head back."

Ordos and Manami quickly agreed, and we took our stuff and fled the area. However, due to the power that I put into that attack, I fell onto the ground, exhausted.

"Ordos... help me... I can't move."

"God damn it, you just had to go overboard. Did you really want to win that badly?"

I nodded rapidly. Who the hell would want to be a servant to this guy?

After that, I was dropped off at the inn, and Ordos and Manami returned to their bakery.

I flopped onto my bed and decided to take a long… nap. I didn't even bother trying to take my gear off, that's how tired I was.

And that's how my Saturday went.



