
Ascending demon

In a diverse world of multiple species dwelling in different realms, Argus awakens in the demon realm with only his name in memory. Join him on an adventure as he navigates this unique world, discovering his past and witnessing his ascent to unknown heights.

Aneru · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 16: Future shadow master

While Argus and Erebus sat in the moving carriage, Argus couldn't contain his curiosity.

"Is this another dimension you've created, or is it the same as the previous one?" he inquired.

Erebus chuckled and responded, "I never thought you'd ask. This is indeed another dimension I crafted, but it's much larger than the previous one. I made it for the sheer enjoyment of creating a world for my shadows."

"The size of this world is comparable to a continent. If you can imagine it, that's how vast it is. But, I had to expend a tremendous amount of mana to bring this dimension to life..." Erebus laughed.

While Argus and Erebus conversed, the carriage abruptly stopped, and the commander spoke.

"Lord Erebus, looks like more ants eager to meet their end today..."

Erebus cast a wary glance, while Argus, intrigued, swiftly opened the carriage window. A group of armed mercenaries had halted their progress. Meanwhile, shadow soldiers lurked, poised to strike.

The commander, stepping out, confronted the mercenaries, demanding, "What do you seek, mercenaries?"

Amidst chuckles, one mercenary replied, "We desire your carriage; it appears to be made of special material." *He chuckled darkly.*

Erebus stepped out of the carriage, advancing towards the mercenaries as he spoke.

"I can't fathom why you're fixated on a mere carriage, but we won't surrender it to you."

The mercenary and the commander were visibly startled. The mercenary, sword in hand, trembled with fear as Erebus, emanating a killing intent, locked eyes with them.

The commander, overwhelmed by the pressure of Erebus's presence, quivered in anticipation of what Erebus might unleash. The mercenary perceived Erebus as a white dragon, thirsting for blood.

Instead of fleeing, the mercenary opted to confront Erebus. As the assailant closed in, the commander swiftly unsheathed his sword, but Erebus intervened.

"Stop. Allow me to handle this."

Erebus declared with a smirk. He pointed at the oncoming mercenary, conjuring an eerie black fire that raced towards them. The mercenary, caught off guard, couldn't react in time. In an instant, they vanished into ash, leaving behind a powerful shockwave.

Erebus maintained a neutral expression as he spoke, "Well, another instant kill. I shouldn't have placed something like that in my dimension, haha."

Continuing his dialogue, Erebus said, "Let's carry on. My coat is now dirty thanks to this swarm of ants."

The commander nodded, signaling the shadow soldiers to resume their journey. As Erebus entered the carriage, Argus inquired, "Isn't this your dimension? Why are there surprises like that?"

Erebus, sweating and laughing, explained, "It's quite dull without some action in my dimension, so I added a little twist, hehe."

The carriage began moving again as they continued their journey.


While they were traveling, Argus asked, "Are you a mage or something?"

Erebus laughed and replied, "Of course, I am. But I know what you're thinking. I have a little background in swordsmanship, but I'm more of a rune spell user."

"I need to learn basic swordsmanship so I can teach you the shadow sword technique," Erebus expressed.

Curious, Argus asked Erebus, "What is that black fire that you cast?"

Erebus explained, "It's a basic fireball spell, but I call it Black Maria."

Realizing something, Erebus added, "Oh yeah, maybe it could be great help in the future. Do you know that you can combine two or three energies at the same time?"

"Maybe because Lord Drakarion didn't put it in the book, but he's also the one who invented the pill that helps you combine your energy with another energy."

Erebus continued, "My mana core is fire element. Back then, before I met Lord Drakarion, thanks to the shadow energy and the pill he made, I finally combined my energies – fire and shadow. So, you probably see why my fireball is black."

Shocked by Erebus's revelation, Argus's curiosity pushed him to ask again, "What's the name of the pill?"

Erebus explained, "It's called the extraction pill. It makes your energy flow like blood. It's a very dangerous pill to use, and you need to carefully consider your decision before swallowing it. If it doesn't succeed, there's a chance you won't be able to use mana or energy again."

"You have to control the mana flow and choose which energy you want to extract. For example, if you choose fire, you need to guide its flow to the energy you want to extract. If successful, you need to cultivate it so that the chosen energy mixes with the one you're extracting. Based on my experience, it's quite painful in the belly and very hot."

Argus was taken aback, his thoughts racing, *I never thought such a pill would exist. How skilled and knowledgeable is Drakarion in alchemy?*


Finally, they arrived at their destination—a clearing in the middle of the forest. Argus and Erebus stepped out of the carriage, and as Argus surveyed his surroundings, Erebus spoke.

"Follow me, so you can't get lost."

Argus nodded, trailing behind Erebus. The Shadow army followed closely, while others guarded an entrance.

As they walked, Argus noticed a grand temple and observed two shadow guards stationed there. The guards quickly acknowledged Erebus's presence.

"Greetings, Patrician. The two guardians pay their respects."

Erebus nodded and introduced Argus to the guardians. They, in turn, were visibly shocked, placing their hands over their chests as they greeted him.

"Greetings, Sir Argus, the future Shadow Master."

Argus was shocked and nodded; Erebus walked as he spoke, "Follow me."

Argus followed Erebus as they entered the temple. He noticed a giant shadow ball in the middle of the temple, guarded by five shadowy figures. Argus questioned, "What is that giant shadow ball right there?"

Erebus replied, "It's the area I told you about. That ball is no ordinary shadow ball; it's energy, made from my Shadow energy. I believe it's sufficient for cultivating shadow energy."

Argus nodded, but a thought struck him, and he asked, "Is this the place where you used to train and cultivate? Was that shadow ball created with a purpose?"

Erebus nodded as he explained, "Yes, I deliberately created this energy ball. It didn't exist when I was still training. This dimension is much older than the previous one, almost a thousand years old, if not more. Compared to the previous dimension, it's relatively new."

"I created that shadow ball for you. Lord Drakarion believed that another shadow energy user would appear someday, so he requested me to make something to expedite your cultivation and practice. That's why I decided to create this."

Argus was shocked and asked, "How long has this shadow ball been here?"

Erebus explained, "Not that long. I made it before Lord Drakarion gave you the book."

"It's amusing that he believes in your great potential, and I agree. I'm not jealous. Honestly, I could become a god if I wanted, but I desire a decent life with enough influence to survive."

"But if I were to become a god, there might be a reason for it, just like your goal. You didn't seek power for nothing."

Erebus cleared his throat, "Ahem, time to end the drama. You should start your breathing training. I'll give you ten minutes, then I'll call you."

Argus nodded, and as Erebus walked toward the Commander, Argus thought, *He's right. I didn't seek power for nothing. That's why I need to find out soon...*

**Chapter 16 end**

Chapter 16 is here!, I hope you enjoy this chapter and please give me a feedback I really want it :)

Anerucreators' thoughts